July 11, 2016

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

July 11, 2016


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on June 13, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, Paul Davidson, Laura Miller, and Jim Hardway.  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present; Water Superintendent Rick Keilhorn was not due to being on vacation.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Jim Kestner was present to discuss the Kids Rock 5K that was held on Saturday, June 25, 2016.  He dropped off a copy of their insurance and thanked the Board.  It was a success.  He stated he would be in contact with Laura Miller soon to start planning next year’s race and Village Fundraiser.

Wayne Beck was represented on behalf of Rodney Farris.  He requested some clarification on the property that lies adjacent to Wayne’s property.  The property in question is the easement or boulevard.  Wayne has been parking his trailer on said property and not mowing.  The ordinance states that he can only park there up to 72 hours and must maintain the grass and weeds.  He feels that if it is Village property, the village should maintain it.  Rodney Farris made a motion to have the Village take over the maintenance of the easement.  The motion fell due to last of issue.

Marty Kirkman was also present.  Marty received an ordinance violation regarding the weeds and grass on his property.  Marty had a previous meeting with Richard Billingsley regarding his property.  He was under the understanding that his property was agriculture, and the “weeds” in question was actually a hay field.  Since receiving his notification, the hay field has been baled.  A letter was written and sent to Paul Davidson for clarification on the zoning matters.  Paul does not have a zoning map that reflects that same understanding.  Paul has also requested a town hall meeting with the Zoning Board so that we can get some answers regarding this issue.

Rodney Farris also brought up the issue of the helicopter that was trimming trees over the weekend.  He felt that his family’s safety was at risk.  No one on the Board had ever known them to trim trees before in this manner.  Neighboring communities received formal notification prior to the trimming.  Billingsley is going to contact Nelson’s Tree Service and request the same courtesy be given to our community in the future.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Terri Miller, minutes from the regular meeting of June 13, 2016 were approved unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shirley noted a few additions and clarifications.  On a motion by Laura Miller, seconded by Gary Gilpin, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.

Shirley also requested permission to purchase a Quickbooks software program.  This program will assist her greatly in preparing the bills, doing payroll, and sending water bills.

OLD BUSINESS – Terri asked if we had given Andy Dahl any information regarding the rental of the community building.  We had not.  She is going to email Salisa with that information and she will forward onto Andy.  While on this topic, Salisa gave a brief update to the website.  Andy informed her that we were almost ready to go live.  There will need to be a meeting where the two of them can sit down and he can show her how to use the program.



NEW BUSINESS – The Verizon contract came in.  Richard Billingsley signed it, Salisa Dann witnessed it, and Shirley Badman notarized it.  It was then dropped off to be mailed back to Verizon.  As soon as they sign their parts, we will be ready to begin construction.  Someone from Verizon was in contact with Paul Davidson regarding a building permit.  Billingsley stated he would call them and clarify whatever issues there might be.


  • Mowing and weeding
  • Read Meters
  • Trees trimmed at park
  • Julie calls
  • Worked on non-licensed vehicles
  • Patched roads (13 tons)
  • Fixed a pump at the water tower
  • Installed new signs (Child at Play)

The issue of the non-licensed vehicles was brought up again.  Laura suggested that a letter be sent to the property owner requesting proof of ownership and registration.  Terri stated this might also be a good idea due to the fact that it would give the property owners a heads-up as to the next steps of the vehicle being removed.  The issue was tabled.

Rodney Farris made a motion to go into Executive Session.  2nd:  Laura Miller   Vote: All in favor

The Board went into Executive Session at 8:24pm for Personnel.

The Board went into Regular Session at 8:52pm.


Billingsley reported the following:

  • He had been in contact with Shirley and Salisa regarding the website.  It is coming along.
  • The unregistered vehicles issues had already been discussed and tabled for the next meeting.
  • He had been in contact with Greg Gufstason regarding our water tower inspection.  All went well and no further inspections for five (5) years.
  • The Verizon contact was signed and taken care of.
  • He had written a letter and spoken with Wayne Beck regarding the property issue.
  • He noticed that the Naïve property still hadn’t been mowed.  He did see where the State had done a nice job of keeping the shoulder mowed down.  That property does NOT have lien against it.
  • He spoke with Marty Kirkman regarding his zoning issues.
  • He issued a parking violation.
  • He requested a platt map correction at the court house regarding a few addresses that do not appear to exist.  Rodney stated his property does the same thing.  Richard suggested he try contacting the court house as well.

With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:03pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk