May 2019

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, May 13, 2019

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on May 13, 2019 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer was absent; however, Rick Kielhorn and Kyle Raymer were present.  Treasurer Shirley Badman was also in attendance.






Jim Crane, the Douglas County Engineer, was present with the Motor Fuel Tax paperwork.  He explained the costs to repair the streets that are at the top of our list.  We will be receiving $15,400 in Motor Fuel funds.  We have $2714.85 in Equipment and Sidewalk funds.  This will give us a total of $18,114.85 to spend on the repairs.

Jim Hardway made a motion to spend the money on repairing our streets, Pam Sigler seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Jim Crane also explained that we should start saving money for Main Street.  He stated it is NOT in bad shape now, but we don’t want to lose it.  We have some good years left in Main Street.  Salisa Dann asked if there were any grants available for street repair / replacement.  He said that every township and Village in Illinois were all in the same boat – not enough money from the State of Illinois, and no grants available to assist small communities.



Chuck Dorsett, Chief of the Camargo Fire Department, was present to discuss the new fire house.  Their new location will be just north of Denny Long’s residence – making this the first property on the east side of Route 130 coming into Camargo from the north.  He was explaining that the fire department cannot pump off the current main water pipes.  They need an 8” minimum pipe.  There was much discussion regarding the placement and size of pipe required.  The goal is to have the new fire house up and running by December.  They will only be using the water there for filling a tanker – NOT for putting out a fire.  The concern is that even when the hydrants are flushed Lakewood Estates loses water pressure.  The suggestion was made that we bore and place a 4” pipe with an 8” sleeve.  Therefore, if they ever need to up amount of water usage, the work would already be done.  The fire department will pay for the bore.  The cost is the same regardless of the size.  If they pull off the 6” pipe it won’t affect Lakewood Estates.  Chuck would prefer to use the 6” pipe and not the main that feeds Lakewood.

This is just information for the time being.  He will return to our board once he receives solid numbers from the fire department.  Rick will give Chuck some information regarding the mains and where they are located in Camargo.




Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes, and Nancy George seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.



Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes, and Nancy George seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

There was regarding a 50-pound bag of whallop and where it should be charged.  Shirley charged it to the Water Department, and Rick believed it should be charged somewhere else.  Shirley stated she would call the auditor and find a resolution.  She will withhold this payment until she gets an answer and move forward from there.



  1. Ambulance Contract – Bart met with representatives from the City of Villa Grove and Camargo Township. The Village actually used 7.65% of the total calls.  Per Carle, they have lost over $255,000 last year.  This year they are on track to lose about $127,000.  According to their explanations, Medicare only pays $0.08 / mile for each ambulance call, and it costs Carle $0.41 / mile.  Bart explained that if we opt to NOT sign the contract, they can refuse any patient in Camargo, and we would have to call someone else (Mattoon, Champaign, Charleston).  We would have to wait for their service to arrive.  This is a 3 year contact that begins with the 2019 – 2020 fiscal year.  We have two options:
    1. OPTION 1:

1st year:  $6593

2nd year:  $7697

3rd year:  $8805


  1. OPTION 2:

1st year:  $7702

2nd year:  $7702

3rd year:  $7702


Laura Miller made a motion to agree to the contract and pay Option 1.  Nancy George seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

  1. CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT – The CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT is complete. Salisa Dann would like to know if the Board would prefer postcards or newsletters to deliver the URL.  The Board chose a newsletter.  Salisa stated she would get that completed and include information regarding the games at the park and the concession stand.


  1. ERBA Headstart – Bart met with the new ERBA director, Dennis. They had to perform the yearly federal inspection.  The fire marshal stated that we MUST have a fire panel installed, because ERBA uses more than one room (office, classroom, two bathrooms, and the main room).  One suggestion was to move them out of the classroom and office and just allow them usage of the main room.  Dennis stated they can’t do that, because they are going to all day school next year.  He would like for the Board to agree to pay for ½ of the costs of the fire panel.  The fire marshal also stated that all carpets and curtains must be fire retardant.  The bathrooms and each room in the building must have a flashing strobe light when the fire alarm sounds.  As of the date of this meeting, the only bid he has received was from Detection Services for $12,000.  The Board immediately denied paying for ½ of those costs.  Bart said that Dennis is getting more bids, but they weren’t all in yet.  He is going to do some digging and see what he can get cheaper.  ERBA must have the fire panel installed or they will not be permitted to use the building – per the fire marshal and federal regulations.  Bart will keep in contact with Dennis to see what all bids they receive, and he will bring that information back to the next board meeting.



  1. Drainage Issues: Myron Little’s bid came in at $500 for the tile. He will do 100’ of 6” perforated tile on Vine Street.  He said that we cannot dig the ditches out.  There would have to be several cleanouts and the ditches would have to be really deep.  This would not be cost effective for the Village.  His total bid was for $3450.  They also received bids from Koeberlein Drainage.  Koeberlein’s bid total was $5996.

Gary Gilpin made a motion to go with Myron Little’s bid for the drainage digging on North Vine, South Vine, and Mill Street for a total of $3450.  Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Shorty Lewis’s tree roots have been dealt with.  The catch basin was full, and Doug and Kyle took care of them.  Shorty would like for the tree to be cut down.  The cost he was given was $1200, and he would like for the Village to pay ½.  This is the tree that is causing the root issues.  The Board declined to pay for the tree removal on private property.  The new basin will resolve the root problems.


Dave Dyke’s catch basin needs to be replaced.  Due to deterioration it is causing his property to flood.



Village Superintendent Doug Raymer was absent.  However, Rick Kielhorn and Kyle Raymer reported the following:

  • Kyle started full time today
  • Mowing has begun (spraying weeds, weed eating, etc.) between rains
  • New street signs are up
  • Public Parking signs have been posted
  • Copper sulphate used in drains
  • 3 tons of turkey grit used at the park
  • A couple water meters have been replaced
  • 11 tons of black rock delivered – 1/3 of that already used for potholes
  • The backstopping is working great at the water shed
  • Concession stand is ready to go
  • Rear blade grader was picked up
  • Bids received for the tile work (see above)
  • EPA sent a notification to Rick’s personal residence
    • Notification regarding Villa Grove’s new water plant
    • Due to the new water plant – extra lead and copper samples must be completed
    • Rick hopes these samples are only from VG and this request does not affect Camargo. If we do, we would have to submit 20 samples.  This would begin July 1st.  He has not received anything directed solely at Camargo though.



Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • There were several ordinance violations that have recently been brought to his attention. There were 9 violations at 7 residences – all mailed prior to this meeting. The majority of these were vehicles that were not registered or non-operable.
  • He called Ameren regarding the new thermostat. Someone was supposed to come out and meet with Doug and never showed up.  When Bart called, they explained that all he had to do was add what he wanted to the shopping cart.  From there, they will ship the items and bill accordingly.  Then they will send someone out for installation.
  • Bart reached out to Tim Wegeng regarding the Camargo sign. Tim said he would on it again in June.  It has been too wet.
  • Bart purchased a new basketball net for the park, and Doug already had it up.
  • Next WWF (Woolly Worm Festival) Meeting: June 5th at 6:30 pm.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:47 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk