Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, March 09, 2020
7:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on March 09, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Jim Lansford, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all in attendance.
- N/A
Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes, and Nancy George seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Peace Meal in Camargo – President Dann spoke with Mayor Eversole-Gunter of Villa Grove regarding Peace Meal. Peace Meal is for anyone age 60 and up. It is $3.00 per meal, and it is delivered once a day / five days a week. Villa Grove is currently serving a couple of meals in Camargo now. They are asking if Camargo would be willing to pay our portion of this service. Camargo would be responsible for paying the delivery person federal minimum wage plus $0.41 per mile. This would be roughly $300 per month. Those interested can and should call Peace Meal in Villa Grove for further details and to sign up for this service.
Nancy George made a motion to pay for Peace Meal for six (6) months as a trial to see how well it is received for our seniors. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Speed Bumps – Doug Raymer called to get some prices for speed bumps and signage. The total cost for the speed bumps and 2 signs is $1149.60. Nancy wondered what Jim Crane’s opinion would be on the portable speed bumps. Jim Hardway stated that over time, the holes in the road would fill with water that would eventually freeze. This would crack the asphalt and cause deterioration of the road. The possibility of borrowing a digital speed limit sign was mentioned as an alternate option. There were several concerns of those avoiding the speed bumps: driving into the ditch, driving through the cemetery, and possibly making the harassment worse. The Village is looking into other options for this issue, and Bart stated he would ask the Sheriff’s Office to make more patrols through town.
- Tractor Bids – Tractor bids were all opened at 7:30 pm. There were two bids placed: Jennings Implement and Niemeyer Repair.
Jennings Implement: $41,800
Niemeyer Repair: $39,030
Discussions were had over whether or not to ask for payment options vs. a one time payment.
Jim Hardway made a motion to purchase the tractor from Niemeyer Repair and pay for it in one check with 75% of the funds to come from the General Fund and 25% of the funds to come from the Water Fund. (( $29,272.50 from General Fund and $9757.50 from the Water Fund totaling $39,030. ))
- Jim Lansford is going to look into ordinances and the possibility of defining certain criteria: Trash, Condemned homes, Vehicle Ordinance.
- Light Poles at Plum Grove – Doug and Kyle spoke with Ameren Illinois. They can install poles within 75’ of a transformer. The poles are free and there are no installation costs. The Village would only be responsible for the cost of the electricity after the poles are up and running. We are looking at installing 7 poles at Plum Grove with all the lines being buried (and on opposite sides of the water main). One pole we would like to be installed at Taylor Haines Park. Doug will have them look into that when they come back. He gave the contact information to Salisa to have her email him with our letterhead approving the work.
Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:
- Two new cameras were installed at Taylor Haines Park. It is still difficult to see license plates because the headlights mess up the night vision. However, you can see the vehicles okay. Doug is going to see about some surveillance signs to put at the entry so no one will miss them. He is also looking into a light being installed (see above).
- Free compost sign is up at the brush pile. Compost is ready.
- New waders bought.
- Flushed hydrants and water samples sent (results not back yet)
- Checked into street lights for Plum Grove (see above)
- Basement remodel is complete
- License fee was paid for Kyle ($30). Bart reminded Kyle to let Shirley know as soon as his license comes in. He gets a $2/hr increase on that date…not the following month.
- New basketball net put up.
- 3 storm drains are draining slow.
- Clean up from snow plowing.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- 8 Ordinance violations were mailed on 02/20/2020. Each recipient has until 03/20/2020 to comply. A second notice will be mailed after that date, and then it will be turned over to the Village attorney.
- Bart spoke with Ginger Kielhorn. She would like to strip and wax the floor in the basement. The wax is $143.00 and the labor would be $200.00. She is borrowing the machine to do this at no cost to the Village. The Board agreed that we should have this done.
- Park Clean Up Day, Golf Cart Registration, and Basement Open House were all scheduled for the same day: Saturday, April 18 from 8 am – 2 pm. If it rains, we will have Park Clean Up Day on Saturday, April 25th.
- The Porta Potty at Taylor Haines Park needs to be moved back. Bart will call Dirk Hardyman and see if he can take care of that.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:28 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk