June 2020

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, June 08, 2020

7:00 pm

The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on June 08, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all in attendance.


  • Pam Sigler:  Pam was present to inquire about the house on Vine Street that was on fire.  Village President Bart Dann informed her that the house is in the process of being sold as-is to a new owner.  The new owner is going to strip the house down to the studs and start over.

Pam also wanted to know if her road was being patched this year?  Doug and Kyle both informed her that Orchard is getting oil and chipped this year, not just patched.

  • Jeane Brieland:  Jeane was informed by Pam Sigler that she was approached by a citizen regarding the new parking lot Victory Church installed.  This particular citizen was upset, because they had to get a permit to install their new driveway, and nothing was done to Victory for doing the same thing.  She stated Victory Church did not have permission to install a driveway over a sidewalk.  Bart thanked both Jeane and Pam for relaying the information.  However, he would have much rather of had the citizen and their family come to the meeting and speak for themselves instead of receiving the information second and third hand.  Pam spoke up in defense of the family against Victory Church and their parking habits.  She stated that many church members park in front of the Camargo Methodist Church and this prohibits their parishioners from having a place to park.  Bart concluded the conversation by stating he would drive by the new parking lot and check it out.  He would move forward with whatever action the Board decided and ask Victory Church to do the same.


Nancy George made a motion to accept the March 09, 2020 meeting.  Jeane Brieland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Nancy George made a motion to accept the Emergency Meeting from March 28, 2020.  Laura Miller seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Nancy George made a motion to accept the Emergency Meeting from May 20, 2020.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Laura Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Nancy George seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


  1. Tornado Siren:
      1. Village President requested quotes from three (3) companies regarding tornado sirens.  Each company responded with the following information:
        1. Federal Siren (Braniff):  $24,046
        2. American Siren:  $25,915.44
        3. Sentry Siren:  $23,834.30

Village President Bart Dann spoke with the representative from American Siren.  He explained to Bart his reasoning behind the raised quote.  This company is replacing the pole and not just reusing the old one.  There are several electrical upgrades that must be done – per Ameren.  His company is doing that work, and he has already called Ameren to see what needs to be done.  The other companies did not figure these costs into their quotes, and this company is located in Bloomington, IL….where the other companies are out of state.

Nancy George made a motion to accept the American Signal quote to erect and install a new tornado siren.  Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

      1. Old Siren / Owen Piercy Property:  Village President Bart Dann spoke with Owen regarding the rental of the parcel of land where the current tornado siren resides.  After speaking with Owen and explaining to him what the Village was offering, Owen requested that contract be valid for (6) months regardless of when the new siren is installed.  Bart discussed these options with the board and agreed to the following terms:
        1. The rental agreement begins on the closing date or the date of the transfer of property from the Camargo Fire Department and is valid for six (6) months.
        2. The Village of Camargo will rent the parcel of land that the existing tornado siren sits on for a total of six (6) months beginning the date of signature.
        3. The Village of Camargo will offset the rental fees of the parcel in lieu of a Village of Camargo water bill for a total of six (6) months.
        4. Owen Piercy / DBA/ Owen’s Tree Service will be allowed to deposit trees and brush (WITHIN REASON) in Camargo’s brush pile as long as they were removed from Patterson Springs, Lakewood Estates, or Camargo proper.
        5. The agreement is valid for six (6) months from the date of signature.  At which time, Owen’s Tree Service will begin receiving a water bill to begin the next billing cycle as well as the deposit and installation fees.

Jim Lansford made the motion to accept the rental agreement and contract for six (6) months.  Nancy George seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

  1. Ordinance Modifications:  The board was all in favor of the modifications to Article 2: PLANTS.  Nancy suggested some wording to be clarified and to add a portion about 2nd notices and 3rd notices.  Jim Lansford took the notes back and is going to make those changes.  This topic was tabled until the next board meeting.
  2. Humphrey Property:  Several attempts to mail notifications to the residence at the of George have been made.  Each attempt is returned to the Village that the address is not correct.  The Board suggested that President Dann contact the Village Attorney to move forward.  Andrew Beckett knows the legalities, and he will be able to advise how to move forward.
  3. Economic Interests:  Please sign and return to Village Clerk Salisa Dann before the end of the board meeting.  She will be mailing them back to the courthouse.
  4. FOIA Requests:  The Village received two (2) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests regarding the Fire Department.  Both of which were returned informing the requestor that the Fire Department is a separate entity from the Village, and we have nothing to do with their business.
  5. Prevailing Wage Ordinance:  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman present the Board with the new Prevailing Wage Ordinance.  Nancy George made a motion to accept the ordinance as prepared, and Jim Lansford seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  6. Approval of Motor Fuel Tax Expenditures ($17,225) for calendar year 2020:  Shirley also presented the Board with the Motor Fuel Tax Expenditures totaling $17,225 that was prepared by Jim Crane.  Bart explained that in two years he would like to resurface Main Street.  We are looking at an estimate of $50,000 -$60,000.  Shirley stated she would create a fund so we could begin saving for this project.  This year Doug and Kyle have slated Orchard, Neal, George, and John Streets for being oil and chipped.  Nancy George made a motion to accept the Motor Fuel Tax Expenditure for calendar year 2020.  Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Declaration of Emergency:  President Dann just wanted the Board to be aware that the Declaration of Emergency was only valid for thirty (30) calendar days beginning the date it was voted into action OR until the adjournment of the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  Therefore, after this meeting adjourns, the declaration will no longer be valid.  If for whatever reason the Governor issues another Stay Home Order, then the board will need to reissue a new declaration.


Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • New tractor and brush are in and being used.  Both are working great and are greatly appreciated.
  • New weed eaters purchased and are in use.  Also greatly appreciated.
  • Hydrants flushed
  • EBP Samples completed and mailed in
  • Orchard Street was swept and patched
    • Neal, George, and John Streets are planned for next week – pending weather cooperation
  • River Rd and Taylor Haines Park mowed prior to the rain and flooding
  • Gould property needs mowing again.  An address was provided to Bart for contact.
  • Doug made a suggestion regarding the brush pile and amounts of smoke:  Due to the COVID and the Stay Home Order, many residents have been cleaning up their yards, trees, and brush.  He can’t keep the burn pile down due to the amounts of rubbish being dropped off.  His suggestion was to check into a wood chipper.  He and Kyle could chip the wood that can be reused as mulch and that could be used around the Village or left for Village residents to use at their properties.  Jim Lansford thought it would be a great idea for Doug to check into some pricing for a chipper.
  • Porta Potty moved to Taylor Haines Park.  Doug did NOT hide the potty behind the rock pile as it was in previous years.  There have been human excrements found on the opposite side of the road.  He is hoping that if someone sees the porta potty they will more apt to use it.  Bart asked that he chain it to a tree so it can’t be tipped and it can’t float down the river if flooded.
  • Doug stated that Ginger has stripped and polished the basement floors.  He said they look great, and if we want to keep them that way, we need to consider replacing the chairs in the basement.  Those are older metal chairs and many are missing the rubber feet.  He suggested purchasing new fiberglass ones and the racks to store them.  Pam Sigler spoke up and suggested the Village look into a stackable chair instead of a folded chair.  She states they take up less floor space when not in use.  The Board agreed for Doug to get some pricing on chairs for the basement.


Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Bart would like to look into installing a $3 increase on water bills on the base rate over a two-year span.  He is leaning towards $2 the first year and $1 the second year.  Laura suggested having a public forum sometime in September or October, as Bart would like for this to begin January 2021.
  • Trash Days is scheduled for July 17th from 12pm – 4pm and July 18th from 8am – 4pm.  Everyone assisting with trash days will be practicing social distancing.  On the next newsletter, the Board asked that we explain what will be required from each resident that is making a deposit on those days – to include bringing someone to help unload.  Also, a reminder that we are NOT accepting electronics this year.
  • Bart spoke with the grandparent of the subject that tore up Taylor Haines Park.  He had a court date and was advised by the Judge to get an attorney as he was looking at jail time.  Bart explained to the grandpa that he spoke with the State’s Attorney and requested community service.  Because neither Bart nor the grandpa were in court, Bart was going to call the court house and find out what was going on with this case.
  • Lights are being installed at Plum Grove.  The first one is up and should be on this evening.  Ameren will spread the work out, as necessary, in order to get it done; keeping in mind, electric emergencies that will take time away from this project.
  • Bart spoke with Bill Price.  The last rain we had washed out his culvert.  Bart explained to him that the Village is not responsible for their private drive.  However, the Village will help them with the rock that was washed away.
  • Bart also spoke with Terry Melton.  The railroad tracks have been sold to ADM.  He requested permission from them to install a road over the tracks giving him access to his property and barn – especially in case of emergency.  ADM will provide Terry with the necessary rock to create a safe passing from one side of the tracks to the other.  However, he is requesting the Village use their tractor to grade the dirt in preparation for the rock.  The dirt is already there, it just needs skimmed down.  The Board okayed this to be done once Terry has removed the current road blocks, installed the necessary signage, and put up the chain and lock he stated needed to be completed.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 9:14 pm.

Salisa Dann

Village Clerk