February 2020

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, February 10, 2020

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on February 10, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all in attendance.



  • Bill Fulk of the Camargo Fire Department was present to discuss the moving of the tornado siren. He feels it needs to be centralized to the Village. Therefore, moving it to the new FD would not be in the best interest of the town. With that being said, he came with some documentation for a remotely activated access switch. The FD stated they would pay to have the siren and tower moved to the new location. They are estimating that the removal and resetting would be around $3000. A couple of location suggestions were next to the Maintenance Shed by the Community Building and by the electric pole next to the stage. Both locations have direct access to electricity. Bill stated he would need to see an aerial view of the Village before making that determination; based solely on the locations of the trees and the way the Village dips down towards the creek. President Dann was given the documentation on the wireless access system to get more information and pricing on.
  • Jim Lansford was present with nothing to present.
  • Greg Gustafson of Berns and Clancy was present to discuss the most recent invoice the Village received from his company. At the December meeting it was voted that the Village agreed for Mr. Gustafson to work with Verizon and their contractors on behalf of the Village of Camargo. It was also agreed upon that his scope of work should not exceed $2975. Mr. Gustafson’s invoice quotes this vote from the December meeting at the top, and his company charged the Village an additional $3963.82. Mr. Gustafson discussed his plans to attend the meeting, and the Board discussed him attending the meeting with Verizon’s contractors. At the December meeting the Board was led to believe that this meeting was included in the $3963.82. Nancy George advised Mr. Gustafson that at no time was it made clear that there would be any additional fees. President Dann stated that a phone call should have been made to let the Village know of the additional charges and increases in services. Furthermore, there are two invoices with two different amounts owed on them.

Mr. Gustafson admitted to NOT advising the Board of the additional costs. He apologized for not making himself clear at the time. Jim Hardway clarified with Mr. Gustafson that if he doesn’t mention the price changes to the Village then we were all led to believe these meetings and work completed were all included in the agreed upon price ($2975). Nancy pointed out that these fees were almost double what the Village approved. Again, Mr. Gustafson apologized.

President Dann made himself very clear that he doesn’t want to negotiate the prices at this point. The Village should not have to pay for the second invoice that no one was aware of, and no one approved. Laura Miller stated she made the original motion to pay the $2975, and she doesn’t feel we should pay any more. Mr. Gustafson advised at this point that there may be more fees coming once construction begins.

Gary Gilpin asked exactly what the $2975 covers. Mr. Gustafson referred back to a worksheet he brought with him. This outlines the services the Village is paying for and the services Verizon is paying for. There is approximately 16 hours of service left to be used. After that point, the Village will begin to be charged for those man hours. President Dann stated that going forward he believes going forward nothing is done without prior approval from the Board. Gary stated he believes Verizon should be responsible for all engineering fees. Bart stated again that he feels we should pay nothing towards the additional fees.

Jim Lansford suggested we accept Mr. Gustafson’s apology and check with Verizon regarding payment. Nancy and Pam agree that Mr. Gustafson is an “insurance policy” for the Village in this deal with Verizon.

Nancy stated that she was interested to see how Berns and Clancy would work with the Village regarding their misrepresentation. Her suggestion was that the Village of Camargo pay half of the new charges and any additional hours are already covered and will not be charged. Mr. Gustafson understands our surprise to his invoice, and he is here to try to make it right. Gary suggests that he takes his invoice back and rework the numbers. Greg verbally agrees to Nancy’s suggestion of the Village paying for half of the new fees.

Jeane Brieland asks for clarification of “additional fees” moving forward. Pam believes the Village can’t afford to NOT have Mr. Gustafson. Jeane is also concerned that the Village is being charged for the time he is currently spending at this meeting. Mr. Gustafson stated that the Village was not being charged for this meeting.

Nancy George made the following motion:

Berns & Clancy is to accept half of the $3963.82 and consider that full payment, and any additional hours the Village is responsible for, we are to be notified for majority approval. If we have approached three (3) hours above and beyond the sixteen (16) paid for hours, we are to notified. The total amount given to Berns & Clancy will be $3504.91 (remainder of original contract plus half of the new invoice).

Pam Sigler seconded the motion. The motion passed with a majority vote: Laura Miller and Gary Gilpin voted against the motion.

President Dann requested that Mr. Gustafson note on the invoice that he approves the changes the Board just approved. Mr. Gustafson agreed to do so.

  • Valerie Griffin was present requesting speed bumps be installed on South White Oak. There are cars speeding up and down the road, squealing their tires, and the police have been called several times. Each time a report is made, retaliation is made against them and their property. Valerie and her husband have been making police reports for over a year now, and nothing is being done. She is not asking for permanent speed bumps. She says there are portable bumps that could be purchased and placed on either end of the road. Then they could be moved to other locations if necessary.

Doug Raymer stated the portable speed bumps are anchored into the road. President Bart Dann stated we would have to get some quotes on pricing before any commitments could be made. Bart also advised Doug that if they were portable, we could remove them for plowing season and only have them out during the spring and summer.

Jim Hardway suggested talking to the Sheriff’s Office and requesting extra patrols. Bart stated he would call and speak with someone about spending some more time in Camargo.

Doug said he would call Vernon and see what two (2) sets of portable speed bumps would cost. We also have to post a sign that states we have speed bumps.

Pam Sigler stated the Village used to pay for officers to police the Village in the past. President Dann stated we could do an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Sheriff’s Office if it comes to that. Bart also stated that there was someone that tore up Taylor Haines Park again over the weekend. He asked the Board for approval for Doug and Kyle to purchase two (2) new cameras that would get night vision photos and some video as well. Both cameras are to be placed at the park. The Board advised them to move forward with the camera purchase and discussed options of where to post them.



Nancy George made a motion to accept the minutes, and Jim Hardway seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.



Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Shirley Badman stated the audit came back and there were zero findings on it.



  1. Laura Miller requested the Village look into street lights at Plum Grove. It is really dark at night time out there, and it is dangerous. Bart asked Doug and Kyle to call Ameren and get a quote on some street lights.



  1. Tractor Bids – Doug stated he spent approximately $300 on tractor repairs. He spoke with Niemeyer, and they would give the Village $19,000 trade in for a new tractor. We have had this tractor for thirteen (13) years. They would give us an $11,000 municipality discount, making the bottom dollar $32,000. President Dann stated we need to publish for bids prior to making any decisions. Doug stated they would be trading for the same size tractor but with better options and the ability to use a brush for the streets. They checked and the plow will fit the new tractor as well. Both tractors are 70 hp, the new tractor has hydraulics in the front, a loader, rear wheel weights, air ride seats, a light kit, and a bigger bucket (84”).

Nancy made a motion for Doug and Kyle to get bids for a new tractor. Jim seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Shirley stated she would like clarification on how the tractor need to be paid. Doug and Kyle both stated it should be split with 75% being paid out of the General Fund and 25% being paid out of the Water Fund….upon approval of the purchase. Salisa Dann stated she would work on the Invitation to Bid to be published in the paper.

  1. Community Building Steps – Pam stated she could not find any information regarding the subject from the Arcola area that did masonry work. Bart said he would reach out once more to the names he was given.


  1. Berns and Clancy Invoice – see above





Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • No water issues
  • 1 shut off
    • The valve needs to be replaced
  • 1 moved – can’t shut water off
    • Doug stated a new valve is around $52. If you purchase four (4) or more the price drops to $44 each. He is going to start purchasing several at a time and slowly work on replacing the ones that need them.
  • Samples are coming up in February
  • COMM2 needs an answer regarding trash days. They want to charge $550 to fill the trailer PLUS charge us weight on top of that. There is no way the Village could charge a minimal fee to those needing this service and even come close to offsetting the costs. The Board decided there will be no electronic dumps at trash days this year.
  • Christmas lights have been removed for the winter
  • The Fire Department has been sold to Owen Piercy. However, there is not a water meter at this current location. We will need to have a meter installed around spring. His deposit would be at the business level. It was discussed that Mr. Piercy may be moving into the building once he takes it over. He will be running his business out of it as well as residing in it. A concern was made whether or not this location was zoned residential or commercial. Bart stated he would call Matt Jones of the Zoning Board and get some clarification.
  • The continued the remodel at the Community Building
  • Salted streets when necessary
  • Kyle is headed to Effingham for a seminar next week
  • They will be ready for new appliances down stairs soon



Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • He spoke with Mike Jones regarding the Animal Control bill. He stated there is a $50 fee for a capture after hours and a $30 fee for a non-capture after hours. If a pet is captured and they know the owners, they send a bill to them as well. There is a $75 fee once the homeowners are located.
  • Pam Sigler gave her resignation, and Bart thanked her for years of service. Jim made a motion to accept Pam’s resignation, and Nancy seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Bart nominated Jim Lansford to fill the unexpired vacant seat of Pam Sigler’s. He stated Jim has been coming to the meetings since he moved to Camargo and has stressed interest several times. Nancy made a motion to fill the unexpired vacant seat of Pam Sigler’s with Jim Lansford. Laura seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 9:39 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk