Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
June 12, 2017
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on June 12, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Gary Gilpin, Laura Miller, Pam Sigler, Jim Hardway, and Jeane Breiland. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present, and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present.
- Carol Jo Fritts, Heather (last name unknown), and Wayne Griffin of First Neighbor Bank, Newman, were all present to discuss the further development of Plum Grove. They have several lots for sale and wanted to let the Village know that they are very motivated in getting these lots sold and homes built.
- The HOA no longer exists for Plum Grove (therefore the minimal bylaws technically are not valid).
- They had some ideas on growing our community.
- Better Neighborhoods Program – designed to improve your property, inside or out with very low APR. Fixed rates for two (2) years at 2 1/2 % up to $25,000.00.
- Prices on the lots are somewhat negotiable.
- Rodney Farris was present to discuss the easements on his property. Village President Bart Dann explained to him that we are only following the guidance of our attorney. The previous easements were transferred incorrectly, and we are not doing that anymore. Rodney is frustrated with the time frame this is taking, and believes that he is being treated unfairly. Again, Trustee Jim Hardway explained to Rodney that we are going to follow the direction of the Village Attorney, and we have meeting scheduled with the Zoning Board.
- Village President Dann stated he would contact the Zoning Board and move the meeting up. This would allow the Board to meet and respond with their recommendation at our next Village meeting.
- On a side note, Rodney asked that we start posting the agenda on the website.
Trustee Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes from the Regular Board meeting of May 08, 2017. Trustee Pam Sigler seconded the motion, and the minutes passed unanimously.
- Tony Hooker contacted Village Clerk, Salisa Dann, to see about getting notes from each meeting. Salisa explained to Tony that she would check with the Village prior to doing so. Her concern was handing out notes prior to the minutes being approved. The Village okayed the delivery of “notes” with the understanding that these are notes only, and that the minutes were not approved until the next Regular Session Board Meeting.
Trustee Pam Sigler made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Trustee Hardway seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.
- Prevailing Wage Ordinance – Village Treasurer Shirley Badman presented the Prevailing Wage Ordinance to be approved for the 2017 – 2018 fiscal year. Trustee Jim Hardway made the motion to accept the Prevailing Wage Ordinance as presented. Trustee Laura Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
- Levy Tax – Treasurer Badman also stated she would levy money for Parks & Recreation for the next fiscal year. This process begins in November and December.
- Head Start Playground – The fenced in playground in coming right along. The concrete has been set, the fence is up, and the dirt around the concrete pad has been added for safety measures. It was brought to Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn’s attention that Head Start is planning on using pea gravel as one of their ground coverings inside the fence. His concern is that when the Village mows, they will hit some pea gravel with the mower and it might cause physical harm to anything in its path or bodily harm if someone is present outside. He kindly asked that someone contact Head Start to see if they would be willing to use mulch in place of the pea gravel. President Dann stated he would contact them to see if any concessions could be made.
- Playground at the park – Village President Bart Dann and Clerk Salisa Dann have been busy with research regarding the playground. New playground equipment is very expensive. With the discussion of a possible tax levy for parks & rec, the Board decided to table the issue of replacing the equipment until next Spring.
- Trustee Jim Hardway stated he was approached by Rhett Simpson who resides at Plum Grove. Simpson advised him he was seeing a lot of standing water in their subdivision. Trustee Laura Miller stated she just brought this to the Board’s attention, and she was advised that the water issue did not belong to the Village. The Village of Camargo is not responsible for the drainage issues at Plum Grove (due to incorrect installation on the contractor’s part). Village President Bart Dann stated he would call and speak with Carol Fritts at First Neighbor Bank and see if they would be willing to look into this issue – since they are wanting to develop it further.
- Trustee Jeane Brieland stated the traffic down Vine Street on Sunday mornings is hectic. With the park being across the street and the traffic flow being heavy and too fast, she asked that we post Children Playing signs. Village Clerk Salisa Dann and Trustee Pam Sigler stated that there are already signs posted along Vine Street. Salisa suggested someone contact the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and ask for extra patrols. Typically, the sight of an officer would slow the traffic down to a safer speed.
- Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn report that he is back to work full duty with a fifty (50) pound lift restriction.
- The EPA fees were (or will be) reduced. The Village of Camargo was scheduled for Reduced Monitoring through August 2018. This will save the Village a minimum of $1400.00.
- Doug and Rick began asphalt work today. Their hopes are to do the entire north end of town (and possibly the circle drive around the Community Building).
- Rick asked that I add Jim Crane to next month’s agenda.
- Rick also asked that someone call Randy Frick regarding the sidewalks the Village would like to repair.
- Clean Up Days were successful
- Non-compliance with the days and hours scheduled
- Someone dumped something in the dumpster after “closing time” and the dumpster caught on fire…twice. The fire department had to come out and take care of the fire.
- Marty Kirkman and Terry Southard both took loads of steel. This was a cost savings to the Village and it helped Doug and Rick to allow for other items to be disposed of.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- The Zoning Board is scheduled to meet in July. However, after much discussion at this meeting, Mr. Dann decided he would call the Zoning Board and see if they could move their meeting up and report back to the Village Board on their findings.
- Cliff Williams contacted Bart Dann regarding some property he purchased in Camargo. He is going to use the property as a rental. However, there is a large empty lot behind the residence. He inquired about possibly installing storage sheds on the property. This development would not happen for a year or so.
- Bart is still searching for property for a possible business development.
- President Dann spoke with IDOT regarding the property located at the corner of Main St. and Rt. 130. The weeds are high and visibility is low. This is a great risk for possible accidents. IDOT stated they were out mowing this area that day. The mowed half of the ditch; however, the remaining half belongs to the homeowner and it is their responsibility.
- Bart is going to contact IDOT tomorrow regarding NO TEXTING signs. The City of Villa Grove and the Village of Camargo would like for the State to install NO TEXTING signs along Route 130 and Route 36 coming into and out of our prospective towns.
- Cassandra Eversole-Gunter is also looking into signs for the City and the Village of Camargo. President Dann asked for the Village to approve the purchase of 6 signs to post around the Village. These would also be NO TEXTING signs…however, they are State Issued and cannot be place along the highway (State mandated). Village Trustee Pam Sigler made a motion to purchase the six (6) signs. Trustee Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to purchase the signs for the Village.
- Village President Bart Dann was approached by several people who stated they didn’t know Camargo had a website. Per his request to Village Clerk Salisa Dann, he is going to post the information at the Camargo Bank and the Camargo Post Office.
- 4H painted the steps during Clean Up days. They did a wonderful job and they look wonderful. Nancy Simpson stated we had some of that indoor / outdoor paint left if we would like to use it on anything else at the Community Building. They bought too much and can’t return it.
- Village President Dann received an email regarding some cemetery plots. Karen Strader has some plots in the Camargo Cemetery and would like to sell them. Trustee Jim Hardway and President Dann were the only two who posed interest in the them. They will make plans to contact Ms. Strader and get the details of the sale.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 9:00 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk