Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
May 09, 2016
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on May 09, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley. Roll call found the following trustees present: Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, and Jim Hardway. Trustees Paul Davidson and Laura Miller were absent. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both present.
PUBLIC COMMENTS –John Carmack and Kathleen Holthaus were present at the April meeting to discuss the possibility of adding water service from the village to their land. They would like to find a way to supply more water to their farm, and they wondered if the village would consider running additional line to their house. The engineer’s preliminary findings proved to be $38,590. With that estimate, Carmack and Holthaus have decided to dig their own wells.
Andrew Bequette, Village Counsel, and Andy Hanfland, Farnsworth Engineering were both present to discuss the Verizon cell tower. As far as the lease was concerned, Mr. Bequette felt this was a good lease. Mr. Hanfland had some concerns regarding the welding that would / could damage the sealant on the inside of the tower. The Board requested the tower be drained while all welding and grinding is being done. The lease approval has been postponed one (1) month due to the modifications of drawings. The Board also requested that Mr. Hanfland or one of his engineers to be present while all major work is being done on the water tower. Both Mr. Bequette and Mr. Hanfland agreed to attend our June 13th meeting with updates.
Mayor Billingsley presented documentation from Andy Dahl regarding the village website. There were two (2) options. Mr. Billingsley requested the Board to allocate funds for option one (1) which was the least expensive option.
Motion: Jim Hardway 2nd: Rodney Farris Vote: Unanimous
Mayor Billigsley was going to contact Andy and inquire as to how quickly he could get the website up and running.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Rodney Farris, minutes from the regular meeting of April 11, 2016 were approved unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Shirley noted a few additions and clarifications. On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Gary Gilpin, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS – 2016-2017 Appropriations Ordinance was tabled at last month’s meeting. Mr. Davidson requested that all Board members have the opportunity to read over and digest the material. The ordinances were voted on as follows:
Motion: Rodney Farris 2nd: Gary Gilpin Vote: Unanimous
- The mulch at the park needs to be redone. Rick Kielhorn received two (2) quotes for the mulch. Rhett Burris quoted he would do the work for $1100.
Motion: Jim Hardway 2nd: Rodney Farris Vote: Unanimous
- The issue of delinquent water bill was brought to the Board’s attention. Shirley and Rick have proposed a new system and time frame regarding the shut-off dates for these outstanding water bills. Patrons will now have one (1) complete cycle to pay their bills in full. Twenty-five days of delinquency will earn a shut off. At that point, they will owe the balance in full, the late fees, and a $25 re-instatement fee. ALL must be paid in full prior to the water being turned back on.
Motion: Jim Hardway 2nd: Terri Miller Vote: Unanimous
- The unregistered vehicles in town have become a concern to several. There are vehicles that are inoperable that are becoming eye-sores and the Board requests they be removed. The current ordinance covering abandoned vehicles and such has been struck. This issue was tabled for the June meeting where Mayor Billingsley would like to review the ordinance and adopt / modify the previous striking.
- EPA fee for testing came back. Report result was EXCELLENT.
- Mowing and weed control
- Two (2) sink holes and a broken tile were fixed. They will work on the landscaping to repair the damage done due to fixing the holes.
- Created a drop box at Village Hall for the water bills.
- 2 bags of asphalt were used to patch holes.
- Contact Jim Krane – there are no grants available to help pay the resurfacing fees for South White Oak. Per Neeco Asphalt – it will cost us approximately $25,000 to fix that stretch of road….These fees do NOT cover the oil and chip this year or the oil and chip next year.
Billingsley reported the following:
- He would like to adopt the water policy changes for delinquent bills
Motion: Terri Miller 2nd: Jim Hardway Vote: Unanimous
- He had discussions with Greg Gufuston regarding his billing.
- Kelly Chapman and the boy scouts will be picking up litter around town
- The parking violation(s) were mailed
- The State of Illinois were out checking on the bridge on Main Street. They stated it was in bad shape, but did not specify what their intentions were.
- Valerie from the Douglas County Health Department contacted Mr. Billinglsey. She is working on the Summer Snack Pack Program. They will be using the Camargo Park as one of their summer time pick up destinations.
The Mayor swore in both Shirley Badman as Village Treasurer and Salisa Dann as Village Clerk. All proper paperwork was signed, sealed, and will be delivered.
With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk