Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, May 14, 2018
7:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on May 14, 2018 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Jim Hardway, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller and Gary Gilpin. Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn and Village Treasurer Shirley Badman were also in attendance.
Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Pam Sigler seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Shirley Badman proposed a new water billing system. The new system is from Cambridge Technologies. The total cost would give us the Utility Billing System Software (installation, configuration, setup, training, VDF runtime 1-user license), License, Remote Access, and Zip Backup Software. The total cost to the Village would be $1890. The proposal would cut the work time to approximately ½. Jim Hardway made a motion to purchase Cambridge Technologies Utility Billing Software. Pam Sigler seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Concession Stand:
The donated concession stand was moved to the park this past week. Rick is going to make the following improvements / repairs: 4’ storage area on one end, 2 new doors, electricity, raise the ceiling, windows for service, and a Health Department approved floor. President Dann asked for an approved budget to guide us through the concession stand remodel. Laura Miller made a motion to approve a $1500 budget for the concession stand. Scott Tague seconded the motion, and the Board passed it unanimously.
Playground / Swing:
President Dann stated that during the Park Clean Up Days, he found that the current wooden playground is rotting and fall apart. He stopped at EMC in Chesterville and checked out some playground equipment. There were several that would fit the needs of the Camargo Park. These playgrounds are made from recycled milk crates, would never need to be repainted, stained, or sealed. The color won’t fade, and there is a 5 year commercial warranty. Rick went to the Chesterville and measured the two playgrounds that President Dann chose. Both will fit in the area that is already available for the current playset. The Board reviewed both playsets and opted to go with the “blue” set for a total of $5119. Bart explained that the Village could save 10% if we picked up. After checking out the playsets, Rick decided he would prefer if they delivered it.
President Dann also informed the Board that the adult swing has boards broken and missing off of it. EMC also has swings available. They only needed to decide if they wanted a 4’ swing or a 5’ swing. The Board decided to go ahead with the EMC swing at 5’.
Village Clerk Salisa Dann stated that EMC has personalized plaques for $72 each. She suggested the Village recognize Caitlyn Conner and Christine Killion in some fashion with the two new pieces going into our park. Pam Sigler made a motion to get the “blue playset”, a matching blue swing 5’ in length, and the 2 plaques – not to exceed $6000. Jim Hardway seconded the motion and the Board passed the motion unanimously.
National Neighborhood Night Out:
Jeane Brieland stated that the National Neighborhood Night Out is a week night in August. She thought it would be nice if the Village hosted a Night Out at the park since we have a smaller community. The Board decided it would be a good idea. They discussed different dates and settled on Saturday, August 11 from 6pm – 8pm. The Village will provide hotdogs and chips. Each family is asked to provide their own drinks with alcohol being prohibited. Bart Dann is going to speak with Garrett and The Geezers to see if they would like to perform for the Night Out. He will also speak with Cassandra at The Scoop to see if she could transport some ice cream.
Junior Trustees:
President Bart Dann has been looking into and expressing his interest in having two Junior Trustees on our Board. The interested students MUST have a Camargo address, MUST be a JR or SR at Villa Grove Schools, and MUST be able to attend the meetings for a minimum of one school year. Salisa Dann stated she would take care of getting the information to the students at the school and reporting back to the Board.
- With the help of Jeane Brieland, Rick was able to complete his report to the EPA.
- He finished the IL State Water Survey.
- Picnic tables moved down to the Taylor Haines Park
- Pad laid for the concession stand
- Mulch was delivered and most of it has been spread
- Pot hole patch was purchased and some pot holes filled
- The Chemical pump was leaking. They were using a loaner. When ours was returned it still did not work. They have a new one coming.
- Removed the sidewalk at the Farris property and backfilled it
- Concrete from the sidewalk was taken to Arcola
- Bryon (Arcola) stated that having the crushed concrete delivered and stocked is the same cost as road pack. So whenever Rick / Doug need to make a trip to Arcola, they will take the 1 ton and bring back a load.
- During last week’s storm a tree fell on Main St. It took out a power line. They cut the tree up and removed it after Ameren took care of the electricity.
- Rick got another quote from 3C’s on tires for the 1 ton truck. They were lower than Neal Tire in Charleston and they were local.
Neal Tire = $1165.44
3C’s = $1097.28 ($8 Cheaper + $60 Rebate )
Laura Miller made a motion for 6 (10 ply) tires at 3C’s for $1097.28 out the door. Jeane Brieland seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to purchase the tires at 3C’s.
- Rick also stated that the burn pile is being used for items that should NOT be there. Camargo yard waste ONLY is all that should be in the pile. The burn pile is for the use of Camargo Village residents ONLY. This is not to be used by residents of Patterson Springs, Lakewood Estates, or rural Camargo. He is going to check with Vernon and see how much a new sign would cost that outlines all of the above issues.
- This brought up a new discussion of Camargo Garbage Days. Village Residents are the ONLY people allowed to use the clean up days. Unless something changes in the future, they are not allowed to use either the Clean Up Days or the Village Dump.
- Rick asked for a sign to hang in the park that states: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. According to our insurance, we are liable for anything that may happen on our property anyway. Per our insurance company we can’t defer fault. The Board stated they were not going to look into the sign for the park.
- Camago has 2 new water customers.
- Rick spoke Jim Crane regarding our Motor Fuel Tax Usage for next year. This is concerning the circle drive around the park (1200 square yards). These are the estimates he gave:
- Oil and Chip $1700
- Resurface, patch, 2 coats $4752*
- Till, reshape, compact $9552
- Add 6” on top, till, reshape, compact $18,000
- Asphalt $25,000
*This is the option Jim Crane recommended for next year.
- Rick also has paperwork from Jim Crane regarding the Motor Fuel Tax being used this year. We are appropriating $5300 for patching, materials, signs and posts, and rock salt. (See attached). Pam Sigler made a motion to accept the $5300 Appropriations for the 2018 Motor Fuel Tax. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to accept the Motor Fuel Tax as prepared.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- Bart Dann spoke with Wayne Beck about the complaints regarding the junk on his property. Wayne stated the yard work has begun and he is cleaning it up. He will also utilize the Clean Up Days.
- Marty Kirkman called and asked if he could set a trailer out again at Clean Up Days to collect the metal that could be recycled. The Board said yes.
- Bart spoke with Bruce Allen. Bruce is the Villa Grove Chamber of Commerce President. Bart asked if we could switch Camargo and Villa Grove on the Camargo sign. He said he was completely okay with that, as it needs to be redone anyway. Bart also said that Tim Wegeng stated he may be able to redo the signs. If not, he would check with Michael Christy.
- It was brought to Bart’s attention that Owen Piercy has been parking his truck and shredder at the Public Parking spot at the corner of Main St. and Vine St. Jim Hardway stated his only concern was that Owen is not a member of the Village of Camargo. The remainder of the Board was okay with him parking there. Bart stated he would reach out to Owen and see if there is a reason that he can’t park it at his home, and ask him to come to a meeting and explain why he is parking there.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 9:05 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk