January 2017

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

January 09, 2017


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on January 09, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, Laura Miller, and Jim Hardway.  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present; Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – nothing to report

APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Terri Miller and seconded by Laura Miller, the minutes were passes unanimously.

OATHS OF OFFICE – Pam Sigler took her Oath of Office and has officially replaced Paul Davidson as Trustee.

TREASURER’S REPORT – On a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Gary Gilpin, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.


a.    Website

·         Can’t find Camargo, IL on any search engine

·         There is no rental information on the webpage

·         The website is boring and not attractive to the eye

·         They would like a search box

·         Domain name is owned by Andy Dahl – should this be changed?

o   Salisa will get proposal from Andy regarding the issues mentioned.

o   Salisa will see if we can add a tab for the room rental information and a calendar.


a.    Head Start Lease

The lease was written up through the attorney with a current proposal for five (5) years.  Issues were mentioned regarding the length of the lease and the issues with voting.  Jim Hardway stated the Fire Department stated they were willing to move the voting back to the fire house if the County Clerk’s Office deemed it necessary.  With much discussion, a motion was made to accept the lease as written by Rodney Farris, seconded by Jim Hardway, and passed unanimously.

b.    Camargo Municipal Office


The office now has Wifi and an office phone.  The new number will be added to the website as well.


c.     A programable thermostat will be bought for the Community Building.  Rick will get one that is programable for each day.


d.    Regarding the snow removal for the Community Building:  The Village will not be responsible for moving the snow off the steps.  Head Start will see that this is done.


e.    Head Start is claiming there is water in the bottom of the refrigerator.  The thermostat guy will look at this when he comes to install the new thermostat.


f.      Head Start is asking to install shelves above the new sink in the big room.  They will install.  They are also purchasing a diaper changing station to be installed in the women’s bathroom.  The Village will install the diaper changing station.



o   Board Room was moved downstairs

o   Finalized the building for Head Start

o   Made storage for Head Start to use the storage shed

o   Ti-rods needing fixed on the 1 ton truck (18K miles on the truck)

o   2 salt events – ordering more salt

o   Locksmith will be coming in as soon as he can to re-key the doors

o   Several more installs – water turn ons


Billingsley reported the following:

·         In regards to the Vehicle Ordinance Violations – court dates were issued and we are down to two (2) violators

o   Barb Smith – continued until 01/12/17

o   Ronnie Shanks – Failure to Appear, Fine ($75), and continued


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment at 8:17 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk