December 2016

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

December 12, 2016


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on December 12, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley.  Toll call found the following trustees present:  Terri Miller, Jim Hardway, Paul Davidson, Rodney Farris, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.


PUBLIC COMMENTS – Nothing to report


APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Laura Miller, the minutes were approved unanimously.


TREASURER’S REPORT – On a motion by Gary Gilpin, seconded by Jim Hardway, the minutes were approved unanimously.



  1. Regarding Christmas in Camargo
    1. 163 visitors
    2. 16 vendors
  • 5 vendors cancelled
  1. 96 children to see Santa



  1. Rodney Farris is interested in giving the Trustees and Board Members a raise. Shirley stated there is a State Statute that limits what and when we can do that.  Trustees are currently getting $75 per meeting.  No one on the Board was interested in making a motion to increase the salaries of the Board Members and the Trustees.
  2. 2017 Clean Up Days will be scheduled as: June 03 and June 04.
  3. Salisa Dann asked the Board to please look at the website and see if there are any modifications they would like to see. Andy Dahl has completed the work requested, and would like to send an invoice to the Village.  Salisa wants to insure that there are no further changes that need to be made prior to paying the invoice.



  1. They worked on the community building and getting ready for Head Start.
  2. They met with the Fire Inspector again, and we are good to go there.
  3. The new truck has been ordered, but there is no date as to when it will be in yet.



  1. Paul Davidson is moving away from Camargo; therefore, he is resigning as of this meeting. Paul is also resigning his seat on the Zoning Board.  We all wish Paul well on his future endeavors.
  2. Billingsley appointed Pam Sigler to Paul’s Trustee seat. Pam will be at the next meeting to be sworn in and to resume the position.
  3. Billingsley also appointed Mike Jones and Marty Kirkman to the Zoning Board. There was one unoccupied position, and the other seat will be to replace Paul.
  4. Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the appointments made by Richard Billingsley, seconded by Gary Gilpin, and passed unanimously.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Village President Richard Billingsley reported the following:

  1. The Vehicle Ordinance Violators will each be receiving a summons and court hearing dates to be acted upon in approximately a month. We are down to only four families having not complied with the ordinances:  Burtons, Smiths, Benefields, and Shanks.
  2. Verizon requested a permit to run fiber optics through Camargo. This is one step closer to the tower projects beginning.
  3. They met with the Fire Marshall and he verified our compliance with their inspections. DCFS will return as well.  Rick spent a lot of extra time working on the building:
    1. Safety Gate at the top of the stairs
    2. Fire door at the bottom of the stairs
  • Carbon Monoxide detectors installed
  1. Utility sink installed (which consisted of some minor remodeling the closet in the office to accommodate the sink in the main room)
  1. Billingsley requests we enter into a cost-share contract with Head Start regarding the phone and internet access.
  2. Rick will make room in the shed for Head Start to store some of their totes prior to move in.
  3. Gary will get some information on re-keying the building and give that research to Rick.
  4. Billingsley received a complaint of yard waste (commercial). A letter was sent informing them that the village site was for residential use only.
  5. Billingsley also received a complaint of water hook-up fees. The amount charged was the amount in the policy.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment at 7:55 pm.




Salisa Dann

Village Clerk