December 2021

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, December 13, 2021

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, December 13, 2021 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller and Gary Gilpin.  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer was present.



Josh Drake, Loman Ray Insurance representing IPMG:  Mr. Drake gave the board his proposal for insurance coverage.  He pointed out a few differences between IPMG and RML (one is that Mr. Drake is local).  His proposal reflected a deduction system around $1000 – which is slightly higher than RML.  And again, Mr. Drake is located in the Villa Grove office.  IPMG showed $100,000 coverage each claim as opposed to RML having $100,000 coverage one time only.  President Dann inquired about the water tower replacement costs in his proposal only being $600,000.  This seems extremely low.  Mr. Drake stated he would send an email to get clarification if needed.  The final bid came in at $17,965.

Chris Korte, representing RML:  Mr. Korte stated that Mr. Drake’s coverages were all similar to his.  His quote was presented to the Board during the November meeting.  He did state that the water tower coverage is 30% cushion on the value of the water tower.  His quote is also sitting at $600,000.  RML’s final bid came in at $17,268 – $697 lower than IPMG.

Josh Drake:  Mr. Drake stated he was having some draining issues in front of his house on South White Oak.  He asked if the Village would install a culvert at his house if he purchased one.  Per Kyle, the Village WILL install his culvert once he gets it purchased.


Nancy George made a motion to accept the consent agenda for November’s minutes, bills paid, and Treasurer’s report.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion, with the motion passing unanimously.


  1. Multi-Governmental Agreement with Douglas County Animal Control: Discussion and decision tabled until a representative from the County Board or Animal Control can be present to answer questions.
  2. Discussion of Rental Housing Ordinances: Jim Lansford looked at local town’s (Villa Grove and Tuscola) ordinances and could not find anything comparable to what we are looking for.  We could create an ordinance if we chose to do so – it would include licensing and yearly inspections.  A suggestion was made to write a letter to the homeowners in hopes that they would just rectify the issues without having to create an ordinance.  Jim stated he would draft a letter.


  1. Discussion and approval of Municipal Insurance coverage for next year: This is IPMG’s 1st year providing municipal coverage.  RML has been around for a long time.  Bart would like to wait on moving with IPMG and see what they can offer in three years.  By then, they should have a better customer base to which we can get some feedback and opinions on their coverage.  Jeane Breiland made a motion to stay with RML; Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of Property Tax Levy: Laura made a motion to accept the property tax levy as prepared by Shirley Badman.  Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed.


  1. Board Holiday Party: The party has been scheduled for February 05, 2022 at 5pm.  The Village will provide pizza (1/2 from Monicals and ½ from Joes).  The Board will provide appetizers and desserts.


  1. Approval of next year’s meeting dates: Laura made a motion to approve next year’s meeting dates, Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed.


  1. Discussion and approval of a new flag pole: Bart found a telescoping flag pole with flag.  It was approximately $449.  He will bring the information to the next meeting for voting.
  2. Shirley Badman reported that we received a FINAL NOTICE for CARES act funding. This money can only be claimed on expenses lost due to COVID.  The Village has been allocated $18,358.  We can ONLY use the money to replace funds lost.

Example:  A shelter or hospital emergency personnel

Someone proposed a question regarding how many calls Camargo will be responsible for that were COVID related?  We didn’t believe we could get a list that differentiated between emergency details.

Jim Lansford suggested we just let it go.

Kyle suggested we use the money for sample stations.  Each station is approximately $1200.  This can be justified as then they would not need to enter anyone’s home to obtain a water sample.

Shirley stated it also detailed that it would cause a second audit – costing approximately $1000.

The Board decided that due to the lack of lost funds and the necessity for a second audit, the Village will NOT move to obtain the CARES Act Funding.

  1. Verizon payments: We have not seen any payments from Verizon as of the December meeting.  Bart called his contact at Verizon; he has not received a return call.  Shirley will reach out to Denise at Verizon and see if she has any answers.



Village Superintendent Doug Raymer was absent.  Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following on his behalf:

  • Trees down and removed:
    • Taylor Haine’s Park
    • River Road
  • Water services installed:
    • Owen Piercy (residence)
    • Doug Jackson
  • Samples from the EPA came back good.
  • Parts for the Pressure Switch came in. Conduit is ran, and the install will be sometime in January.
  • New blinds for the Community Building have been installed.






Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Christmas Lighting Contest: We have hosted this for the past several years.  The discussion fell through the cracks this year.  The Board is still interested and approves.  We will only have three (3) winners – no categories and no place winners.  Just the top three.  Gift cards will be purchased from the Beehive in the amounts of $25 each – to be paid out of the General Fund.  All votes are to be emailed / texted to Bart no later than Monday.  Jeane said she would make a social media post to alert those interested.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:10 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk