February 2024

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Monday, February 12, 2024


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, February 24, 2024 at the Camargo Community Building.  The  meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:04 pm.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jeane Breiland (in at 6:06), and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Village Treasurer Shirley Badman were all present as well.


Public Comment: 


Michael & Valerie Griffin – Pickleball (no show):  Mr. and Mrs. Griffin reached out to Clerk Salisa Dann regarding playing pickleball at the basketball court.  Mr. Griffin would like to organize a pickleball group.  He mentioned to her about painting the court with paint to set the court appropriately.  The Board discussed this at length, and everyone was on board for the game playing.  The Board agreed to purchase 1 set to be used at the Camargo park only.  Per Shirley’s request, she would like to see participants sign a waiver of liability prior to playing at the park.


Consent Agenda:


Shirley added Russ Leigh to the bills to be paid for the audit fees.  There were two changes made to the January minutes.  Nancy George made a motion to the consent agenda with the above modifications, Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


New Business:

  • Discussion and Possible Vote on the New Rental Agreement:  The Board looked over the new agreement and agreed to utilize the new document.  There was no vote needed.
  • Goals and Projects for 2024:  Nancy stated she would like to bring a forward direction to working with Tuscola Economic and Development.  Villa Grove is contributing $15,000 to the team.  Percentage wise, if we followed suit, our portion would be approximately $3000.  Nancy also stated that she would like to see a new part-time employee hired to replace Doug once he retires.
  • Approve Internet / Phone Service for Village Hall: Jim Lansford made a motion to move from Frontier to Connexus for phone and internet for both the watershed and the new Village Hall.  Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Approve Village Hall Equipment Purchases: President Dann discussed the tables and chairs at the new Village Hall.  The Board decided to use three fiberglass tables and the old chairs.  Salisa Dann will order new wheels to put on them.  Jim Lansford made a motion for Bart to spend no more than $3000 to finish the bank.  Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Old Business:


  1.  Peace Meal Prices: Salisa Dann received an email from Villa Grove regarding the Peace Meal pricing.  The bill stated that Camargo is paying for mileage for city employees to deliver the meals.  The Board stated they would like for someone from Villa Grove to attend the March meeting regarding Peace Meal.  They also stated we should FOIA them for the Peace Meal billings.  Is Camargo the only village paying for delivery services?  Who else is paying, and how much are they being charged?  


Village Superintendent’s Report:  Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • Came back to work on February 1
  • Main break on Vine Street in front of Legacy
  • New line installed today at McFarland’s
  • Finishing up the bank
  • Working on the Bobcat
  • March 11 will be his official retirement date


Water Superintendent’s Report:  Kyle Raymer reported the following:

  • DBP samples were completed – no flushing necessary
  • We can do them every 3 months now (90 days)
  • Violation on the last sample:
    • They sent new bottles to resample
    • Violation was due to the delivery being late
      • They MUST be mailed
      • They MUST be done within 1 year
      • The violation MUST be included in the CCR


Village President’s Report:  President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Homefield Energy – we have to Opt IN or Opt OUT
    • Each homeowner can make their own decision
    • The Village is opting OUT
  • Bob Stockton complained about his last water bill being received late.  He would like to see the due date pushed back to the 15th of each month.  For the record, the bills were dropped at the post office two days prior to the 1st.  They were received on the 5th and 6th.  
  • Gage Bailey is tearing up the road at the end of George Street.  He is parking in front of the fire hydrant.  Bart’s suggestion is to block off the end of the road and utilize that space for rock storage.  We can put NO PARKING signs on the barricade.  This would help keep the road in better condition, and it would allow access to the hydrant.
  • Illinois American Water is putting through another rate increase.  They have sent proposals to ICC for approval.  People are encouraged to sign a petition at the Citizens Utility Board against the increase.  The ICC will make a decision by December or January.
  • Salisa and Shirley had to complete an audit for the EPA.  In doing so, we learned that the Village needs to collect more data for each new water customer moving forward.  Such data would include, sex, race, and ethnicity.  Salisa created a new water application that is to be completed by each new customer.  We do NOT have to go backwards and collect data on existing customers.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:50 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk