November 2016

Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

November 14, 2016


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on November 14, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, Laura Miller, and Jim Hardway.  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present; Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – nothing to report

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Village President requested the following modifications to October’s minutes:  There is NO fire door to be installed at the top of the stairs…only the bottom.

Based on the modifications, a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Rodney Farris, minutes from the regular meeting of October 10, 2016 were approved unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT                                                                                                             

General Fund – Ending balance: $14,159.32

Water Fund – The bill for Hach Company came it at $200.00, and Gould Bus Service was $27.75.

Motor Fuel Fund – Little Dozing bill was for $500.00.

The Mediacom bill is expected to come before the next meeting.  It should be $365.00 and that bill is split between the General Fund and the Water Fund.

On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Jim Hardway, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.


a.    Truck Bids

·         Gary checked into the cost of a bigger truck with a plow.  They were in a $30,000.00 range.

Motion by Jim Hardway:

Purchase a truck from Tuscola Ford with ½ of the funds to come from the General Budget and the remaining ½ of the funds to come from the Water Fund, and NOT to exceed $18,650.00.

Yes votes: Jim Hardway, Laura Miller, Terri Miller

No votes:  Rodney Farris, Gary Gilpin

Motion carried.






a.    Website Funds

Salisa reported that she is not able to update the website to made the Village Ordinances searchable.  She contacted Andy Dahl to see what he would charge the Village to correct the website.  Andy agreed to complete the work for $275.  Andy stated the work would take him approximately 5 hours and would be done within a week.  The Board also requested that he install some sort of widget that we could see how often our website was being used.

Motion: Rodney Farris            Second:  Terri  Miller              Vote:  Unanimous


b.    Operation Gift

Shirley reported that in the past the Village has always donated $100.00 to Operation Gift and wanted to know if the Village wanted to do the same this year.  

Motion to donate $100:  Laura Miller              Second:  Terri Miller               Vote:  Unanimous


c.     Shirley also prepared the Tax Levy Draft for everyone to review.  Trustees reviewed on site.

Motion to accept the levy:  Terri Miller           Second:  Laura Miller              Vote:  Unanimous


d.    Laura Miller wanted to report that the Christmas in Camargo is coming along nicely.  They have 21 vendors, Santa is coming, lunch is being provided by the Camargo UMC, and the Girl Scouts will be assisting with set up and take down.  Laura is considering renting a sign.  Terri agreed to do postcards and a newspaper ad.


e.    Shirley received a phone call from Jim Lee.  He is the attorney for the Frances Coykendall Estate.  This property has been purchased.  However, there is nothing on file at the court house that states the previous landowner assumed the rights of the previous roadway.  The minutes from 2003 read:


“Mrs. Coykendall was present at the meeting to request the vacation of a designated street that she has cared for over a period of many years.  The road, which is 40 ft. wide x 114 ft. long, appears on plat maps but has never been used as a road.  Jim Lee was consulted and he explained the difference between closing the road and vacating the road.  After a brief discussion, the board agreed to vacate the property on a motion by Ed, seconded by Brad, and carried unanimously.  The newly vacated property will now be considered taxable, and any property taxes levied in the future are the responsibility of the new landowner.”


The current board discussed this situation and agreed unanimously that the previous decision would stand.  Shirley had the Ordinance Modification on hand and it was completed at that time.






·         Tile on North White Oak was fixed.  They will regrade the ditch when the weather cooperates.

·         Concrete sidewalks removed.

·         Community Building work for preparations for Headstart:

o   Utility sink installed

o   Furnace room complete

o   Door framed in at the bottom of the stairs


Billingsley reported the following:

·         In regards to the unregistered vehicles, we started with 28 vehicles and now are down to 5.  The next step is to file for court dates.

·         We have started to get some reimbursements from Verizon.  He asked when they would begin the work on the tower – no start date was given.

·         He met with Lana Wood at the Douglas County Health Department.  The only additions to the DCFS report is to install a utility sink for Headstart.  This project is already complete.

·         Hauserman Electric is coming to install the exit signs.

·         Once the improvements to the building are complete, the original originations will need to return to verify the work before Headstart will be allowed to move in.

·         The Fire Department is currently looking for property to build a new fire house.

·         The sidewalk installation on Second Street in front of the Victory Church is complete. 


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment. 


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk