May 2017

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Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
May 08, 2017

The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on May 08, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Gary Gilpin, Laura Miller, Pam Sigler, Jim Hardway, and Jeane Breiland. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present, and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Laura and seconded by Gary, the minutes were passed unanimously.

At 7:03 pm, Bart Dann requested the Board go into Executive Session regarding Personnel. Gary made the motion, Laura seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to enter Executive Session.
At 7:16 pm, the Board exited Executive Session and welcomed the public back into the meeting.

Bart stated he would like to appoint Scott Tague to his vacant seat on the Board. Scott would be filling an unexpired 2 year term. Gary made the motion to appoint Scott to the open seat, Pam seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to place Scott on the Board.
Scott was then given his Oath of Office and appointed his position.

• Farris Property – Rodney was present to inquire on the status of his easements. Bart had documentation from previous President Kevin Billingsley stating that the attorney advised us NOT to hand over the easements until further investigation could be completed. His recommendation was to contact the Zoning Board, the neighbors and landowners that would be or could be affected by the property exchange, and hold a public hearing on such. The Board agreed to follow the attorney’s advice. Bart is going to contact the Zoning Board and have them look into the matter as well – prior to their next meeting.

Jim made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Laura seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s Report.

a. Farris Property (See above)
b. Playground at the park
• The Board agreed to look into prices and replacement playground equipment for the park. Laura had sent an email to Salisa stating she was interested in the old equipment – if there was anything she could salvage and reclaim. She would be willing to purchase what could be used. Shirley stated she would begin the “disposal” paperwork – as the process typically takes about 30 days. Salisa stated she would look at the school for references regarding the new playground and where to purchase it.
a. Update Water Billing System
• Bart asked Shirley if she has had the time to pick a new billing system. She was waiting to hear back from VG on their program. She also has a few narrowed down, but hasn’t had the opportunity to view any demonstrations on their product or do any research regarding the supplies that will be needed.
b. Fence Around the Ball Park
• Bart asked Rick if he could get some prices for the fencing to go around the ball diamond. He also stated he would donate $500 towards the project. Jim’s concern was that the Village would put out money towards the diamond and it would only be used as a practice field. Before we spend money on the diamond, he would like a minimum of 15 games scheduled at the park. Rick stated he would call S&K to get a quote, and Bart said he would call Lee Hoffman (Coordinator for Summer Rec). Bart also informed the Board that Summer Rec will supply the lime for lining the field, and their Summer Rec employee will take care of prepping the field for games. Shane Smith advised Bart Dann that he would volunteer to drag the field and get it game time ready – prior to Summer Rec lining it on game day.
c. Online Bill Pay
• Shirley has already looked into this. Because we are a municipality, we can use ePay. This is the same system the school uses. There will be no cost to the Village, and a minimum convenience fee to the consumer that chooses to use it. Shirley will be able to transfer the funds from ePay to our Village banking account. We will NOT put this into effect until her new billing system is also purchased and ready to go.
d. Unregistered Vehicles
• Bart was advised by previous President Kevin Billingsley that it was about time to update the unregistered vehicle list. Bart asked Rick if he did that, and he advised that he no longer makes that list. Bart will have to complete the list and give it to the Chief Deputy at the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. Bart said he would add this to his to-do list.
e. Dead End Signs
• Several concerned people stressed to Bart that they wished they still had a Dead End Sign at the end of Orchard St. Numerous times, semis will pull into the cul-de-sac and not be able to get out. They have to back the entire way down the street. Their used to be a sign and IDOT made the Village move it. Rick said that he has several signs on the list to be replaced this year. He will make sure Orchard Street is on the list, and will put a post and sign on the right hand side of the road.

• Rick stated his pick line will be removed this week. He is able to remove the brace from his finger and use it gingerly.
• Doug has been mowing while Rick is on light duty.
• Doug has kept the burn pile down – when it wasn’t raining.
• Because of the raining, Doug put up flood signs.
• Rick received a bill from the EPA. We are supposed to be receiving reduced monitoring. If this is approved, we won’t have to monitor again until August 2018.

Bart reported the following:
1. Lora Hahn – Dog complaints
a. Bart received complaints from Lora Hahn regarding her neighbor’s dogs. Bart contacted Mike Jones at the Douglas County Animal Control. Mike relayed that Lora’s neighbor is a licensed dog breeder and there is nothing anyone can do about her dogs. However, if they are being a nuisance due to the barking, Lora needs to call the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. That is a police matter – not a Village matter.
2. Kristen White – Trash Complaint
a. Kristen called Bart concerned with the neighbor’s garbage. They were evicted and left the garbage in the house and behind the house. Doug Raymer volunteered to haul the garbage off during Trash Days (June 3rd and 4th). Kristen was okay with this – she was just worried that the garbage would draw in animals.
3. Alan Soard – Building Permit
a. Alan contacted Bart regarding a building permit. He is wanting to purchase and build a pavilion behind his house. Tim Wegneg had already been by and issued his permit prior to the meeting.
4. Marty Kirkman – Scrap Metal
a. Marty approached Bart and asked him if the Village was accepting metal during scrap days (June 3rd and 4th). Bart wasn’t sure and advised Marty that he would check with the Board and Rick on what our standard procedures were. The Board was okay with Marty collecting and taking the scrap metal. However, he MUST have a trailer available to place the metal on. The Board did not want the metal sitting out by the dumpsters.
5. Randy Frick – Head Start Playground
a. Bart called and left a message with Randy regarding the Head Start playground. We were inquiring about a start date. At the time of the meeting, no return call had yet been received.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:19 pm.

Salisa Dann
Village Clerk