Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Special Session
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
6:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in special session on May 20, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Jim Lansford, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller*, and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was also in attendance, along with Village Superintendent Doug Raymer and Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer. (*Laura Miller was present via Facetime.)
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- Discussion of Tornado Siren
The fire department has moved to the new building, and the current building has been sold. The tornado siren is currently still at the old fire house. The Village of Camargo has to decide what we are going to do with the siren as we purchased it back in the 70’s. President Dann has been doing some research into what options we will have regarding the siren.
Option 1:
We can move the siren to a new location – centrally located in town. With this comes some additional costs:
Wireless radio-controlled transmitter installed $2700
Moving costs (donated by Cler’s if we purchase the bolts from them)
Anchor bolts with flanges (purchased from Cler’s) $867
Concrete base (36”x13” installed by Hershbergers) $6070
Gas generator installed and hooked up $8K-$10K*
*This price was an estimated price from Thomas Electric. He then called back and stated he would not take on the job due to the liabilities because of the age of the siren.
Option 2:
We can purchase a new siren and have it installed at the new location. Bart called Federal Signal (Braniff Communications) and got a couple of quotes from them.
New siren with remote technology, multiple warning signals, and can be heard up to 1 mile radial distance from the siren – wired up and ready to go.
Option 3:
We can purchase the same siren mentioned above except it can be heard up to a 4 mile radius…wired up and ready to go.
Option 4:
We can rent the current plot of land that the siren sits on until we figure out a plan of action. Bart has been in contact with Owen Piercy (the new land owner), and he is willing to work with the Village regarding the use of the warning signal. Bart suggested to him that we could rent the property in lieu of him receiving a water bill from the Village. This would allow the Village some time to come up with a plan that is best. Jim Hardway suggested that if we do that, we need to make sure there is a lockbox on the exterior of the building that would allow firemen, first responders, and storm chasers access to the switch without having to gain admittance inside the building. Owen stated to Bart that he would agree to renting the space, but he does not want the siren to be permanent.
Approximately $60 / month
There was much discussion regarding the Village’s liability and the concern for a power outage. The siren is currently not connected to any sort of back up generator. Should the power go out prior to needing the siren, there would not be a way to alert the Village. Jim Hardway stated that there is plenty of time to notify everyone of needing safety prior to the power outages. The Fire Department has personnel out in plenty of time before the storm arrives, and they would radio back to the fire house to sound the alarm if necessary.
The Board discussed the age of the current siren that was purchased in 1974. There was some worry about spending thousands of dollars on a piece of equipment that is not guaranteed to work after moving. Not to mention the age of the interior wiring. So, due to the cost of moving the current siren (Option 1) and the concerns of the age of the equipment, the Board quickly moved that off the table.
Due to the cost of a new siren, it was mentioned that we should check into FEMA or USDA grants to cover some or all of the costs of a new siren. Bart sent an email to Douglas County EMA, and she will get back to us next week. Shirley is going to check into FEMA and USDA grants to see what is available, and if so, if we qualify for those grants. Because the hearing distance of Option 1 is only 1 mile, there was concern of it not being heard in Patterson Springs or Lakewood Estates. Option 3 is so close in price that the increase is worth the additional mileage. Option 2 was removed from the table, and Option 3 was tabled until we speak with Owen and get more quotes for new sirens. In the meantime, Jim Hardway asked that we continue to work up a contract for Owen Piercy that would at least allow us to rent the space from him until a new siren could be purchased and installed. Salisa Dann stated she would take care of the rental agreement. Owen takes possession of the property at the end of June. We could discuss the rental agreement stipulations at the June meeting. Gary Gilpin stated that he Google searched tornado sirens and found two other companies that may be able to help us: Sentry Signal and American Signal. Bart stated he would reach out to them and see if he could get a quote.
Nancy George made a motion to get an estimate and have installed the remote switch and lockbox to the exterior of the building for the current siren not to exceed $1000. The motion was seconded by Jim Hardway, and the motion passed unanimously.
Jim Lansford made a motion to write up a contract and rental agreement for Owen Piercy for the continued use of the property for the siren in reimbursement of water fees until the replacement of a new siren. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
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With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 6:39 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk