September 2016

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

September 09, 2016


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on September 09, 2016 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Richard Billingsley.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Terri Miller, Gary Gilpin, Rodney Farris, Paul Davidson, Laura Miller, and Jim Hardway.  Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present; Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was also present.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – At the Zoning Board meeting, Paul reported that the Zoning Board would propose to the Village Board that Marty Kirkman be allowed to continue his current practices until Marty is no longer the owner of the property.  This proposition will be voted on at this meeting.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Terri Miller, seconded by Jim Hardway, minutes from the regular meeting of August 08, 2016 were approved unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shirley noted an additional expenditure of $142.50 that was not reflected on the report.  This was from the General Fund – Bills.  Also not reflected in the finance report was the garbage bill of $86.67 that was received today.  On a motion by Jim Hardway, seconded by Rodney Farris, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS – No old business to report.


a.    Consideration of New Service Truck

                      i.        Lease vs Purchase – Diepholz was the only dealership that would even consider a lease, and they strongly urged against it.  Mainly, based upon the cost of a lease, the Village could spend almost the same amount of money and own the vehicle.  Leasing would cost the Village approximately $367 / month and only allow 15K miles / year.

                     ii.        Tuscola Ford

a.                2016 – $16,567 with $2800 trade – This was based on availability of a truck with our specs.

                    iii.        Diepholz

a.                2016 – $25,287.50 (Chevrolet Silverado) – based on availability

                   iv.        Pilsons Ford

a.                2016 – $17,863.44 with $2800 trade – based on availability

                     v.        Jackson’s Ford, Sullivan (Rick called Sullivan – Decatur called back)

a.                2016 – $20,036 – IN STOCK

b.                2017 – $20,198 with no options

                   vi.        Sullivan Parkhill

a.                2017 – $17,758.27 – (Chevrolet Silverado) – based on availability and $2500 trade

b.                BONUS: 10 year 100K mile warranty on drive train

b.    Rick’s Suggestion: table this matter for the next meeting.  For the cost of a 2016, we could purchase a 2017 exactly the way we need it.  The Board agreed that this matter would be tabled until Rick made a few more calls and gathered more information.

c.     Headstart Program

                      i.        Headstart is seeking for a new location for their program.  Mayor Billingsley suggested the basement area of the Community Building.  The renovation costs would be covered by the Village, while the renovation costs of the playground / park would be covered by Headstart.  Their time frame for moving in would be October – November – preferably.  This lease would benefit the Village in that it would provide funds for the Community Building to be self-sufficient.

                     ii.        School hours: Tuesday – Friday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm (there are am and pm classes)

                    iii.        Staff hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm

                   iv.        This would be $1200 month / 12-month lease

                     v.        Headstart would be responsible for cleaning their own area

                   vi.        Phone and Internet would both need to be installed.  These service costs would be shared by the Village as there are neither services at this point.

Motion by Jim Hardway:

9-month lease at $1200 / month and $600 / month for the remaining 3 months (during the summer when they are not in session).  The downstairs area is already leased for a day in November.  This motion would allow the current “tenants” the use of the space for that day.  The Village would be responsible for any “front end costs” for repairs and updates as required by the Fire Marshall report (not returned at the time of this meeting).

Motion 2nd: Rodney Farris                   VOTE: Unanimous in favor of the motion

d.    Christmas in Camargo

                      i.        Laura asked if she could extend the hours of the Christmas in Camargo.  The date has been scheduled for December 10, and the times extended to 10am – 5pm.



·         Mowing and weeding

·         Flushed hydrants

·         New fax / phone / copier purchased and in working order

·         Repaired axel

·         Repaired AC at the Community Building

·         Truck Search (see above)

·         More cold patch work on White Oak

·         Price of oil and chip dropped by $0.05 / sq. yd.  It is now at $1.30 / yd.

·         Walkers will be in our area oil and chipping soon

·         100% compliance on water bills


ZONING BOARD UPDATES: – Paul reported there was a Zoning Meeting on August 01.  They did not forward their suggestions at that time.  The Board wished to do more research prior to releasing their suggestions to the Village Board.  At this meeting, Paul stated the Zoning Board members had decided: Marty Kirkman was to be allowed to continue his practices until he no longer was the property owner.  Because the issue brought to the Zoning Board was the agricultural use of the property, the issue of the animals was not voted on or dealt with.  While Mr. Kirkman is the property owner, his property shall be deemed agricultural.

Motion to follow the Zoning Board’s recommendations: Jim Hardway         2nd: Laura Miller

Paul Davidson abstained due to his position on the Zoning Board.  Vote passed.





Billingsley reported the following:

·         Invoices for Verizon were turned in regarding Engineering and Legal totaling $3700

·         Chief Deputy Dixon and Mayor Billingsley have been working on the vehicle ordinance violations.  We are currently down to 15 vehicles.

·         Any vehicles still not removed or tagged legally will be turned over to legal authorities.  They have until September 22. 

·         Billingsley has been working with Headstart to get us and them to a point where we could meet and discuss a possible lease and location for their program.

With no further business to come before the Board at this time, Village President Richard Billingsley called for adjournment.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk