November 2024

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Monday, November 11, 2024


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, November 11, 2024 at the Camargo Village Hall.  The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:01 pm.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, Wade Lorenz and Gary Gilpin.  Treasurer Shirley Badman and Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer were both present as well.


Public Comment:  N/A


Approval of Consent Agenda:  Nancy George made a motion to accept the consent agenda with a few corrections to the October Regular Session Minutes.  Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion carried.


Discussion and Approval of Donation to Operation Gift:  The Board discussed and agreed to $100 donation to Operation Gift.


Discussion and Approval of Property Purchase at 411 S John Street:  President Bart Dann spoke with JCITB Representative Roy.  Roy had a conversation with the residents at 411 S John, and informed them they had to be off the property by November 10.  There are three options moving forward concerning this property:

  1. $11,000 – JCITB purchases the property.  We buy it from them, and we evict them.
  2. $10,500 – We do a quick claim and all the leg work.
  3. $12,500 – JCITB does all the leg work, and the Village purchases the property afterwards.

The attorney suggested option 1 would be the best option for the Village.  Just for the Board’s information, President Dann informed them that the “residents” of this property have squatted across the street – in a property that we are working on condemning (Tommy Powell).  There is currently no power and no water at this residence.  This property goes up for the final tax sale on May 12, 2025.  At this point, it will become an auctionable property.  As of right now, Douglas County bought the taxes.


Wade Lorenz made a motion to move forward with the 411 S John purchase with the $11,000 option mentioned above.  Nancy second the motion, and motion passed unanimously.


Discussion of Auction Property at 410 S John Street:  This property was just purchased from Amanda Duckwiler, and the trailer will be auctioned by public notice.  The Board would like for it to be viewable by appointment with a starting bid to be $1.  A reasonable time to remove the trailer would be sixty (60) days, and the Board requested the bids to be sealed.  The car port and shed are already sold.  Ms. Duckwiler sold them prior to selling the property to the Village.  Treasurer Shirley Badman had some questions regarding the legality of the bid/sale process.  She stated she would look into the requirements and get back to the Board at the next board meeting.


Discussion and Approval of the Speed Limit Changes:  Attorney Kenneth Crossman is working on the ordinance for this.  This topic will be tabled until the next meeting.


Village Superintendent Report:  Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:

  • Frontier gave Kyle a map for future digging (see attached)
    • Purple = new boring
    • Blue and Yellow = attaching to existing poles
  • IDOT will rip-rap the ditch at the north corner of Main and Route 130.
  • EPA accepted our violation notifications
  • Kyle sent new samples in
  • Victory Church repaired Second Street.  The asphalt that was torn out has been placed at Taylor Haines Park.  There were no issues, and the road looks great.
  • There is a sink hole at the Community Building.  It is being caused by a broken tile.  Kyle has filled it with rock and it sank back in.  They are going to dig across the parking lot and completely redo the tile.  There is a gas line that runs through there; which means a lot of hand digging. Cody is on vacation and will return on Wednesday.
  • Several tiles are plugged and possibly creating small sink holes throughout the town.  They are going to look into repairing all of them this week.
  • Kyle is going to look into aeration systems for the water tower as soon as things slow down a bit.


Village President Report:  Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Bart looked into the salt spreader purchase.  He has provided two options for you to look at it and think about.  We will add it to the next Board meeting’s agenda and make a decision at that time.  In the meantime, you will see that one of them is $2400 more than the other one.  This one (Boss) has several options that make it stand out above the Salt Dawg:
    • No Salt Dawg (Home Depot) dealers in the area. Therefore, if we need repairs or parts, we have to send it off.
    • It comes decked out with strobe lights.
    • There is a 2 year warranty
    • We can have it delivered in a week
    • It has slides to be installed and removed with the forktruck
    • It comes with an LCD screen
    • It weighs 640 pounds and holds 1 ton of salt
    • Kyle can install everything
    • We will not need to utilize the township shed for salt storage or purchasing of bulk salt.  They can load and sell salt on demand in Urbana.
    • Steve Prosser reached out and asked to borrow the tables in the basement.  The Board discussed this option and stated that the plastic tables and chairs will not leave the property.  However, they were agreeable to the wooden tables.  Nancy just wanted to reiterate that people have asked to borrow the fiberglass tables in the past, and were advised no.  The Board agreed to allow Steve to borrow the wooden tables.
    • It comes with the pintel 
      • This is a $400 option and makes it possible to use the spreader with turkey grit.
  • A water cooler will be purchased and installed this week for the Village Hall.  Since Kyle graciously donated a Keurig and some K-cups, Bart will also purchase some coffee, hot cocoa and supplies.
  • Greg Miller of Bees Trees called Bart.  There is a tree in his neighbor’s yard (Lamkin).  The tree is dead, and Mr. Miller offered to remove the tree several years ago.  He was instructed to leave the tree alone by the previous homeowner.  This tree is sitting next to a fire hydrant.  A large limb fell from the tree this past week and hit Mr. Miller trailer.  Mr. Miller was asking President Dann to contact the property owner and insist the tree be removed.  President Dann stated he would bring this subject to the Board’s attention; however, he is not inclined to infringe on homeowner’s rights in this way.  Mr. Miller stated that if the tree falls, it will fall on their house and the village hydrant.  After the initial discussion, Mr. Miller made a second call to Bart.  This time he stated that he is trying to work out a deal between himself, the neighbors, and Owen’s Tree Service.  Then his business is out of equation, and everyone is being treated fairly.  President Dann thanked him for the update and stated again that he would bring it to the Board’s attention.
  • President Dann stated he has heard nothing further from the Griffin’s.  The letter that was received from them has been sent to RML.
  • Tim Wegeng turned in his building permit for Badman’s residence.  Shirley Badman also attached payment to said permit for the Village in the amount of $228.
  • Bart also stated that Mr. Wegeng takes no payment for doing the job of Building Inspector.  Bart asked if the Board would approve of a gift card for Mr. Wegeng in appreciation of all his work.  The Board approved a purchase of a gift card in the amount of $250 from Menards.  Wade Lorenz made a motion to purchase the gift card in the amount of $250, and Jim Lansford seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Kyle and Doug asphalted the French drain and the small area next to the Village Hall.  It looks nice.  Thank you Doug and Kyle.
  • Bart would like to put some lights on the Village Hall, and the Board agreed to purchase and have Kyle put them up.
  • Kyle fixed the flag that was on the flag pole.  It got caught and shredded.  We have one left before we need to order more.
  • Kyle also stated that Tim Wegeng will be ready to install the new Camargo sign in a couple of weeks.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:08 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk