August Minutes 2024

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Monday, August 12, 2024


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, August 12, 2024 at the Camargo Village Hall.  The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:04 pm.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Jim Lansford, Jeane Breiland, Wade Lorenz, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer and Village Treasurer Shirley Badman were both present as well.


Public Comment:  N/A


Consent Agenda:  Jeane Breiland made a motion to accept the consent agenda and Gary Giplin seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


New Business:


  1. Michael and Valerie Griffin: Michael and Valerie were both present regarding the damages they sustained during the time the village was attempting to fix their water issues.  They provided a list of items they are seeking reimbursement for.  They notified the Village of the brown water they were receiving in September 2023.  They were given a water cooler in the interim, and the Board agreed that we would offset the cost of the cooler from their list.  Mr. Lansford stated that full compensation is not acceptable.  There are depreciation costs involved with some of these items.  Mr. Griffin stated they would only settle for full compensation or they would seek other avenues in obtaining such retribution.  Village President explained that it took several months to find where the dirty water was coming from.  Their water line was being fed off of two separate lines, and the Water Superintendent was unaware.  The list provided (see attached) had several items without pricing.  Therefore, Bart suggested that we table this issue until next month.  In the meantime, they need to provide the Village with a complete list and he will call the insurance company and see how they advise us to proceed.  Mr. Lansford also asked Bart to please call the village attorney for clarification on our rights.
  2. Dustin Carter – 3C’s:  Dustin was present to seek an alcohol license.  He has space in his shop that he wishes to install gaming.  This would provide his customers with some entertainment while waiting for their vehicles to be fixed.  In order to install the gaming machines, the State of IL says he must have an alcohol license.  He is in the very early stages of this project, but needs to get the ball rolling.  Jeane Breiland made a motion to grant the liquor license and Jim Lansford seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Appropriations Ordinance:  Jim Lansford made a motion to accept the appropriations ordinance as produced by Treasurer Shirley Badman.  Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Old Business:


  1. Solar Grants and Funding Updates:  Treasurer Badman stated she called both the grants funding people and Russ Leigh.  Russ can’t find anyone to confirm any grants or money that can be returned to municipalities.  The Board stated they are not moving forward with this project.  Gary Gilpin stated he would call Route 66 Solar Company and see if they have any more answers than anyone else is giving us.  They are local, and they have been in business for several years in our area.
  2. Property Purchase / Condemning Updates: See President’s Report
  3. Part-time Police Officer Update:  Chief Rea is on vacation.  The City of Villa Grove approved the proposition from Camargo (Thursday – Sunday with varying times).  They are working on numbers regarding hours, cost, insurance coverage, etc.


Village Superintendent’s Report:  Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:


  • They spent two days working on trees on River Road with Beez Trees.  They removed 53 trees.
  • Lead / copper samples were completed last week.
  • Updates on lead / copper samples sites were completed per the EPA.  The Village has no homes with lead service lines.
  • Tim Little spoke with Kyle about a speed limit sign.  The Village limits are approximately ¼ mile west of his home and business.  He would like to see a speed limit sign there, as people do not slow down for the curve or the intersection at his house.


Village President’s Report:  Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Condemning / Purchasing of Property:  President Dann and Village Building Inspector Tim Wegeng went around town and noted the following:
    1. 410 S John: Owner occupied / moving
      1. There is a gentleman that would like to purchase this property for his son.  HIs son is in Texas and is looking at charges for attempted murder.  The current owner needs $14,000 – fair cash value is $17,360.  She said it is very livable, and she keeps the property up.  Bart would like to know if the Village would like to purchase the property?  After a short discussion, Jim Lansford made a motion to authorize President Dann to spend up to $14,000 to purchase the property located at 410 S John.  Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
    2. 108 W Issacher: Selling to the neighbors – to be completed by 11/01/24
      1. This property is being sold to the neighbors.  They are planning on tearing down the house and expanding the size of their yard.  This house has been empty for 12 years, and the neighbors are selling it for $5000.
    3. 107 W Issacher:  Owner spent $4500 to remove the trailer
      1. This property is being demolished.  President Dann spoke with the property owner on August 11, and it is scheduled to be removed in a couple of weeks.
    4. 411 S John: Occupied with renters
      1. This property has back taxes that have been purchased.  It will go to auction this year.  President Dann spoke with the attorney.  We are going to send the property owner a letter.  They will have four options moving forward:
        1. You tear down the property.
        2. You fix the property
          1. Roof is destroyed
          2. Floor is rotten
          3. Minimum of $15,000 to fix the trailer
        3. We condemn the property and place a lien against it
        4. You sell the property to the Village, and we will tear it down
    5. 412 S John: Property is empty and sits on two lots
      1. Bart spoke with the property owner’s brother.  At one time he wanted to sell the property, and he has since changed his mind.  The roof is bad and the flooring is shot.  Approximately $11,000 to fix the property.
    6. 419 S John: Owner occupied (same owner as 411 S John)
      1. Mr. Wegeng believes this property is in worse condition than that at 411 S John.  There are tarps on the roof, and the structure is visibly falling apart.
    7. 67 E George: The trailer has been removed – doing upgrades to the property
      1. The trailer was removed and the property owner left a garage on the property that was free standing.  This garage sits on a concrete slab.  The owner states he is turning it into a single bedroom studio (tiny house).  Although the structure appears to be sound, the building inspector is not signing off on the property.  There are several things that need to be done before it is up to code.
  1. Drug Related Stabbing on George Street:  President Dann was on vacation, and began to receive phone calls of a stabbing on George Street.  Apparently, this ended up being a self-inflicted wound.  The suspect/victim was under the influence of multiple drugs and ended up breaking into a local business down the road.  The scary thought was how many houses did this person go past prior to breaking into the business.  Something has to be done about the drug use/making/selling that is happening in that neighborhood.
  2. EMS Lounge:  Bart called Kelsey’s in Tuscola, and they will not donate, nor do they have anything that is reusable that they would sell.  Bart will call the fire department again and see exactly what their take is on EMS using their facilities.  The search will continue for suitable seating.  The EMS providers stated they would provide their own television, if we could find a location.
  3. Speed Limit Signs:  There was a miscommunication.  Clerk Salisa Dann thought that the attorney was going to draw up an ordinance for the speed limit signs.  President Dann didn’t mention it to the attorney, because he thought she was going to draw up the paperwork.  She will have it ready for the next board meeting.
  4. River Road / Beez Trees:  Greg Miller, business owner of Beez Trees, couldn’t say enough good things about Kyle, Doug, and Cathy Raymer.  Without their assistance during the tree project, we never would have gotten 53 trees down in the two days!
  5. Rich Caughron:  Mr. Caughron lives at the end of George Street at the intersection of George and John.  The Village has barricaded the end of the dead end street to utilize the space for rock storage.  There is more than enough room for vehicles to turn around or for his visitors to pull into and out of his driveway.
  6. Bart assigned a Property Committee to move forward with the properties listed above.  Committee members are:  Wade Lorenz, Jim Lansford, and Gary Gilpin.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:39 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk