Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, May 10, 2021
7:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, May 10, 2021 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Gary Gilpin, Laura Miller and Jeane Breiland. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman, Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer were all in attendance.
Jim Hardway arrived at 7:04 pm.
Jim Lansford arrived at 7:07 pm.
Jim Lansford, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, Gary Gilpin, Bart Dann, and Salisa Dann were all sworn into office. President Dann recommended Shirley Badman to be appointed as Treasurer.
Nancy George made a motion to appoint Shirley Badman to Treasurer. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes. Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Laura Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
- CCR Update: The Consumer Confidence Report is in and the newsletters are waiting to be printed. There are new regulations based on water customers served, and Camargo falls into the category that MUST publish the CCR in the local newspaper. Salisa will do that the same week the newsletter is mailed.
- Taylor Haines Park: The dirt pile at the park needs to be cleaned up. It belongs to the Township. Bart spoke with the Township Supervisor Frank Miller. Frank informed Bart that the dirt pile is “junk dirt” filled with gravel and such. It would be good for leveling out at the park, but not much else. He also told Bart that the Village could level it out, as he wouldn’t be using it. Myron Little quoted the Village $800 to level out the dirt around the park. Nancy George made a motion to pay Myron the $800 to remove the pile and spread it out evenly around Taylor Haines Park. Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
- Bill Price Ditch: The ditch by Bill Price’s residence is washed out and filled with broken tile. Myron Little can clear the ditch out. The ditch is the Village’s responsibility – the culvert is Price’s responsibility. Myron stated he could clean the ditch out for $500. This cost does not cover the cost of the riprap. Laura Miller made a motion to hire Myron to dig the ditch back out for $500, and Jeane Breiland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Marty Kirkman Bench: The bench has been delivered to Camargo and is sitting in the park. The Kirkman Family reached out to Bart and stated they were still interested in purchasing a tree to planted as well.
- Road Closures: Tabled
- Asphalt on Tennis / Basketball Courts: This project is on hold. NeCo Asphalt is not selling any asphalt to their customers. They are currently only making polymer asphalt. Our project has been pushed back 2-3 weeks.
- Fireworks Update: Bart spoke with Derrick Fair. He works for Jamaica Pyrotechnics. They are interested in performing our fireworks show. His ideal spot would be by the cemetery. He can stay within our budget and people from the park, parked at the cemetery, and Plum Grove can all see the show.
Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:
- Park Clean Up went well. All the picnic tables are painted and placed periodically about the park.
- Read meters
- 3 hauls of turkey grit under the bleachers
- Prepped the ball field for 3 games
- Mowing
- Bush-hogging down by River Rd
- Mowing the river banks
- Water tower back online after Verizon welding completed. Samples all came back good.
- Verizon welding project is done. Waiting on fiber optics now.
- Smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector went bad the Community Building. They were replaced.
- Dean Sigler approached Doug about the gutters along his street. They are all broken, and he wondered if they could get them repaired. Doug asked the Board if they could begin collecting quotes for the concrete work to be done. They granted their approval.
- Water samples are ready to go
- Worked with the EPA when the water tower was refilled
- American Rescue Plan: $55,000 coming to Camargo in two installments. This can ONLY be spent on water infrastructure (water, sewer, storm water management, etc.). The money will be dispersed to the States, and the State will send it out to the Villages.
- Bart spoke with Darin Clark out of Springfield. He works for McGuire Iron. Darin came and inspected the water tower after Verizon was done welding. Per Shirley (in a conversation prior to the meeting), the Village can purchase a gift card for Damon for his work on the tower. He saved the Village a lot of money by helping us replace the previous Engineer. He did not charge us for the inspection; it was volunteered. Kyle said he was on site the entire time they were having issues with the weld on the door, and he stayed until it was fixed. The Board agreed to $250 for Mr. Clark.
- The playground is now unlocked and will remain unlocked when the students are not present. The current staff was unaware of the agreement between ERBA and the Village regarding their play areas.
- Benefield has his new pole barn (on skids) in place, and it looks nice.
- The Village has hosted two ball games. We made $50 on concessions during the 1st game and $15 during the 2nd We think if we had more games, we could really benefit the Woolly Worm Festival.
- The complaint about the yard not being mowed was addressed, and the yard was mowed.
- The refrigerator went out at the water shed. Kyle uses the freezer to put his water samples in. They asked for permission to replace it if they purchased one from KAR in Arthur. The Board advised them to go ahead and get it replaced and just to stay under $225.
- Opal Thompson memorial tree has no leaves and no buds. Just wanted to bring it to someone’s attention.
- As soon as ERBA is dismissed for the summer, the electrician will come out (when it’s not raining) and finish the repairs from the truck accident. School is out May 14th.
- Nancy checked into the disk golf baskets. What she has found so far is $400 per basket. She is going to continue to look for other options.
- Andrew Beckett mailed the Demand Letter to the insurance company regarding the truck accident. We haven’t heard anything back yet.
- Doug also stated he picked up two loads of compost from Tuscola. It is at the burn pit, and it’s free. Please feel free to use it!
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:55 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk