Special Meeting August 2023

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Monday, August 21, 2023


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Special Session on Monday, August 21, 2023 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to  order by Village President Bart Dann at 6:01 pm.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Treasurer Shirley Badman, Superintendent Doug Raymer, and Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer were all excused from the meeting.




CONSENT AGENDA:  Nancy George made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the changes to the ambulance bill to Villa Grove ($10,084 and NOT $11,230).  Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.




  1. Discussion and Approval of Run for Nash Donation


Nash Foreman is a child community member that has been diagnosed with Vanishing White Matter.  His family runs 3Cs in Camargo, and they are doing a fundraiser for Nash’s impending medical bills.  Nancy George made a motion to donate $100 for the fundraiser, Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of Arrow Ambulance Bill and Contract


Village President Bart Dann and Village Clerk Salisa Dann worked many hours sifting through a report provided by the City of Villa Grove.  This report listed every ambulance call that was charged to the City.  The City of Villa Grove then breaks down the contract with other municipalities that have an agreement with Villa Grove to provide ambulance services to their residents.  Many of the calls that were charged to the Village did not actually belong to the Village.  These calls were outside Village limits.  Bart had emailed Arrow Ambulance and requested that all calls for the 2023 year, please be sent to us on a monthly basis.  Calls can then be directed to the correct agency.  The City of Villa Grove will only bill one a year – even though we will be receiving monthly reports.  By spending the time to sort through the addresses, the bill for ambulance services for the 2022 year went from $11,230 to $10,084.  Jim Hardway made a motion to approve the Arrow Ambulance Contract with the City of Villa Grove.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of Camargo Sign


Several trustees were not in favor of the new design.  Several would like to see quotes from other companies.  Village Clerk Salisa Dann said she would find a quote from another company and bring it to the next meeting.  This item was tabled until the September meeting.







  • The Concession Stand roof has been replaced and the piece of broken siding fixed.
  • The fence at the tennis courts has been removed.
  • ERBA has agreed to pay ½ of the cost for the generator install.
  • T-Mobile tower work has begun.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 6:42 pm.