August 2023

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, August 14, 2023


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, August 14, 2023.  The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Jim Lansford, Jeane Breiland, and Gary Gilpin.  Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer was also present.




Tom and Linda Graham, John W and Johannah Schweighart, Gary and Sherry Porter, and Harry Lamb were all present to discuss the raise of the water rates.


Tom Graham asked what the process was that the water comes to Camargo from Villa Grove.  President Dann and Superintendent Raymer both explained that the water comes from Villa Grove to Camargo and is already treated.  It goes into our water tower and gets treated again, and then goes out to the town and onto Patterson Springs.  There is no pump that pushes the water to Patterson Springs.  It is gravity fed.


Mr. Graham asked why the base rates were different and if they could be changed.  It was explained that the base rates were generated initially due to the added pipelines and maintenance on those lines, meters, etc.


Mr. Graham went on to state that the newsletter reported there was some maintenance to be performed on the water tower.  He would like to know how often this happens.  Kyle reported that the tower has to be inspected every five (5) years.  At that time they wash it, drain it, and disinfect it.  It is scheduled to be painted in 2028 and it is estimated to cost the Village $150,000.  The cost is higher if the interior has to be sandblasted.


Johannah Schweighart quoted the newsletter as “slowly increasing” the water rates in the future.  She would like to know when our rates will increase again.  Bart explained that it all depends on IL American Water.  If they push an increase out, we have no choice but to raise our rates.


Tom Graham said he has an inline filter, a whole house filter, and faucet filters and his water still smells funny and tastes weird.  He wondered if that would change now that IL American Water has taken over Villa Grove’s water department.  He also wondered what the odor and taste could be from.  Kyle explained that originally we were not getting enough chlorine from Villa Grove.  It was burning off before it reached Camargo.  IL American Water is now treating the water differently, and we are receiving enough chlorine.  Villa Grove is pushing through more chlorine because of the amount of replacements they are doing to the water meters and water lines.  That could be the difference he is experiencing.


Johannah asked if Patterson Springs would be annexed into Village limits, would the rates drop.  Bart explained that there is a lot of homework to do before that decision is made (regarding the annexation), but to answer her question, yes.  If Patterson Springs were to be annexed into Village limits, the base rate on their water bills would be the same as inside Village limits.


Gary Porter stated that he would specifically like to thank Doug and Kyle.  He got home from vacation on a Sunday, and they came out to turn his water on.  He vacations in the winter, and they shut his water off for him.  He was grateful for them coming out on a weekend to get him turned back on.


Mr. Porter also asked what size tile is that we are running the water to Patterson Springs.  Kyle stated that there is an 8” main leaving the tower to Main Street.  At Main Street and Vine Street it drops to a 6” main.  Continuing out to Patterson Springs where it turns into a 4” main.


Johannah Schweighart explained that IL American Water is a Germany owned company.


Harry Lamb said he heard we were selling our water department to IL American Water.  He was here to state that he was against that.  Bart explained that we discussed a purchase with IL American Water, but they didn’t want to buy us.  Currently, we are purchasing water from them, and they have the expenses or over-head that comes with ownership.  So currently, they are not interested in buying the water department – only selling us the water.  They also advised Bart that they can’t provide the amount of customer service that Doug and Kyle provide our customers.



Tabled due to lack of quorum



Tabled due to lack of quorum






Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:


  • Lead and Copper samples are done for the year
  • Flushing was done yesterday and today
  • DBP Samples will be completed on Wednesday
  • They are continuing to work on Village Hall. They are close to painting.  They installed two new windows.
  • Patched roads in preparation for the rock and chip. They were able to complete North Vine and Second Street.  They were added, because we had enough remaining to complete those two streets.
  • The new signs are out: stop signs, park signs
    • The State put new park signs out and a new Camargo sign.
  • 2 new trees were bought and will be planted tomorrow.
  • Pavilion came down and was cleaned up.
  • The fence is removed from the old tennis courts




Village President Bart Dann reported the following:


  • Brian Wilkey asked for a couple months to get his truck license. He is going to get some antique plates for it.  Bart told him that would be fine.
  • Wayne Beck reported that the battery is dead on his utility truck. He will get it licensed and try to get the battery running.
  • The new pavilion has been approved by the insurance company. The bid came in at $19,400 and will be installed on top of the blacktop surface near the stage.  The company that won the bid is Happy Green Services.
  • As reported above, Kyle and Doug removed the fence.
  • T-Mobile has been surveyed and a JULIE order has been placed. I knew.
  • Carolina Gould has property on North White Oak. The property was out of control with mowing.  She will be sent an ordinance violation and $150 fine.  She agreed to pay the fine as she can’t find anyone to maintain it for her.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:03 pm.