Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
June 13, 2016
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on June 13, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley. Roll call found the following trustees present: Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, Paul Davidson, Laura Miller, and Jim Hardway. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both present.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Jim Kestner was present to discuss the Kids Rock 5K scheduled for Saturday, June 25, 2016. He is not having much luck getting vendors. Due to this, he will continue with the 5K and postpone the flea market until next year. He is going to start soliciting for vendors as early as July. Laura Miller agreed to be the Board’s liaison during this process and keep up updated.
Andy Hanfland, Farnsworth Engineering was present to discuss the Verizon contract. Verizon agreed to us having an engineer from Hanfland’s firm present part-time to spot check the work being conducted. All Andy’s concerns were addressed in the new contract. Mayor Billingsley asked if there was a motion to accept the new contract:
Motion: Jim Hardway 2nd: Rodney Farris Vote: All in favor
On a side note, Mr. Hanfland wished to inform us that there are special grants and low interest loans available from the EPA and the USDA. In the off chance that we would need to upgrade sidewalks, roads, etc.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Laura Miller, minutes from the regular meeting of May 09, 2016 were approved unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Shirley noted a few additions and clarifications. On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Gary Gilpin, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS – 2016-2017 Appropriations Ordinance was tabled at last month’s meeting. Mr. Davidson requested that all Board members have the opportunity to read over and digest the material. The ordinances were voted on as follows:
Motion: Rodney Farris 2nd: Gary Gilpin Vote: All in Favor
- Motor Vehicle Ordinance – Ordinance No. 99-0-4: There was a motion made to revise, reincorporate, and modify the motor vehicle ordinance from 1984.
Motion: Terri Miller 2nd: Laura Miller
Vote: Yes: Jim Hardway, Terri Miller, Laura Miller, Gary Gilpin
No: Paul Davidson, Rodney Farris
Motion carried on 4-2 vote in favor of Motor Vehicle Ordinance
** Request made to make sure the new ordinance was posted to the website.
- The new standard operating procedure regarding abandoned / broken down vehicles is as follows: Rick is to get a list of vehicles and the addresses of where they are located. He is to give that list to the Sheriff’s Office and have them confirm if the validity of the vehicle’s registration.
- Laura Miller reported that Melissa Burton contacted her regarding the traffic on Mill Street. She stated the vehicles in that area are not slowing down for children, and asked if we could get a sign put out warning motorists of the children. The Board approved for Rick to order a couple of high resolution signs to put out in the area of Mill Street.
- Mowing and weeding
- Bush-hogged
- Trees trimmed
- Tile repaired / Water leak in main system
- Worked closely with Shirley Badman on the new water policy procedures
- Park mulched and necessary repairs made
- Drained / Refilled tower
- Worked the Clean-Up days
o We ordered 4 roll offs and 1 trailer (to be used for electronics)
o Had to order 2 more roll offs and they were full
o Tabled for future Clean-Up days:
- Multiple trash days (spring and fall)
- Limit the amount of trips that each family can make – to reduce the amount of roll offs the Village must pay for
- Tower inspection was on Monday
o Passed with flying colors
o Next inspection will be in 5 years
- Folded, stuffed, and mailed the Water Bill Ordinance, the Cross-Connection Survey, and the EPA Inspection Report
- Next project: Road Repairs
Motion to accept report: Terri Miller 2nd: Rodney Farris Vote: All in favor
The Board went into Executive Session at 8:45pm for Personnel.
The Board went into Regular Session at 9:00pm.
Jim Hardway made a motion to increase the Clerk’s salary from $1800 to $2000 yearly and a one-time training bonus in the amount of $200. These fees are to compensate for the time and work that will be used to oversee the village website.
Motion: Jim Hardway 2nd: Rodney Farris Vote: All in favor
There was a second request to go into Executive Session at 9:06pm.
The Board went into Regular Session at 9:33pm.
Billingsley reported the following:
- He spoke with Jeremy Bennett regarding Mr. Bennett’s vehicle. Jeremy has since moved the vehicle and mowed the grass around the area where the vehicle sat.
- He updated the Board on the work Andy Dahl has already completed on our website.
- He advised the Board of the Naïve property. The grass has grown quite tall and Mr. Naïve won’t mow. In the past, the Village has fined him, mowed the grass, and had our attorney’s contact him in attempts to get Mr. Naïve to mow. The Board has agreed that for now, we will continue to send letter to Mr. Naïve advising him that he needs to mow, and if he doesn’t comply, the Village will have it mowed at his expense. Billingsley is going to check into an abandoned property ordinance and see what may or may not apply in this situation. Rodney Farris suggested we contact the courthouse and see if there are any liens against the property or back taxes owed.
With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 9:54pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk