Information for Residents

Utilities and Communications:

Water: Camargo serves village residents with municipal water, which is piped in from an outside source (Villa Grove).

IN TOWN Water Rates:

Base Rate:                                     $39.58

Per 1000 gal                                  $2.51

Owner Deposit                              $100

Renter Deposit                              $150


OUT OF TOWN Water Rates:

Base Rate:                                     $56.70

Per 1000 gal                                  $2.51

Owner Deposit                              $150

Renter Deposit                              $225


Business / Commercial rates are the same as resident OUT OF TOWN rates.

All water bills are due on the 10th of each month, and may be paid either by mailing to P.O. Box 259, Camargo, IL, paid at the Camargo Bank, or by dropping off payment in the drop box at the Village Community Building. 

** Beginning September 01, 2020, you can pay online though Court Money. **

Sewage disposal in Camargo is done privately via septic systems.

For water service connection or termination, contact Kyle Raymer at (217) 832-8464. Correspondence may be sent to the Camargo Water Department at P.O. Box 259, Camargo, IL 61919.

Electricity: Ameren is the electricity provider in town. Outside town, in the rural areas, there may be other and/or additional choices in electric service providers. Customers can apply for service online at or call (888) 789-2477.

Natural Gas: Ameren is the natural gas service provider in town. Customers may apply for service online at or call (888) 672-5252.

Garbage: Chris’ Service Company collects trash in the village. That company provides rolling containers for refuse. Chris’ Service Co. may be contacted at (217) 684-2465. The company bills semi-monthly.  They collect garbage from the curbside on Thursday mornings. Another option would be Veolia Services out of Charleston.  They can be reached at (217) 345-7404.

Please note that garbage cannot be burned in the village. Yard waste may be burned in a safe manner.

Telephone: Frontier and Mediacom both offer telephone service within the Village. Outside the Village, there may be additional choices in telephone providers.

Cellular service may be obtained through most large providers.  Verizon appears to have good coverage in this area.

Cable Television: Camargo is served by Mediacom.  Satellite TV providers, such as DirecTV and Dish Network, also serve the Camargo area.

Internet: Frontier serves the Village with high-speed internet.  This is accomplished through telephone lines, though my understanding is that home telephone service may not be required if all you want is internet.  Mediacom offers the same options.  Other options for internet access include satellite, such as Dish Network or DirecTV.

Mail / Post Office: Due to the small size of the Village, not all residents receive home delivery of U.S. Mail (typically residents living within a quarter-mile of the Post Office don’t get home delivery). Instead, mail may be collected at the Post Office, located at 203 West Main St.

Post Office Hours are: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. The lobby is open outside those hours for checking mail in P.O. Boxes. Mail is distributed by 9:30 a.m., if not earlier.


Three newspapers cover Camargo:

Southern Champaign County Today – a weekly newspaper delivered free to all residents of Camargo and surrounding communities. Printed by Holmes Publications, 5-7 S. Main, Villa Grove, IL 61956 / (217) 832-4201.

The News-Gazette – the largest of the three and the only daily newspaper, the News-Gazette covers Champaign-Urbana and surrounding areas.


Students in Camargo attend the Villa Grove School District.

Village Government:

The Village’s functions are carried out by the Village President and the Board of Trustees. Terms are for four years, with terms of office staggered such that elections are held every two years. Election information may be found at the Douglas County Clerk’s site.

Village Board meetings are open to the public and are held the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Village Hall, located in downtown Camargo. Residents of the Village are encouraged to attend meetings or to present concerns to the Village Board. 

Current Village officials are:

Village President:

Bart Dann

Village Trustees:

Jeannie Brieland

Jim Hardway

Jim Lansford

Laura Miller

Gary Gilpin

Nancy George

Village Clerk: Salisa Dann

Village Treasurer: Shirley Badman

Correspondence may be sent to the Village at P.O. Box 259, Camargo, Illinois 61919.

An unofficial posting of the Village’s ordinances may be found here.

Snow Removal:

Snow removal on streets within the Village limits is the responsibility of the Village of Camargo. However, snow accumulations on the roads outside the Village is removed by either the State of Illinois (along the highways) or the each township road commissioner.

Tornado Sirens:

     The tornado siren is tested on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. If severe weather threatens at that time, the siren will be tested the next day in which there is no severe weather.