December 2020

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, December 14, 2020

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, December 14, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George (via Zoom), Jim Lansford, Laura Miller (via Zoom), Jeane Brieland, and Jim Hardway.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all in attendance.





Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed.



Nancy George made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed.







  1. Ordinance Violations – Follow Up
    1. Powell – Yard is cleaned up, but there are still cars there that need to go. President Dann will call the family and advise them that in good faith and due to the yard being cleaned up, the Village will give them until the January board meeting to get the vehicles removed.  This will be the final deadline.  After this, the case will be forwarded to the attorney.
    2. Smith – This residence has done nothing to comply with any of the ordinance violations that have been sent. The water bill is in a name of a person that does not reside in that home; however, she does pay the water bill.  Jim Lansford reminded us that an ordinance can just be tacked to the door – according to the modifications to the ordinances we just passed.  We will attempt one more notification before sending to the attorney.
    3. Jackson – Bart sent Mr. Jackson a text message back in September regarding Mr. Jackson’s property. No progress had been made on the property, so Mr. Jackson also received an ordinance violation.  He sent Bart a second text asking him what the ordinance was all about.  Bart sent Mr. Jackson a snap shot of their original conversation explaining that the Village would not move forward with violations if progress was being made on the home.  Nothing has been done; therefore, ordinances were issued.  Jackson later contacted Bart and advised him that he could not attend the December board meeting.  However, he had contacted Ezell Excavating to remove the home from the property.  He had a signed bid that he was returning to Ezell’s.  Bart advised the Board that he would contact Ezell and follow up with this information.  If there is a contract/bid on the table, he will inquire as to the timeline of removing the house.  He will also advise Ezell that the Village would greatly appreciate the home being removed sooner rather than later.



Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • November was a slow month.
  • Kyle took vacation the week of Thanksgiving.
  • Doug took vacation the week following Thanksgiving.
  • Read Meters:
    • Each month, Village Treasurer Shirley Badman gives Doug and Kyle a list of water customers that have not paid their water bill. Due to the shut off date occurring during the holiday week, he gave each customer until Monday to get their bill paid.  One family still failed to pay their bill.  On Monday, Doug shut their water off.  He noticed they didn’t come in an pay their bill; nor did they request to have it turned back on.  He went back to the meter to check on it, and the resident had turned the water back on themselves.  This time, Doug padlocked it.  Shortly after, the water bill was paid and the reconnect fee was paid.  He turned the water back on.  Now, this family hasn’t paid this month’s water bill.  And due to Christmas falling on the same part of the week, he will continue to leave water meters on through the weekend, and shut off will occur on the following Monday.  He just wanted the Board to be aware of the situation.
  • Pulled equipment in to get it ready for storage for the winter and prep for the Spring.
  • There is a water main leak at the elevator. His suggestion is to turn the water off and cap it in the summer.
  • Cut brush
  • Doug and Kyle were using the basket on the tractor. The basket was rusted out and falling apart.  Doug removed it and junked it.  He went to Legacy Chemical and they had a basket he could have.  He had to make some modifications, but it was free and it works.
  • He needs the new stickers for the water meter book. He already told Shirley, and she will get those for him.
  • They mulched the park.
  • The tractor is ready to be serviced.



Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:

  • 1 water sample failed from the EPA (this is normal).
  • The 2nd water sample was spoiled by the EPA.
  • The 3rd sample they are waiting on results from.
    • Due to this time of year and the fact that it takes 3-4 days for Villa Grove’s water to reach Camargo, it is not uncommon that the chlorine content is too high.
    • The concern is that chlorine breaks down into other chemicals.
    • Our test registered at 89, and the limit is 80.
    • Camargo has no control whenever Villa Grove’s chlorine take sticks open. Villa Grove needs to make a better attempt at notifying us when this happens.  We can flush the water before it gets into our system.
    • Due to the samples failing, we have to do three more. Two of which are homes of individuals that are difficult to get samples from (vacation plans or health issues).  Kyle would like to purchase two (2) sample stations to install on these meters.  These two homes are always tested due to their location on the water mains.  These locations are selected by the EPA, and to change the sample location is a difficult process.
    • A sample station is $450. A sample tube is $250.  He would like to have two stations and one tube.  The tube is like a quick-connect and can be used over and over.

A motion was made by Laura Miller to purchase two (2) sample stations and one (1) reusable sample tube not to exceed $1200.  Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Kyle stated he would like to have both stations installed by February if possible.



Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Thank you for the last four (4) years. Next month he would like to show the Board a list of accomplishments that everyone has completed.
  • Bart is running for Village President again. He sees a bright future for the Board for the next four (4) years.
  • Again, thank you from the bottom of his heart for everyone’s help; especially Shirley.
  • Reminder: Please get out and vote for your favorite Christmas lights.  Your votes are due December 18th.  You can send your votes to Bart’s email, Salisa’s email, or can text.  Please include the address of each participant and/or their names.  The gift certificates are listed below:
    • JR’s
    • El Rancho Grande
    • Gilles
    • Monicals
  • Bart suggested next year we join forces with Villa Grove and Tuscola and have one huge contest with larger prizes. Food for thought….
  • Thank you again, and Merry Christmas!


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:46 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk