Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
November 13, 2017
7:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on November 13, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:18 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer, Shirley Badman and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both in attendance.
Nothing to report
Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0; due to Jim Hardway being absent.
Laura Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Scott Tague seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0; due to Jim Hardway being absent.
Laura Miller also made a motion to make a donation to Operation Gift in the amount of $100.00. Jeanie Brieland seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0 due to Jim Hardway being absent.
· Holiday lighting contests: Bart will contact local businesses for prizes for winners.
· Approval of the Aggregation Program Agreement from Good Energy. The Board agreed that this program saves the community money on their energy bills. President Dann signed the agreement to be returned.
· Tree Decoration:
o Myron Little okayed the use of the electricity from his shed.
o Leaf It to Us will be out to help with the lighting using his boom truck.
o Tree lights will go up the first week of December weather permitting.
o Lights will be purchased at Gilles True Value.
o Decorations will also be purchased at Gilles True Value.
Pam Sigler made a motion to purchase needed tree decorations at Gilles True Value and not to exceed $350.00. Jeanie Brieland seconded the motion. The Board passed the motion with a 5-0 vote – Jim Hardway was absent.
· Tree Lighting Ceremony will be December 09 at 5pm following Christmas in Camargo that ends at 4pm.
· Rick met with Leon Kinney regarding the electricity in the pavilion. His bid came in at $5458.15. President Dann stated he would also contact Ameren and see what they would charge us.
· Rick and Doug did some mowing and leaf mulching.
· They moved the picnic tables and potty house from Taylor Haines Park.
· They purchased the chain saw safety equipment – and used it.
· They also purchased the neon yellow shirts.
· The hot water heater was installed at the Community Building. They have not heard any complaints of the Preschool running out of hot water.
· They purchased 130 bags of cellulose insulation to be installed in the Community Building attic.
· Rick and Doug installed and hung the new Head Start sign coming into the park.
· Rick and Doug also flagged water meters. This will allow them to locate the meters once we have snow.
· A meter has gone bad at Carso’s. Typically, the Village will cover the cost of a new meter. However, this is a bigger meter due to his business. The cost of the new meter will be approximately $700. After little discussion, the Board decided that the Village should still purchase the new meter and install it. Rick will order it this week.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
· Lumpe complaint: Lumpe’s water was shut off due to non-payment on the 26th. They gave a hand-written complaint. They stated that we dug up their year and left ruts. Bart checked with Rick. Actually, Little’s dug the trench, and the Village installed a tile drain. Rick also moved their burn pile (it was in the middle of where the trench was being dug). They stated they were going to contact their attorney’s regarding this matter. Bart just wanted to bring the issue to everyone’s attention.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:24 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk