July 2023

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Monday, July 10, 2023

6:00 PM

Camargo Community Building


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, July 10, 2023.  The meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer was also present.




Doug Wiemer with Illinois American Water had a conflict and could not attend.




Treasurer Shirley Badman was absent and will have financial reports available for the Special Meeting being held on July 18, 2023.


Jim Lansford made a motion to accept the minutes and the special meeting minutes from June.  Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.




Discussion and Vote to Pass Appropriations Ordinance

Jim Lansford motioned to accept and pass the Appropriations Ordinance as prepared.  Laura Miller seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Insurance Claim and Storm Damage:

So far we have recorded and reported damage of trees, pavilion, Camargo sign and concession stand.  SK Exterior is coming to check for roof damage due to the hail received.


Discussion for Design of New Village Hall Sign:

The Board reviewed samples provided by Salisa Dann for the new Village Hall sign.  All approved the design, and it will be forwarded to the printing company.


Football Ad Purchase:

Laura Miller made a motion to purchase an ad in the Villa Grove School Football Program.  Motion stated we would purchase the ¼ page ad for $100 with a coupon option to save on rentals by mentioning the ad.  Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed.


Back to School Program:

Laura Miller made a motion to donate $100 to the Back to School Program for Villa Grove students.  Gary Gilpin seconded the motion.





Main Street Bid Updates:

Topic tabled until Special Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 6pm.


Park Survey Updates:

The property lines run directly next to the garage belonging to Ms. Teater.  The property owners have been advised that they cannot install a new septic system on our property.


Village Superintendent Report:

  • Storm damage clean up
  • Worked 20 tons of road patch


Village Water Superintendent Report:

  • With the new water rates coming in, if we leave our rates where they currently sit, we will be -$47,447.18. If we raise the rates to $10 per 1000 gallons (Rural Water’s suggestion), we will end the fiscal year at $47,872.06.
  • Samples due this month


Village President’s Report:

Jim Lansford reported that the gravel was washed out under the edging along the parking lot.  Kyle stated they would fix them.


Per Jim Lansford, Wayne Beck has a vehicle on his property that has expired tags, and Brian Wilkes has a black GMC pickup that hasn’t moved in two years with a flat tire.


T-Mobile update:  We are waiting on the $500 permit fee and the signed permit.  Everything is still on track.


Ordinance Violations:

  • Guy Webb responded to Bart. He will start working on his property this weekend.
  • John Loewenstein will move the truck frames and truck cab that are now on a trailer.
  • Everett Martin’s daughter had a vehicle in his driveway. Once the violation was received, she moved it.
  • Shelly Powell never complied with the deadline given in order to receive a decrease in fines. Another invoice was mailed – she owes $1500.
  • Gage Bailey has had more issues. The police were called, but no tickets were issued.  Bailey was driving erratically.  The silver Camaro is back in the yard and off the trailer.  They are wanting signs posted to slow down for children playing, but he refuses to follow the same guidelines.  He was doing donuts and throwing rocks.  The next ordinance will be also be mailed to the homeowner.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:13 pm.