October 2016

Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

October 10, 2016


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on October 10, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, Paul Davidson, and Jim Hardway.  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present; Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Jeremy Bennett with the Cub Scouts requested the use of the park on October 21st for camping.  They would use the water and electricity for the event.  They would also like to do a roadside cleanup on November 05th:  White Oak St and Main Street west going out of town about ¼ mile.  Between city limit signs on each end of Main St, River Rd is also bad with garbage in the ditches.  Scout Den is to clean up as their community project.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Rodney Farris, minutes from the regular meeting of September 12, 2016 were approved unanimously.


General Fund – A bill came in for Coontz Tree Service for the removal of a tree north of the fire department.  This would bring the general budget to $2116.72. 

Water Fund – Ameren Utilities – no bill received at the time of the meeting

Motor Fuel Fund – A bill for Walker for oil and chip for $10,714.15

On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Gary Gilpin, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.


a.    Truck Bids

                      i.        Pilsons             Ford F150       $18,613.44 + license and title ($105) $2000 trade in

                     ii.        Tuscola Ford   Ford F150       $17,500.00 + license and title             $2800 trade in

                    iii.        Sullivan           Chevy             $17,364.00                                          $2500 trade in

                   iv.        Watseka Ford Ford F150       $18,696.00

                     v.        Jackson Ford  Ford F150       $17,598.00                                          $2600 trade in

                   vi.        KC Summers  GMC               $19,000.00                                          $1500 trade in

Gary suggested we purchase a 1 ton truck to use as a snowplow as well as a service truck.

Motion to purchase a truck in Tuscola with ½ coming from General Budget and ½ coming from Water Budget:                        Jim Hardway

Motion fell due to lack of 2nd.

Terri moved to table the issue until the next meeting.  Rodney seconded the motion.  4 voted yes and Jim voted to obstain.  Motion passed to table the truck purchase until the next meeting.

Gary volunteered to check into bigger trucks and their bids with snow plows.

b.    Head Start Program

The basement required more work than originally thought necessary:

·         Full sprinkler system in entire building ($33,000 – FE Moran)

·         Fire door at bottom of stairs

·         Removal of all paneling

·         Emergency lighting

·         Fire rated doors in the furnace room

·         Smoke suppressant containment

·         Entry / Exit doors – we MUST install an additional door


The 1st floor requirements:

·         Drywalling the furnace room

·         Smoke suppression

·         Fire doors at the top and bottom of the stairs

·         Emergency lighting

·         Sharing office space with Village Board in the basement

Motion: Jim Hardway – Headstart to use the 1st floor south room with a shared office in the north room with necessities.  Seconded by Rodney.  Vote passed unanimously.

Timeline is 2 months – January 02, 2017 is target date with doors and drywalling the furnace room to be top priority.



a.    Victory Church sidewall

Sidewalk repair is needed in front of the church.  Rick suggested doing the entire front of the block – 2nd St to Mill St (177’ of sidewalk)

Work starts tomorrow and Victory Church is willing to pay ½ of the repair in front of their property.

Motion to repair the block with Victory paying for ½ ($500 out of the Sidewalk fund and $500 a month into the sidewalk fund to replenish) :  Rodney    Second: Gary   Vote: Passed Unanimously

b.    Trick or Treat Hours

Trick or Treat Hours set for 5pm – 7pm on October 31st.  Salisa will put this on the webpage as well.

c.     Election Paperwork


The following Board Members are up for re-election:

·         Rodney Farris

·         Laura Miller

·         Gary Gilpin

·         Kevin Billingsley

·         Salisa Dann

Salisa has the paperwork in a packet for anyone who is interested in re-running.

d.    Shirley requested some money to purchase office equipment for the new office.

Motion for $1000:  Rodney     Second:  Terri             Vote passed unanimously.


·         Water analyzed – reported good

·         Assisted a homeowner on a water leak

·         Truck Bids

·         Asphalt on White Oak St

·         Wet ditch west side going north from the creek on Lyle Locke’s property.  This is not a city issue – just a drainage issue.  The water is from the ditch but the tile was broken and crushed and full of mud.  Myron Little suggested a double wall tile to replace the broken one.

o   Tile                  $500

o   Little’s Time    $800

o   Totalling          $1300 with Doug and Rick installing

·         Cut brush at the ditch mentioned above

·         Water tap at new house in Plum Grove

·         Several changes in water services

·         Tires needed for service truck


Motion to fix the tile:    Jim      Second:   Terri            Vote passed unanimously



Billingsley reported the following:

·         Rick agreed to take money off the final sidewalk bill at Victory Church for hauling away the concrete.

·         22 residents were in violation of Vehicle Ordinances /// now there are only 8

·         Brian White plead guilty to the illegal dumping.  He will pay $25 / month until the $250 restitution is paid is full.

·         Wayne Coykendall residence on White Oak had a street vacated.  The estate executor is looking for confirmation to such.  Shirley is going to look into this matter.

·         Rick is to focus on the furnace room and the fire doors.

With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment. 


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk