Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 10, 2024
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, June 10, 2024 at the Camargo Village Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:02 pm. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jenae Breiland, Gary Gilpin. Treasurer Shirley Badman was also in attendance.
Public Comment:N/A
Consent Agenda:
Nancy George made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Closed Session:
Gary Gilpin made a motion to move to closed session at 6:07 pm. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
Nancy George made a motion to move out of closed session at 6:27 pm. Jim Lansford seconded the motion,and the motion passed.
New Business:
- Appointment of Wade Lorenz to Village Board as Trustee: Jeane Breiland made a motion to appoint Wade Lorenz to fill the open seat on the Village Board. Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion and Approval of Russ Leigh Aude FY 2024 and not to Exceed $4700: Nancy George made a motion to approve Russ Leigh to perform the 2024 audit not to exceed $4700. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
- Discussion and Approval of Village President’s Salary Increase (per Jim Lansford): Mr. Lansford advised the Board that he believes the seat of Village President is not getting paid enough, and there hasn’t been a raise in at least seven years. He is currently getting $2400 per year. Village Grove is between $7000-$8000. Jeane stated that she would easily agree to $4000 per year. Nancy said she is thinking more around $3500 a year. Treasurer Shirley Badman stated there hasn’t been an increase in at least ten years. Jim Lansford is comfortable with more than $4000. Gary is thinking between the $3000-$4000 range. He asked Shirley was that does to us financially? Shirley stated that $5000-$6000 is not unreasonable. Jim Lansford made a motion starting May 1, 2025 to raise the Village President’s salary to $4800. The motion fell due to a lack of a second. Jeane Breiland made a motion starting May 1, 2025 to raise the Village President’s salary to $5000 per year. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion and Approval of Village Superintendent’s Salary Increase: After discussion, Jeane Breiland made a motion to raise the Village Superintendent’s salary to $25 per hour effective July 1, 2024. Gary Gilpin second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
- Sales Tax Discussion: Jeane Breiland asked what the process was and if we are already collecting a Camargo Village Sales Tax. Shirley explained that we are currently collecting on portions that are collected by the County, but not the Village specifically. We would have to have a lawyer draw the paperwork up, it goes on the ballot, and the Village would have to vote on it. Jeane thought the Village might be missing out on online purchases more so than the businesses we have in the town. Villa Grove has a 1% city sales tax….for example. These taxes are on non-food item purchases. Nancy George thought this might be a good question for Brian Moody. Jim Lansford believes we should wait until Camargo gets more businesses. If we start collecting sales taxes now, we might turn away new businesses from coming to Camargo.
- Woolly Worm Festival / Seed Money Matching Donations: President Dann asked if there was any progress being made in collecting donations / sponsorships for the WWF. Nancy stated she has not pursued looking for donations at this time, and she wondered if we should postpone the festival until next year. Nancy stated she does not have the time to volunteer more time. She won’t be here in the fall for the festival. Jeane said the money is more of an issue for her. She thinks we should do it or we should not do it. She does not like the year on / year off idea. She also stated that the inflatables are expensive, and it killed the budget. She believes the Village should put money towards the festival each year. Wade suggested that we could charge $5 per car for parking. Nancy said she would work with Bart on getting sponsorships and donations. Jim would like to see the Board support the festival. It’s all we have to offer for our village. Jeane asked the Board if the festival committee could raise $3000 if the Village would donate matching funds. Jeane Breiland then made a motion that the Village of Camargo would match up to $3000 in sponsorships for this year’s Woolly Worm Festival. Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Lighting Behind Village Hall: There used to be a light behind the bank, and it had to be removed when the new tower was installed. We would like to see another light put back up on the pole that is already there. The Board requested a dusk to dawn wired light.
- Financial Outlook for Solar Panels: President Dann met with a third company called ELAV8 Solar. They have several grants that we would qualify for. She advised Bart that the panels would be paid for in 2 years, and she would like to be here July 8 for the next Board meeting. Because of this, the solar panels have been tabled.
- Discussion of Property Purchase and Condemning: There are issues with some properties in town that are empty and need to be renovated or removed. President Dann will have the attorney reach out to the property owners and give them three options:
- You fix it.
- You tear it down and sell the property to the Village.
- We condemn the property and put a lien against it.
The Board agreed that he should move forward with this project and have the attorney reach out to those property owners.
- Removal / Addition of Names on the Woolly Worm Festival Pageant Account: Sammi Stevens reached out to President Dann and asked if they could make some changes on their bank account. She needs to remove Haley Sappenfield and add Sheila Stevens. Sammi is expecting a baby this year – due around the same time the pageant would be held. Therefore, the WWF Pageant will be on hold until next year. Jeane Breiland made a motion to remove Haley Sappenfield from the Woolly Worm Festival Pageant Account and add Sheila Stevens. Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Old Business: N/A
Village Superintendent’s Report: In Kyle’s absence, President Bart Dann reported the following on his behalf:
- Griffin’s water line issues have been resolved. The water line has been replaced, and then the old line blew causing a water leak on White Oak in the cemetery.
Village President’s Report: President Bart Dann reported the following:
- He received a complaint about a 4-wheeler in the park. He went over and spoke with the ATV owner and operator. The subject advised Bart he has just purchased the ATV and brought it home. He is taking it to another property, he just wanted to try it out. He apologized, and stated he would never do it again.
- President Dann explained the reasons he would like to see a part-time police office in Camargo. The Board agreed and advised he could proceed in getting some questions answered from the City of Villa Grove. The Board would like to see an officer in Camargo 1-2 times per week, between Thursday and Sunday, and at random times. They prefer to NOT have a set schedule.
- Bart checking into the ambulance contract. We have one more year on this contract, and then we can search elsewhere for service.
- President Dann also reached out to Chuck Ayers regarding his solar project. He said that Aurora was amazing. However, he leased and did not purchase outright. Therefore he is not saving as much as he thought he would.
- Trash Days was a huge success. We used 9 dumpsters. We brought in $285 to recycle the small electronics. Com2 charged the Village $235.
- Bart stated there are some issues in the basement of the Community Building. The west wall is getting water. We need to get a hold of Heliotec and get some quotes for better drainage. He would also like to see the 2 urinals removed in the male bathroom. We need to update the partitions in both bathrooms to something newer and nicer. We have several renters that use the basement in the summertime, and we need to show our appreciation, and update the building. Not to mention it needs to be kept up so we don’t lose it. As far as the basement goes, the ceiling tiles keep falling down. We have glued them back up, but they are no longer sticking. His suggestion would be to remove all the tiles and paint the ceiling, the ductwork, wiring, etc, black. It would give it a modern vibe, it would make those items more accessible, and it would save money on replacing the ceiling that keeps falling down.
- He also received a complaint that Patterson Springs and Lakewood Estates should not be allowed to utilize trash days. He brought the issue to the Board so they could make a decision moving forward on whether or not to allow them to utilize this service in the future. The Board decided it was a goodwill gesture and we will continue to do it.
- Nancy George stated she would like to have the Pledge of Allegiance stated at the beginning of each meeting. Village Clerk Salisa Dann said she would add it to the agenda so we don’t forget.
- Gary Gilpin added that he has received several compliments on the compost piles.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:10 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk