May 2024

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Monday, May 13, 2024


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, May 13, 2024 at the Camargo Village Hall.  The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:00 pm.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway (in at 6:02 pm), Jeane Breiland (in at 6:03 pm), Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer was also in attendance.


Public Comment:


Kevin Curtis, Aurora Solar / E-equals

Cody Thiel (via Facetime), Aurora Solar – E-equals


Mr. Curtis was present to answer some questions regarding the solar panels for the Village Hall.  President Dann stated he spoke with our insurance company, and they would be covered at no extra charge.


Jim Lansford asked that if there were repairs that needed to be done on the roof, who would be responsible?  


Kevin explained that there would be a small charge for the panels to be removed and reset.  However, there is also a 10 year workmanship warranty.  Ballpark charges for something like this would be $2500-$3000 for removal and reset.


Who would be responsible if the panels go bad?


Kevin and Cody stated that Aurora Solar / E-equals would be responsible, as there is a 25-30 year warranty.  They are recyclable, and are 92% effective at 25 years in service.


Jim Lansford asked about routine maintenance if Aurora goes out of business.  There is a manufacturer warranty….who honors that warranty?


Kevin and Cody explained that their company or the manufacturer would find a local repairman.  They went on to explain that Aurora has been in business for 15 years.  E-equals has been in business since 2016.


Someone asked where these panels were manufactured?  The answer was Singapore.


Solar Technology has not changed in decades.  Updates to the “technology” likely won’t ever be necessary.


E-equals will do ALL the paperwork necessary for the State refunds.


Jim Hardway asked what this will do to our insurance on our building?  Bart explained that he already spoke with RML, and there will be no change to our coverage.


Jim Lansford asked if these gentlemen had any references we could contact.  Cody explained that he could not give specific names and contact information; however, he could share a map with us.  We could then do the leg-work and find those customers and seek them out.


President Dann stated that he spoke with Jim Closson at RML.  Jim thought that the rates we were being offered was a very good deal.  Bart also spoke with Shirley Badman about the financials.  She stated to him that looking long-term, it appears to be a good deal.


Laura asked how long it would take for installation.


Kevin answered that it is about 4-6 weeks to get the project started, and it would be a 1 day install.


Nancy and Jim Lansford would like to have further information before making a decision.  Nancy would specifically like to speak with Shirley (who was absent from the meeting).  Jim would like to call their references.


Nancy asked if they typically do door-to-door business?


Kevin said yes.  They are based out of Edwardsville, IL.  He also explained that residential pricing is different from municipal pricing.  He also said that this would be 11 panels and not 12 as originally stated.  He said that the installation can be done with subcontractors or no subcontractors – whatever we choose.


President Dann thanked him for coming, and Kevin left the meeting.


Ben and Molly Oberg, Ben and Molly’s Farm Stand

Melissa Valentine, Valentine’s Farm Stand


Ben and Molly Oberg currently have a farmstand outside of Camargo.  They are selling their produce at Farmers Markets across the area.  They are looking to open a farmstand at Molly’s parent’s residence in Camargo on Route 130.  They asked if there was anything they needed to do in order to open the business and any permissions needed to place a sign in their yard.  The Board was pleased to hear of the new business coming to Camargo, and informed them that there was nothing they needed to do.  As soon as they are open for business, the Village would be happy to place something in the newsletter to promote their business as well as on social media.


Consent Agenda:


Jim Lansford made a motion to accept the consent agenda with a few corrections that were necessary.  Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Closed Session:


Laura Miller made a motion to go into closed session at 6:49 pm, and Gary Gilpin seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Laura Miller made a motion to resume regular session at 7:18 pm, and Nancy George seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Results from Closed Session:


Jim Hardway made a motion to hire three part-time employees to begin after the June meeting: Lewis Spurlock, Doug Raymer, and Cody Miller.  Each employee will get $20 per hour, and the Village will raise Cathy Raymer’s pay to $20 per hour as well.  Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Laura Miller officially resigned as Village Trustee as she is moving.  The Board and the Village thanked her for her service to the Village of Camargo.


New Business:

  • Rip Rap on Main Street – Billy White:  Billy started that with the recent rains we have had, they have noticed their ditch not flowing as it should.  He wondered if the Village would be willing to pay for the rip rap leading to the ditch, if he pays for the digging.  The Board agreed since this is the practice we have been utilizing.  
  • Landscaping at Village Hall:  President Dann asked Nancy if she would be willing to take on the project of landscaping the Village Hall.  Most of the landscaping is already done.  It appears that someone just needs to go through it and see what needs to be removed / replaced.
  • Extra Help for Clean Up Days:  Bart explained that Kyle will be short handed since the retirement of Doug.  We need some extra help for clean up days.  This would be $15 per hour, Friday from 8a-4p and Saturday from 8a-12p.  Jim Lansford stated he would volunteer whenever he is available over the course of the two days.  Laura Miller stated Jackson (her son) would be available to help.
  • Tree Removal:  Beez Trees proposal came in.  There are no less than 50 trees that need to come down.  This is approximately 10 – 20 hours of work at $250 per hour.  Village employees will clean up the dropped trees, saving money on time on the job.  Nancy George made a motion to accept the estimate from Beez Trees.  Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
  • Peace Meal:  Peace Meal is currently costing the Village between $275 – $300 per month.  Villa Grove is charging us for the delivery, as Peace Meal is a free service.  The delivery person is not always a city employee, sometimes it is a volunteer.  Bart called Peace Meal, and they are willing to drop the Camargo Meals at the Village Hall.  Our own employees / volunteers will deliver them.  The Board advised Bart to move forward with the Camargo deliveries.  We are currently only serving 4 people a day.  Nancy George made a motion to adapt the process of Peace Meal meals being dropped at Village Hall, and then those meals being delivered by village employees and/or volunteers.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Old Business:  President Dann stated that in regards to the previous month’s public comments and visitors, he is changing the policy on how we handle the Public Comment portion of the meeting.  Each speaker will have 3-5 minutes to speak, and the Board will no longer have interactive conversations with the speakers.  The Board will thank the visitor and move on to the next agenda item.  Topics can be discussed at a later time, and any issues that need to be resolved can be revisited at the next board meeting.  Exceptions will only be allowed on occasions where a specific answer can be given, and the conversation can stay civil. 


Village Superintendent’s Report:  Kyle Raymer reported the following:


  • He is planning on oil and chipping Plum Grove this year.
  • He changed the electrical eye on the lights at Village Hall.  It has not changed the bill any.
  • He has completed several JULIE notices.
  • Mowed
  • Samples coming up on Wednesday, and we must do them every 3 months.
  • Lead and Copper samples will be completed over the summer.
  • He is still flushing on White Oak.
    • There is a new line coming this week, and then it will be installed.
    • The Village will provide drinking water to this customer (cooler and water) – per the Board’s request until this issue is resolved.
  • Bart asked if he could start cold patching White Oak.
  • Kyle reported that it will be approximately $107 K to do the road from the railroad to the highway on White Oak.  It will be approximately $67 K from the curve to the highway.


Village President’s Report:  


  • Village President Bart Dann thanked Laura again for her time with the Village and wished her the best of luck on her move to Florida.  
  • Bart reminded the Board that there is still an outstanding check for Villa Grove for the ambulance bill.  He asked if we could email Dale at Carle and get a breakdown of the calls, and possibly have Dale come to a meeting for an explanation of such.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Dann called for adjournment at 7:46 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk