Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
April 11, 2016
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on April 11, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley. Roll call found the following trustees present: Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, and Paul Davidson. Trustees Jim Hardway and Laura Miller were absent. Village Treasurer Bobbi Lauderback and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both present.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Jeremy Bennett was present on behalf of the Boy Scouts, to request use of the grassy area around the pavilion in the park for a campout on a Friday night. They would like to have a campfire, and would bring their own portable fire pit so as not to damage grass. They anticipate up to 40 participants, and some parents would attend also. With no objections from the Board, a tentative date was set for June 10th and 11th. The group thanked the Board for its support, and offered to help with community service projects as needed.
John Carmack and Kathleen Holthaus were present to discuss the possibility of adding water service from the village to their land. They would like to find a way to supply more water to their farm, and they wondered if the village would consider running additional line to their house. It would require about a mile of pipe. Carmack expressed his willingness to help absorb the cost of the additional line. After some discussion, Rick Kielhorn agreed to investigate the potential cost of the project. Board consensus was that it would be worth looking into, especially with the possibility of additional services and future expansion.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Rodney Farris, minutes from the regular meeting of March 14, 2016 were approved unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Bobbi noted a few additions and clarifications. On a motion by Rodney Farris, seconded by Terri Miller, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS – The Appropriations Ordinance was presented for approval. Trustee Paul Davidson asked that the ordinance be tabled until the full board was present.
- Rock being replaced around mailboxes
- Rolling done and mowers being serviced
- Routed out a storm tile.
- Burned the yard waste pile.
- Got tires put on mower.
- Filled potholes as weather permitted.
- Replaced 14 water meters.
- Responded to multiple JULIE calls.
- Changed out some meter pit valves.
- Got a new computer.
- Brakes & rotors were replaced on the service truck.
- Special sampling done for the EPA – got BEST results that we’ve ever gotten!
- Will flush hydrants Tuesday and Wednesday
- June 4th and 5th will be town clean up days.
- June 6th, water tower inspection due.
Billingsley reported the following:
- Negotiations continue with regard to the cell tower project. Construction drawings have been given to engineer. Billingsley hopes to have a contract ready for the May meeting. Current offer stands at $800 per month, with a 2% annual increase on a 5-year contract.
- Purchased a laptop computer for shop.
- Met with Chris Gordon, transferred truck title.
- Handled complaints regarding parking at Victory Church.
- Contacted Pittsburg Paint, they will be coming back to do warranty inspection on tower. Greg Gustafson will supervise the inspection.
Purchase of supplies for Community Building – Terri Miller questioned where supplies should be purchased once Thompson’s was closed. Board agreed that Dollar General would be fine.
Gary Gilpin asked about garbage not being contained on the Molina property. Billingsley stated that he had been served.
Davidson informed the board that he knows of someone that would like to do phosphate sampling in the river. Board did not feel that they needed to take any action; the state would need to be involved; Billingsley asked if Davidson could invite the person to come to the next board meeting to explain what he wanted to do.
With no further business to come before the Board in regular session, the Board moved into executive session at 8:15 p.m. on a motion by Gary Gilpin, seconded by Terri Miller, and carried unanimously.
The Board re-entered regular session at 8:25 p.m. on a motion made by Rodney Farris, seconded by Gary Gilpin and carried unanimously.
On a motion by Rodney Farris, seconded by Gary Gilpin, the Board voted unanimously to accept Billingsley’s recommendation to appoint Shirley Badman to the position of Village Treasurer at an annual salary of $8,000.
On a motion by Rodney Farris, seconded by Terri Miller, the Board voted unanimously to accept Billingsley’s recommendation to appoint Salisa Dann to fill the Village Clerk’s unexpired term through April 2017.
There was a brief discussion regarding the condition of White Oak Street, Rick will look at costs to grind and repair.
Billingsley expressed concern regarding Hardway’s absence. He plans to contact Jim.
Board is still considering website development, and plans to ask Andy Dahl and Michele Spencer to present proposals at the next meeting.
With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.