Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
February 8, 2016
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on February 8, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley. Roll call found the following trustees present: Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Laura Miller, and Paul Davidson. Trustees Jim Hardway and Rodney Farris were both absent. Village Treasurer Bobbi Lauderback was present, and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present. Jim Kestner was also present.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Jim Kestner was present to address the Board regarding the organization of the Woolly Worm 5k Race. He explained that he would like to organize it as a fundraiser and donate proceeds to the newly-formed Junior High Cross Country team and/or the Playtime Co-Op Nursery School. In addition to the race, he would like to also add a flea market and antique show, charge a minimal fee to vendors who wish to use sales space, and add community-wide garage sales as well. He asked for the village’s help to promote the event. He explained that parents of the preschool students would be required to help, and he feels they would have plenty of volunteer help. Kestner would like to run the race from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., followed by flea market event from 8:00 a.m. until noon. He wondered about the use of the Community Building area and parking lots for the event, and had a few other possible locations to check on. The event date is set for June 25th.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Laura Miller, seconded by Gilpin, minutes from the regular meeting of January 11, 2016 were approved unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – No additions or corrections noted. On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Laura Miller, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS – Billingsley reported that he had sent a copy of the village’s current ordinance regarding the village’s liability to maintain water service lines to the property line. Billingsley seemed to think that Osenne was satisfied, and no action was taken.
The Verizon cell tower project is moving forward. Additional testing and engineering is done. A portion of the site was in the right of way, but an alternate site was identified. The attorney for Verizon Wireless has contacted our attorney. Expenses for legal and engineering will be covered up to $3,000 by Verizon. They are currently offering $8,600 per year to use the site, but that amount is not final. Negotiations continue.
Billingsley presented engineering bids from both Farnsworth ($2,200 – $2,800) and Berns, Clancy ($5,400). On a motion by Gary Gilpin, seconded by Laura Miller, the Board voted unanimously to approve the bid from Farnsworth for the cell tower project.
NEW BUSINESS – On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Paul Davidson, the Board voted unanimously to adopt a resolution declaring surplus property and approving sale of same.
Rick reported the following items:
- 2 events that required salting of the roads.
- Snow plow event two weeks ago.
- Doug Raymer was injured during plowing/snow event.
- Hydrants were flushed in order to take samples.
- Potholes were filled.
- Completed some paperwork; reported that his research showed that we have REDUCED unmetered usage to 2.75%, down from 23.5% in 2009. Much of this is due to meter replacement.
- Wants to continue to replace old meters, because the savings over time becomes quite significant.
Billingsley reported the following:
- Electric aggregation bid and annual contract meeting. Kevin will attend; he asked for the board’s permission to execute the contract. No objections were raised.
- Dealt with a few animal complaints (dogs, and peacocks on Mill St.)
- Complaint re: Molina’s garbage. The problem has since been resolved.
- Researched some health care costs – no other good options are available.
- Recycling/Garbage Days – suggested and discussed the possibility of having a one-day recycling event 3 or 4 times a year when people can bring recycling items.
With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.