February 2021

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, February 08, 2021

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, February 08, 2021 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Gary Gilpin, Jim Lansford, Laura Miller, Jeane Brieland, and Jim Hardway.



Jim Lansford:  Jim had Mr. Ezell (Ezell’s Excavating) come out to his residence.  Mr. Ezell stated he can do the work for Jim. (Run tile to have the water rerouted to his pond as opposed to down to the creek.)  Doug Raymer and Bart Dann both asked that he contact Jim Crane at the Highway Department before any work is completed.  This tile will have to run under the highway, and the Village wants everything approved first.



Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes.  Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed.



Jim Lansford made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed.



  1. Schedule Trash Days: Friday, June 25 from Noon–4 and Saturday, June 26 from 8–4.  Electronics will be accepted for a $5 fee.  Lakewood Estates and Patterson Springs are both welcome with your water bill.


  1. Schedule Park Clean Up and Golf Cart Registration Days: April 10th from 9-1


  1. Schedule City Wide Garage Sales: Friday, June 18th and Saturday, June 19th



  1. Approve Bid for Community Building Step Replacement/Repair:


Jim Lansford made a motion to accept the bid from Kross Masonry.  Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Nancy George made a motion to hire Bushur for the removing and repairing of the columns and concrete slab at the entrance of the basement not to exceed $2100.  Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed.




Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following to President Dann before the meeting:

  • The wand we purchased for meter readings won’t work. Census brand wands will only work on Census brand meters.  Census meters start at $4000 new.  We are on a list for a used one.  The other wand was returned.  The EPA is pushing for radio wands (just FYI).
  • Bought another pallet of salt
  • Kyle plowed until 2am on Saturday
  • Cleaned up brush on River Rd
  • Head Start washer and dryer was delivered. The delivery truck pulled out Miller’s power line, the Community Building power lines, rippled the power box out of the machine shed, and the wire from the Community Building to the shed.  The delivery company has agreed to pay for the repairs.  An insurance claim has already been opened by Bart.  Doug and Kyle have pictures.  It was AM Trucking.
  • The stop sign at Vine and Main was knocked down. No one saw anything.  There is a temporary sign in place until the new one can be installed.  (It was not on the same day as the truck accident mentioned above.)
  • When the power box was ripped out and replaced, it blew all the lights in the Community Building. 14 new LED bulbs have been installed, and they look great!
  • The plumbing will be installed this week for the washer and dryer. It will $1850 and installed by All Pro.  ERBA approved this cost and will add these fees to their rent.


  • March 1 – Verizon is slated to begin construction on the water tower.
  • Basketball hoops were ordered ($877) and delivered.

Nancy had a question:  Kyle had mentioned in a previous meeting about the EPA suggesting water departments have an alternate power source in case of a power outage.  She wondered if this alternate power source would be natural gas, propane, or gasoline.  The Board suggested it would most likely be natural gas.

Gary asked if Verizon was using natural gas for their back up generator.  He suggested that maybe we could tie into their line and place a second valve for a generator for the Village to connect to in the future.

Nancy also stated that there are some poles the lie between the gravel lot and the grass that are held in place with some rebar.  She said the rebar has either worked it’s way out of the ground, or was not pushed in far enough as it is sticking out of the ground at a dangerous level.  She asked if Doug and Kyle could either pound them farther into the ground or remove them – if the poles will stay in place without them.

Nancy also asked about the basement light being on late.  She noticed it for several nights.  Bart told Nancy that Doug has installed Wifi bulbs that are set to a timer.  They come on and off at set times.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:56 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk