June 2022

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, June 13, 2022

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, June 13, 2022 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Jim Hardway, Jim Lansford, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer were both present; as was Village Treasurer Shirley Badman.



Kirk Rogers:  Mr. Rogers was present to check on the tiling progress behind Retter’s property.  This tile particular tile helps drain the water off of Orchard Street, which is where his parents live.  He would like a status update.

Per Doug Raymer, they are going to call 217, and have them replace the broken tile, and then move forward from there.  Doug has received reports that the Retter’s do not want anyone on their property; nor do they want the tile replaced.  This information was delivered to Doug via a third party.

Kirk Rogers provided information from governing drainage laws that state the homeowners cannot interfere with the repairs of any drainage.  He stated he would be happy to share that information, if necessary, but he would not hand over his only copy.

Bart Dann stated that he has left messages with Mr. Retter that the repair work was moving forward, and he has heard nothing back from him.  He explained to Mr. Retter that the Village was covering all costs to repair the broken tile and any damages that may be occurred to his yard in the process.  Bart instructed Doug to move forward with calling 217, and to get this project rolling.  If Mr. Retter has any issues, he can call Bart.



Salisa Dann had two corrections to the minutes, and Shirley Badman had one addition to the bills.  Kemper Midwest was added to the Community Building Fund in the amount of $585.00.  The explanation she received regarding the amount of this invoice was that we are being billed for three (3) potty houses in a three (3) month increment. Laura made a motion to accept the consent agenda with the additions and changes, Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Laura Miller made a motion to move to closed session regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, resignation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.  Jeane Breiland seconded motion, and the motion passed unanimously.  The Board went into closed session at 7:16 pm.


Laura Miller made a motion to come out of closed session, Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.  The Board resumed regular session at 7:43 pm.


  1. Discussion and possible hire of P/T employee: Bart restated the need for a part-time as-needed employee.  We published an ad, and we received one interested party.  The applicant will receive $15 per hour and will work approximately 15-20 hours per week – as needed.  Jim Hardway made a motion to hire Cathy Raymer at $15/hour for 15-20 hours per week as needed.  Laura seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Discussion and possible approval of Cost of Living Increases: Bart discussed giving the city employees a cost of living increase.  Laura made a motion to bump Kyle Raymer up to $22 per hour and to bump Doug Raymer up to $21 per hour to be effective July 01, 2022.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of hire, Russ Leigh, to complete the audit for FYE 04/30/2022, cost not to exceed $4500: Shirley has stated that she enjoys working with Russ Leigh and his crew. They are easy to work with less expensive than other companies.  Jim Lansford made a motion to hire Russ Leigh to complete the audit for the FYE 04/30/2022 and the cost not to exceed $4500.  Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of health insurance enrollment, FY 07/01/2022 – 06/30/2023: Jim Hardway made a motion to keep the same health insurance coverage that we previously provided for the city employees for FY 07/01/2022 – 06/30/2023.  Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Approval of prevailing wage FYE 04/30/2023: Gary Gilpin made a motion to pass the ordinance to approve prevailing wage for FYE 04/30/2023.  Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



  1. Fish Fry: Jeane reported that we have $1895 so far from the WWF Fish Fry – this is AFTER paying for the fish.  She has some ticket sales she needs to pick up from the library, and she has receipts from Pam Sigler and herself that she needs to put together for reimbursement.  Jeane is estimating that we will profit approximately $1500, and we served 235 dinners.



Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • Meters read
  • Ordered meters back in December. Twelve (12) came in, and Kyle found six (6) more from a different dealer.  We now have a total of eighteen (18).
  • Julie locates
  • Mowing twice a week
  • Bush hogged the creek, Taylor Haines Park, and the ditches
  • Road patch stock piled, and some patching done – started on River Rd
  • Fish Fry signs made
  • FS placed the propane tank for the generator
  • Power went out last weekend – the generator worked
  • Brush pile burnt down and kept low
  • Caught a guy hauling a trashcan down to the burn pile. He was going to dump the burnt trash in the burn pile.  Doug told him to take it back home.  The burn pile is for yard waste only!
  • Grills are being installed this week / 1 at Taylor Haines Park and 2 at the Opal Thompson Park
  • No word from Jim Crane regarding oil and chip. Doug suggested with oil prices that we hold off on any oil and chipping for this year and just to patch for the year.
  • He received some complaints about Bailey’s yard, Southard’s yard, and Humphrey’s yard
    • Bart said he would call Mr. Bailey.
    • Southard is in a nursing home.
    • He will try to make contact with Mr. Humphrey.



Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:

  • Sample results came back. We passed both tests.  We should be on reduced monitoring now.
  • Lead and copper samples will be in August
  • New tenants moving in all over town
  • Com2 scheduled for clean-up days – Doug and Kyle will haul it on Tuesday after trash days
    • $0.18 per pound on general electronics
    • $0.30 per pound on console TVs
  • Kyle is using more chlorine than we should. It is partially due to heat.  They had to pick up some chlorine because we were it faster than it could be delivered.
  • Kyle met a gentleman the does power-washing on water towers. He is from Arthur and is extremely reasonable.



Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Grain Elevator: Bart found the property owner of the grain elevator.  His name is Garrett.  He will get someone out here to cut down the weeds.  He is willing to sell or lease the elevator if anyone is interested.
  • Baseball Diamond: Baseball season is over.  We had a need to move the bases back for the older kids to have a tournament.  We need new bases that can be used in either plug and 1st base needs to have a safety base.
  • Concession Stand Profits: $125 from concession stand profits were donated to the WWF.  This amount was included in Jeane’s total.
  • Adkisson will not return Doug’s calls to fix the leaky roof at the community building. Bart will call Ridgeline and have Dave Piercy come out and take a look at it.

Jim Hardway:  Jim would like to add that he received some praises on our park.  There was a gentleman from the baseball tournament that raved about how nice our park and ball diamond were.  Jim wanted to pass along the praises to our city guys!

Laura Miller:  Laura is looking into the Christmas decorations, and has made contact with someone.  She needs to know how many poles we have, and the approximate distance across the road for a possible banner.  Bart said we would need approximately 6 pole decorations, and the distance across the road should be about 40’.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:26 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk