Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, April 09, 2018
7:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on April 09, 2018 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller and Gary Gilpin. Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also in attendance.
Rodney Farris:
Tanker truck complaints: President Dann fielded a complaint regarding a tanker truck being parked on the Farris property. Bart had called Rodney to inquire as to the contents of the truck. Rodney assured him the truck was empty. Rodney came to the meeting to inform the Board of the complaint and to assure everyone that the tanker was empty and that we would not park a full tanker in the Village.
Sidewalk Request: Rodney has been cleaning up the property he recently purchased directly in front of his residence. The sidewalk on East Street that runs north and south – not in the easement – is in awful condition. Rodney stated the removal of the sidewalk at the Kern’s property looks nice and is requesting that the Village remove his sidewalk as well. He stated we could widen the easement if necessary. Rick stated that we could not widen the easement as technically this is not a city street. However, we could remove the broken sidewalk and he could back fill with dirt and seed for grass.
Pam made a motion to remove the sidewalk, fill with dirt and seed for grass. Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
There were corrections to be made in the minutes. Specifically, regarding the cost savings to the lawnmower and the gravel being swept back onto the road. Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes with the corrections. Gary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Shirley had a family emergency and could not attend the meeting. She sent the Treasurer’s Report and bills for review and approval. If anyone had questions she would be available to answer those the following day. Laura made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Scott Tague seconded the motion and, the Board voted unanimously to accept the report and pay the bills.
Nothing to report
Motor Fuel Tax Appropriation
Bart spoke with Rick, and Rick has a drawing ready to go for Jim Crane. What the Board would like to do is redo the circle drive leading to the Community Building. This portion of the road can be rebuilt with recycled concrete (cinder block, asphalt, concrete). This material needs to be tilled into the road. Tilling is approximately $4000 – NOT including adding the recycled material (which is considerable cheaper than adding fresh rock) or resurfacing it once it has been tilled. Pam stated she wasn’t happy with having multiple garbage companies in town; therefore, having multiple garbage trucks on our streets. Rick replied that at this point it doesn’t matter. The damage is already done, and it changes nothing regarding our current fiscal situation on our streets. Jim Crane agreed with both Pam and Rick. He did say that we could only appropriate what is needed for patching and salt maintenance and allow the rest of the tax money to build up. Then the following year we could redo the circle drive properly. The vote for the appropriation was tabled for another meeting. Jim Crane is going to get some estimates on exactly what the circle drive will cost us, and exactly what we need if we opt to just do the maintenance and salt. The Board asked Jim Crane about bidding out for the work. Jim stated we can bid, but the majority of the time, AJ Walkers is going to win the bid.
Donation of Building
Dean Sigler has a small tool shed (12’x20’) that he has donated to the Village of Camargo for the use of a concession stand. Rick stated he would prefer that we hire out someone to move it. Preferably someone that is accustomed to building and moving sheds. Gary Gilpin made a motion to hire out someone to move the shed not to exceed $500. Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to pass the motion. Pam also spoke with the Health Department regarding the concessions. We can only sell prepackaged items, and we must have a water station for hand washing.
Mulch Quotes
Effingham: $900 with no delivery
Leaf It To Us: $1125 with delivery
Bart’s suggestion is to shop local. It keeps our money in our community, and by the time we hire out someone to deliver, we won’t be saving anything. Rick stated we paid $400 to have it delivered in the past. Jeane Brieland made a motion to purchase the mulch from Leaf It To Us. Laura seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Quarterly Newsletter
Salisa Dann had mentioned to Bart that there are still many people in Camargo that do not utilize our website or our Facebook page. They are unaware of the changes being made in our community and events being held. To remedy this, she suggested a quarterly newsletter that would be mailed to each person. Pam made a motion to allow Salisa to spend the money to complete the newsletter. Scott seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the newsletter.
Golf Cart Registration
Golf Cart Registration scheduled for the morning of April 21. This is the same day as the park cleanup.
- Sidewalk at Kern’s has been removed and easement widened
- Foul poles for fence and placed in concrete
- Pumped a meter out
- Mower slip coated
- No Parking signs moved from Vine Street
- Porta Potty moved to Taylor Haines Park
- With the park having more games and practices, should we get a handicapped Porta Potty?
- Brushed rock off of road
- Snowplows and salt truck put away
- Moved bike rack and score board
- Trash cans painted / replaced
- Service pump is back and installed. It took 6 weeks
- All the pothole patch from last year has been used
- Rick had some questions he need to respond back to the EPA. Jeane assisted Rick in getting the information back. Thank you Jeane!
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- He charged some bagged mulch at Gilles True Value and took it to Kevin Billingsley. He will disperse it at Taylor Haines Park.
- In regards to the junk complaints, Bart had gone by the residence a couple of times and the homeowner had not been home. He will attempt again and would like a Board member to join him.
- Lora Hahn contacted Bart in regards to the dog attach. She requested the ordinance information. Information given.
- Bart spoke with Mr. Hoffman about summer rec baseball. He is planning 2-4 games per week. We don’t have lights. So, we can only host early games. The majority of our games will be Monday – Thursday.
- Bart also spoke with Melissa Burton. There is a hole in the parking lot between the post office and the fire department. She would like the Village to fill the hole. Rick stated this is private property and he can not fill it. She would need to contact someone through the post office to fill it. Frank Miller stated the Village could use the Township rock to fill the hole, but he can not fill it either. Rodney Farris was still present at the meeting, and he volunteered to spread the rock.
- Bart spoke with Mark Panku. He is the VP of the Villa Grove Chamber of Commerce. He asked Mark if we could switch the Camargo / Villa Grove sign if Camargo paid for it. Mark stated he would speak with Bruce Allen who is the President of the Chamber of Commerce. Laura and Jeane both volunteered to meet with the Chamber during their weekly meetings. Gary Gordon painted the original sign. If Villa Grove agrees to allow us to switch the signs, we will need to contact Gary about making new ones.
- President Dann is also going to speak with Andrew Beckett about annexing some township property. If the Village has the property to offer a gas station company, we are more marketable. He is also going to ask Beckett to review our Verizon contract. According to Verizon, they don’t have to start paying the Village until construction begins. The Village of Camargo is NOT even slate to being construction in 2018.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:42 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk