Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, December 12, 2022
6:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Superintendent Doug Raymer and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer were both present. Treasurer Shirley Badman was also present.
Nancy asked if Salisa could add “Flagged Water Meters” to the Village Superintendent’s Report. Laura made a motion to accept the consent agenda with Nancy’s request to add to the minutes. Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Property Tax Levy: Jim Hardway made a motion, Laura Miller seconded it, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve 2023 Meeting Dates: Salisa noted the only date that fell on a holiday was in October. That meeting was pushed to Tuesday. All other meeting dates remain on Monday’s at 6pm. Jeane made a motion to accept the meeting dates. Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Updates on WWF: The WWF committee has not had the opportunity to meet. This matter has been tabled.
- Updates on Christmas in Camargo: There wasn’t much to report. It was a very slow day with many festivities in neighboring towns that day. Vendors closed up and went home early. We will look into changing the dates for next year.
- Village Board Holiday Party: Plan for February 11th
- Discussion about Fall Leaf Removal: Nancy would like for the Village to pursue looking for a leaf vacuum. Doug stated that Villa Grove’s vacuum was $55,000 and that was 4-5 years ago. Kyle stated there are some that are closer to $5,000. These are 10” vacuums that mount to the back of a pickup truck. Doug and Kyle said they would set certain dates for leaf pick up to insure they could work around more pressing issues. Doug would like to table this conversation until closer to summer. Bart stated he has also received several complaints about the smoke from leaves. He does NOT want to implement a burn ordinance. Maybe just offer this as an additional relief. Laura made a motion to approve up to $5000 to purchase leaf mulching equipment. Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
- Discussion and Possible Approval of Sidewalk Bid: Doug received one bid so far from Cody Miller. This bid was $15,072 for 314’ of sidewalk. Doug and Kyle are going to continue to look for bids. Nancy believed there was an ordinance regarding the sidewalk care. She is going to look into it.
Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:
- Read meters
- Replaced 3 bad meters
- Ordered another case
- Ordered a pallet of salt
- Worked at Taylor Haines Park
- 50 dead trees
- 23 they cut down
- Brush pile burnt down
- Changed water plant lights over to LED
Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:
- Samples sent off
- UPS is slow getting samples to Springfield
- We may have to look into a different UPS drop off
- Bart suggested they drive the samples to Springfield
- Analyzer was hooked up
- It needs to be dialed in and calibrated
- REMINDER: This is a demo only
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- Christmas Decoration Contest: The Board approved 4 $25 gift certificates to local businesses. Jeane said she would make a FB post to “advertise” the contest. Bart asked everyone to please text him their votes by December 23rd. He would deliver the gift certificates to the winners.
- Property Updates: Jim Chandler with the bank says their stuff is done. They are waiting on their attorney. They will notify us as soon as they are ready.
- The paperwork is ready for the park property as well. We are waiting to hear back from Beckett. He will call us for the closings on both properties.
- Peace Meal: Villa Grove will begin billing us for Peace Meal in January. The Board agreed to help pay for this service. However, we never received any billing. Villa Grove is NOT going backward; they are only starting from January and moving forward.
- Ambulance Bill: Our contract is up for ambulance service. The breakdown has been completed and it is extremely expensive again. The breakdown is $250-$300 per call that the Village is paying for. The ambulance company is charging the insurance companies for payment too.
- Energy Aggregation: We are in a consortium with Mattoon / Charleston area. We couldn’t lock into a contract over ½ cent difference for 3 years. If Ameren’s prices dropped, we would be locked into paying the higher price.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 6:36 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk