October 2017

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Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
October 09, 2017

The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on October 09, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Jim Hardway, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer, Shirley Badman and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both in attendance.

• Rodney Farris was present to request an update on his easement case. President Bart Dann advised him the paperwork was all delivered to the attorney’s office on August 28. The Village will host a public forum before the next board meeting. Any Village member wishing to voice their opinions over the property needs to do so at that time. During the regular meeting following, the Board will vote on the easement issue.
• The Boy Scouts requested the use of electricity at the pavilion during their annual camp outing. However, the Village no longer has electricity ran to the pavilion. Bart proposed that we looked into getting that restored. Rick stated he would contact Leon Kinney and get a quote to trench and lay the wire and install a power box. Jim stated we should place the box higher – out of the reach of children. The Board did not discuss whether or not the Village would charge people for the use of the electricity for private parties at the park. Pam mentioned it, and the issue was never resolved.
Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes, and Laura Miller seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes.

Laura Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Pam Sigler and passed unanimously.

Laura asked about a partial reimbursement for the potty house that was placed at Taylor Haines Park. Shirley stated that because we already paid for the complete year’s rental, they will issue us a partial reimbursement for the months it will not be in use. The last day we will need it will be October 28 for the Kids Rock 5K.

• Christmas in Camargo
o Our insurance will NOT cover Tim Berry to give sleigh rides.
o However, Laura has confirmed that Santa will be there.
o She has 14 vendors scheduled to be there.
o Is planning a Christmas Tree Walk.
o Tree lighting
 Bart will contact Myron Little for the use of his tree and his electricity
 Bart will also contact Brad Drew for the use of a boom truck to apply the tree topped and lights.
 Lights and decorations
• Ask for donations
• Purchase ornaments from Gilles

• The schedule for the Kids Rock 5K:
Yard Sale is from 8a – 2p
Vendors and food all day
Race at 5p
Glow Cart Parade 6:30p
• The Sheriff came back to the church last Sunday and spoke with the neighbors that are complaining about the parking. The Deputy did NOT ask anyone from the church to move their vehicle.

• Trick or Treat Hours
o Tuesday, October 31 from 5p – 7p
• Flag at the Community Building
o Rick will purchase a new flag and give it to the Boy Scouts for proper disposal. He will purchase a new flag and replace it.
• Installation of insulation
o President Dann proposed we install new installation in the attic of the community building.
Motion was made by Gary and seconded by Pam. The motion was voted and passed unanimously.
• Resurfacing the tennis courts
o B&W does some work in our area. Bart will call and get a quote from them.
o Other suggestions were the Knights of Columbus, Carso, and AMBUCS to see if they would make donations to renovate the park.
• Hot Water Heater at the Community Building
o Bart called Head Start and they are willing to pay ½ of the cost of the new water heater. Bart got an estimate from Darren Gilles. A 50 gallon heater would run approximately $399, a new breaker would be $50, and some new piping would run about $50 as well.
Jim made a motion to purchase the hot water heater, breaker, and piping with us splitting the costs with Head Start. Laura seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Rick stated he would order everything the next business day.
• Safety Equipment
o It was brought to President Dann’s attention that the Village employees are not wearing safety equipment while on duty. The Village must provide these items for them. Rick stated that the Village currently has high visibility vests and hard hats. Jim suggested a one-piece unit that has ear plugs, safety glasses, and chaps for using the chain saw. Rick stated he would check and see if we could purchase one from Gilles.
Gary made a motion to purchase the proper safety equipment. Jim seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to purchase the equipment needed.
• Holiday Decorating Contest
o Bart Dann suggested the Village do a Village Holiday Decorating Contest. This contest will be open to everyone in the Village of Camargo, Lakewood Estates, and Patterson Springs. Shirley will put a sticker on the November water bills directing those interested to see our new Facebook page for details. We will have the following categories:
 Most Religious
 Most effective use of light
 Most Original
o Winners will be announced via Facebook on December 18.

• Discussion of Tax Levy for Parks and Rec
o The Village can levy for parks and rec. It would need to be a separate line item.
o This would be 0.75% of taxes
o Shirley believes we already have this levy in place and that it MIGHT be built into a corporate tax rate. She has a call into Judi Pollock for clarification.


• River Rd was cleaned out all the way to the easement.
• Removed dead trees on Vine St and River Rd
• Roads were oil and chipped
• Service pump went out, and they rebuilt it
• Door on the tractor was fixed
• 2 water customers were turned off due to non-payment….they paid and water was turned back on.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
• Public Forum to be held on November 13 at 6:15. Andrew Hall will be here.
• Vendor prices for the 2018 Wooley Worm Festival:
o $50 for a booth with power
o $25 for a booth with no power
• Bart is going to call Mediacom to get a quote for the maintenance shed for phone and internet only.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:38 pm.

Salisa Dann
Village Clerk