September 2017

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Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
September 11, 2017

The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on September 11, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Jim Hardway, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer, Shirley Badman and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both in attendance.

• Rodney Farris was present to request an update on his easement case. President Dann advised him the paperwork was all delivered to the attorney’s office on August 28. Dann was informed at that meeting it would be October or November before we are finished.
• Allen Soard was present to volunteer his services and his wife’s services for the Woolley Worm Festival. President Dann stated he would make a note of such and would be calling on them in the very near future.

Pam Sigler made a motion to accept the Regular Meeting minutes and the Special Meeting minutes. Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Laura Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with the changes that Shirley Badman made at the meeting. ((Heartland Machine and Supply to be charged to Water Fund and credited back to General Fund.)) Jim Hardway seconded the motion. The Board passed the motion unanimously.

Nothing to report

• Christmas in Camargo: Laura expressed her concern that the Community Building wouldn’t be big enough with the preschool there. She has made contact with Victory Church and asked to use their New Life Center. The Methodist Church is welcome to provide lunch or snacks as done in previous years. Laura already has 6 vendors ready to go, and about 25 vendors will fit. Bart stated he thought it was a great idea, there is a good amount of space, and great parking. Laura also stated it was a bonus that there was no fee to the Village for the use of the Life Center. Laura also suggested sleigh rides. Bart informed her to contact Tim Berry.
• Camargo Sign: Laura would like to install a sign at the intersection of Rt 36 and Rt 130 that states CAMARGO. The current sign states Villa Grove and belongs to the Villa Grove Chamber of Commerce. The sign is placed on Cler’s property.
• Bart would like to look into Christmas decorations for the Village.
• President Dann stated he would like to look into getting a Facebook page started for the Village. Jeane and Laura volunteered to get this project going.
• Trustee Jim Hardway stated there have been issues with parking on Vine Street on Sunday mornings. The homeowners are removing the cones that are being placed for church goes to NOT park there and throwing them across the street, they are calling the police if someone parks there during church hours. Bart called the Sheriff’s Office to ask who has the LEGAL obligations to park or not park on the street. Bart was advised that the Village should step aside and let the homeowners figure it out with the church. It is not a Village issue, and legally neither party is correct or incorrect. Bart advised the Board that the Village will no longer deal with this situation, and the parties need to come to a compromise.
• Pam Sigler asked who to contact regarding the railroad tracks. She stated they are rough to drive across. Trustee Scott Tague advised her there is a CSX phone number on the sign at the tracks. She should call them first.
• Pam also asked about ordinance concerning leaf burning. She stated residents are placing their leaves in the middle of the road and burning them. The ordinance only states that all burning must be done by dusk.

• While working on a tile job, the Bob Cat blew a seal
• Signs were moved to behind the pole on Mill Street
• Toilets and grab bars were installed at the Community Building
• As soon as they get here, we are ready for oil and chip
• Head Start had some complaints for Rick:
o Not enough hot water…Rick stated it is only a 20 gallon tank, and they are running the hot water out. Pam stated we should discuss water conservation with them. Laura stated she would send Bart the DCFS regulations regarding the hot water. Bart suggested to Rick to NOT purchase a new hot water heater until he could look into this matter further. In the meantime, they need to conserve their water and not let it run in between children washing their hands.
o There was an odor every morning about 9:30. The sink in the closet wasn’t vented properly. They vented it into the attic. The next day there was still an odor. It is the sewer gas coming from the furnace room. They sealed the trap and placed a bucket for moisture. This winter they will fix it correctly.
o While in the attic, they noticed there is only about 6” of insulation.
o The wheelchair ramp had a few boards that were warped and causing the Headstart cart to get caught. They ran some new screws into the board and fixed it temporarily. In the next year or so it will need new board, new handrails, and some more new screws. Rick stated they didn’t want to replace all the boards that needed it – due to a previous conversation about moving the ramp to a different entrance.
• One water client was turned off due to non-payment. They paid and it has been turned back on.
• More asphalt has been fixed.
• They trimmed some trees for high profile vehicles (semis, school busses, etc.)
• While trimming trees a limb broke and broke the door on the driver’s side of the tractor. No one was hurt. The door was broken and we need a new door (the door is made of glass).

Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
• In a discussion at the end of a previous meeting, someone asked what the monthly commission will be once the Verizon tower is installed. Bart looked at the notes provided to him and called Verizon to clarify: They will $895 per month and we are slated to begin mid to late 2018.
• Regarding Casey’s….He has several calls out to Bryce with no return call. Bart has reached out to Huck’s as well.
• President Dann would like to start the process of having a Junior Alderman. He prefers 2 students from Villa Grove High School and would like both of them to be in the Camargo voting district (Camargo Precinct 1). He would like to see a Jr. and a Sr. that are interested in political sciences. Bart is going to contact the City of Villa Grove and request the guidelines they already have in place for their Junior Aldermen.
• Bart is looking for a Chairman for the Woolley Worm Festival. He has reached out to Blake Swan with no return call at the time of this meeting. The ultimate goal for this position would be just to meet with the committees and then report back to the Board. Not necessarily to organize or volunteer the day of the festival, just to report back to the Board the progress each committee is making. Bart will be actively searching for festival volunteers next month.
• President Dann had information to report back regarding the Farris Property. He reported such information at the beginning of the meeting during Open Comments (see above).
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:07 pm.

Salisa Dann
Village Clerk