July 2020

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, July 13, 2020

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on July 13, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all in attendance.





Jeane Brieland stated she didn’t like the way the minutes reported the name of the citizen complaint from the previous month’s minutes.  Suggestions were made on how to replace those names, and Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes suggested.  Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Shirley Badman stated she had no changes to make to the report.  Laura made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, and Jeane seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.



  1. Fence Installation:

Village President Bart Dann reported the interest for installing a privacy fence along Issacher in front of the Community Building.  The current homeowner spoke with Bart, and he agreed that he would love to have a fence placed there.  Bart suggested a 6’ dogeared white pine privacy fence.  A quick price check through Home Depot showed it would cost approximately $1639.34.


Jim Lansford suggested something other than a fence.  He would like to see something more “green.”  He suggested a shrub of some kind.  Jeane said that Arborviety is a quick growing, privacy providing shrub that grows to be approximately 6’ tall or taller.  She stated we could place them close enough together that they would block the view into the back yard, and they require little to no maintenance.


Bart said he would call Brad Drew at Leaf It To Us and see about getting some prices to compare to the fence costs.


  1. Discussion of trading the Bobcat:

Village Superintendent Doug Raymer stated that he and Kyle very rarely use the Bobcat.  It is simply not big enough to tackle the jobs they need it for.  If something needs to be done, they call Myron Little.  There are some pieces at Niemeyer that can be attached to our new tractor that would be more helpful than the Bobcat.  They would like to see what Niemeyer would give them in trade for the Bobcat.  The Board approved the option to inquire about the trade in prices and options for the new equipment.


  1. Inter-governmental Agreement:

Township Road Commissioner Frank Miller approached both Bart and Doug about some patch work on the Village Roads.  He stated that if the Village paid for the oil, he would provide the gravel for some patching.  The Board all agreed that the two entities working together would be greatly appreciated.  Village Clerk Salisa Dann stated she would provide an Inter-governmental Agreement for next month’s board meeting.


  1. Taylor Haines Park:

Kevin Billingsly reached out to Bart regarding the landscaping around the sign at Taylor Haines Park.  He volunteered to replace the wooden landscaping with concrete pavers if the Village agreed to pay for them.  Nancy made a motion to purchase the landscaping pavers for Taylor Haines Park and not to exceed $200.  Jim seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



  1. Tornado Siren:

Bart reached out to the tornado siren company.  They are running behind due to COVID, and as soon as the equipment has been shipped and received, they will begin installation.

  1. Trash Days:

Friday, July 17 from 12 pm – 4 pm

Saturday, July 18 from 8 am – 4 pm

Captain Hook will have eight (8) dumpsters ready to go.  As soon as we fill one up, they will be there waiting to haul it away.  As soon as we are done on Saturday, they will remove all trash dumpsters from the property.

Bart will be on site to assist; as will Marty Kirkman.  There will be NO electronics accepted this year.  There was discussion on how we might be able to provide this service in the future.  No decisions were made.  A suggestion was made for the next newsletter to provide information where someone could take their electronic items for disposal at their convenience.  Salisa stated she would look into this option and provide whatever information was located on the next newsletter.


  1. Weed Ordinances:

There was much discussion regarding the wording on the current ordinance regarding weeds.  It was decided that the 1st notification would be a letter from the Village to be delivered to both a homeowner and a renter (if necessary) in one of various manners.  The offender would then have ten (10) days to comply with the letter (which means mow your yard).  If at the end of the tenth day the yard has not been tended to, the Village will move forward with mowing the yard.  The offender will then receive a bill from the Village for the work provided in the amount of $50 per hour with a minimum of $150.00.  The Board will review and vote on the ordinance changes in next month’s meeting.




Laura Miller made a motion to move to executive session regarding personnel.  Jim seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Nancy George made a motion to move out of executive session.  Laura seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.




Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • Patching, sweeping
  • Oil and Chipping
    • Orchard St
    • John St
    • Neal St
  • Ameren hit a water line in Plum Grove
  • River Rd has logs jamming the river. Doug would like to thank Jack Thompson and Jens Brieland for their assistance in removing some trees and brush.
  • Doug used their new waders. They work well.
  • Mowing (slowed a little due to dry weather)
  • Spraying and torching weeds
  • Patching on Mill St
  • 20 lead and copper samples completed. 2 failed.  We are permitted 2.
  • Water meters
  • Mulch is needed for Opal Thompson Park. Brad Drew has ordered it, and he will call Doug and Kyle as soon as it comes in.
  • The Village currently owns 1 set of chlorine testers. They are reading 1 whole point low, and it has been several years since they were calibrated.  The problem is, we can’t send them in to be worked on since we have to use them daily.  The cost of a new meter is $500, and we need one for chlorine and one for phosphate.  There are testing meters available for $1500 that will test 90+ parameters.  However, we don’t have a need to test that many items.  Jim made a motion to purchase the 2 necessary meters and Nancy seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


In a continued conversation regarding the chlorinated water that is coming from Villa Grove, the water is reading higher at the main (at the intersection of Route 130 and Deer Lake Rd) and drops each home towards Camargo.  By the time they read the water at a rural residence past the main, the chlorine read lower.  Each time they travelled farther south towards Camargo; the chlorine dropped to almost nothing.  The issue is, Camargo is purchasing treated water from the City of Villa Grove.  However, the water being pumped between the main and the Camargo Water Department is not being treated, and the water that becomes treated by Camargo is not pushed back out to those homes.  They are receiving water directly from the supply being provided by Villa Grove.  Kyle is looking into ways to resolve this issue and who would ultimately be responsible for the treatment.  If a pump house is required, that would be $50,000 or more.  He just wanted the Board to be advised of the situation, and to know that he is currently working on a solution.




Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Bart is waiting to hear back from the State’s Attorney regarding the community service that is to be provided to the Village. He spoke with Doug and Kyle and thinks the person(s) that will be working can work on sprucing up the picnic tables.  We are going to paint one (1) table orange, one (1) table black, and the remaining tables green.  Doug and Kyle will pick up some galvanized spray paint for the chain link fence at the ball park, and that can be painted as well.
  • Bart assisted Doug and Kyle on the water main break at Plum Grove. In doing so, he noticed that their tools are in poor working order.  Shirley confirmed that the money in the equipment funds can be used for new tools.  Because these tools are used for both General items as well as Water Department items, she would suggest splitting the costs between the two funds.  Doug and Kyle were both informed that any tools that need to be replaced should be replaced.  Permission is not necessary; as they need the proper equipment to efficiently perform their duties.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:43 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk