July Minutes 2024

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Monday, July 08, 2024


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, July 08, 2024 at the Camargo Village Hall.  The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:00 pm.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Wade Lorenz, and Gary Gilpin.  Treasurer Shirley Badman was in attendance as was Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer.


Public Comment: N/A


Consent Agenda:  Jim Hardway made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


New Business:

Jim Crane: MFT Appropriations:  Mr. Crane reported that we will not have enough to redo White Oak or Mill Street this year.  We will have enough to do Plum Grove.  We will get $26,000 in MFT, we will supplement $3740.90 out of the General Fund, totalling the project to $29,740.90.  Nancy George made a motion to accept the appropriation as prepared by Jim Crane.  Wade Lorenz seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Solar Panel Proposal, Sarah Rieke with ELEV8:  Ms. Reiki was present on behalf of ELEV8 and in conjunction with Good Power.  She had a presentation regarding solar panels for the Village Hall, the Community Building, and the Pump House.  Good Power has been in business for over 25 years.  This proposal has a 25 year warranty.  The total cost BEFORE credits and grants for the Village Hall will be $15,247.50.  AFTER credits and grants, the cost drops to $3620.25.  The pump house cost prior to credits and grants is $104,560.00; after credits and grants the cost drops to making a profit of $2130.85.  The Community Building (whose panels would be placed on the maintenance shed) would cost $88,885.00, and after credits and grants would be $28,999.01.  Please note: ALL credits and grants must be granted prior to receiving those prices.  Nancy suggested that Bart get a hold of Drew Hole with the City of Tuscola.  He is their city administrator.  He may have an idea of how to move forward with the correct bid process for solar panels.  The return of investment is approximately three (3) years.  Kyle asked if it was possible to go completely off-grid?  Some states simply do not allow this.  They want to keep track of the amount of energy being used.  Our bid does not include battery backup’ however, we would still be connected to Ameren.  Sarah stated that in Illinois we still have to be hooked to the grid, because of State issued regulations.  We can be up and running anywhere from 2-12 weeks.  We MUST be up and running prior to December 13, 2024 in order to qualify for the 1:1 credit from Ameren.  This offer is good for 30 years.  Proceeding, Nancy suggests we take our tax credit questions (some of the credits offered are via tax credits) to our auditor and then have a special meeting regarding the outcome and moving forward.  Shirley said she would look into and begin the grant process as well as calling the auditor.

Speed Limit Signs:  Brome Kielhorn reached out to President Dann about lowering speed limits in an area in town with children.  Specifically, lowering the speed limit in Mr. Kielhorn’s neighborhood to 20 MPH (streets affected by this change would be Orchard, John, Neal, and George).  Shirley stated that we have to write and pass an ordinance in order to do this.  We cannot just change the speed limit.  Bart said he would send the information to the attorney, and we have it for the next Board meeting.


Old Business:

Property Purchase / Condemning Updates:  President Dann checked into this process, and there is more red tape than expected when it comes to condemning property.  Tim Wegeng has never dealt with these issues before.  We can start with a letter from the attorney and proceed from there.  Gary Gilpin suggested calling the Health Department and checking into tax sales.


Woolly Worm Festival Update:  Nancy and Bart have raised $3600 with verbal confirmations in sponsorship.  $1100 of that has been collected already.  Nancy believes that by this time next month, we will be able to have a final number to match from the Village.  Jeane Breiland is looking for volunteers for the inflatables.  Bart is checking with the FFA as well.


Part-Time Police Officer Update:  No updates yet.  President Dann is going to check with Chief Rae.


Village Superintendent’s Report: Village Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:

  • Hauled 10 ton asphalt for patching 
    • Started on Mill St
    • Will move to Plum Grove next
  • Cleaned ditch on White Oak
  • Installed culvert at Drake’s
  • Griffin’s water issue has been resolved.  Moving the service line fixed whatever was wrong.
  • Waiting on Bees Trees to begin tree removal project on River Rd
  • Lead and Copper samples due next week
  • Disinfectant By Products due in August
  • Several water leaks this month:
    • Painter – 89,000
    • Myles – UNK amount of gallons
    • Lansford – 15,000
  • The climbing unit on the playground had a broken board.  Kyle replaced all the wood on the unit.  It was less than $200 to fix it.
  • Merry-go-round is still under construction / out of commission
  • Village employees will have to mow on White Oak.  An ordinance violation has been sent.


Village President’s Report:  Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • There were several complaints received about a couple of bushes that were impeding the view of on-coming traffic at the corner of Main Street and Vine Street.  Bart reached out to the homeowner (via text message) and asked if she could trim or remove the bushes.  She advised Bart that she did not have the resources to do so, and gave permission to have them removed.  Kyle removed both a bush and a small tree.  They were overgrown and growing into each other.  After the fact, the homeowner reached out to Bart to complain that she didn’t want the tree removed – only the bush.  She went on to say that she was going to sue the Village.  At this point, President Dann stopped all communications with her, and told her to please reach out to our Village Attorney, and gave her his contact information.  Bart already reached out to the attorney, and he said we were fine.  Both the bush and the tree were planted in the easement, and she never had permission to do so.  Nor did she maintain the proper maintenance on them.  And we have it in writing that they could be removed.
  • Bart received a letter from the Back to School Program looking for donations for school supplies for Villa Grove students.  Nancy made a motion to donate $100 to the cause.  Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • There is a rose bush on White Oak that is growing over the sidewalk.  Bart will reach out to that homeowner.  They have two options: they move the bush or we will move the bush.
  • The Village bought a water cooler for Griffin’s to use while we were working on their waterlines. Does the Village ask for the water cooler back, or do we pay for the damages they told Kyle they had (towels and bedding were stained from the rusty water)?  Wade suggested giving them three (3) months to produce receipts for items replaced and to come to a board meeting.  If they don’t show up, we call it even.
  • Kyle donated a Keurig to the Village Hall.  Feel free to help yourself.
  • Bart has not received any new information regarding the annexation.  He is still waiting on the documentation from the courthouse.
  • It was brought to our attention that the Ambulance crew sit in town at the firehouse with the ambulance running.  While our tax dollars are being spent for these calls, do we want to ask if they would like to use the basement of the community building while they are stationed in Camargo.  There was some discussion of such, but Salisa Dann volunteered to reach out to them to see if they would even be interested.
  • FEMA reached out to President Dann.  He believes they are going to be doing some research in town to alleviate some flooding down by the river.  He called and left a message, but they never responded.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:05pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk