October 2020

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, October 13, 2020

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, October 13, 2020 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Jim Hardway, Jim Lansford, Jeane Brieland, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all in attendance.



Heidi McFarland:  Heidi was present to discuss the property line behind her residence on Main Street.  There is an alleyway that separates her property from the Victory Church property and it runs east and west through the block.  There are two fruit trees being treated for fungus; turns out they actually sit on Village property (the alleyway).  There is a third tree that sits in the alleyway as well.  She would like the alleyway vacated and shared equally between them and Victory Church.  President Dann stated he is not opposed to the alleyway being vacated – as long as the Board approves.  He said he would call the Circuit Clerk’s office and get back with her.

Jeane Breiland on behalf of Pam Sigler:  Pam could not be present but she has two concerns:

  1. Where are things at with the Benefield property?
  2. Where do things stand with the property on Vine Street?

In regards to number one, Bart replied that Mr. Benefield is currently making progress on his property.  They are remodeling the inside of the house, cleaning the garage out to make room for the vehicles that currently sit outside, and fixing the driveway.  He can see that progress is being made, and while that is happening, he is not going to bother Mr. Benefield about it.

In regards to number two, no progress is being made.  Bart has reached out several times, and nothing has been done.  Ordinance violations are being mailed on this property.



Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes and Jim Lansford seconded the motion.  The passed unanimously.



Gary Gilpin made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Jeane Breiland seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.









  1. Lumpe’s Property: Doug received a quote from Myron Little.  It will be $500 to grate the yard down, and we will seed it.  It is her responsibility to water it.  We will put some straw over the seeds to help keep them in place.  There is nothing that can be done to the elevation of the yard.  The damages to the garage are not from water movement but from tree roots.  Therefore, the garage damages are not being caused from washout, and Mrs. Lumpe will be responsible for the repairs to the garage.  Doug also stated he would put some millings in the front of the house and create a ditch for the water to run down the hill and not across the sidewalk and into the yard.  Jeane made a motion to allow Myron Little to do the necessary grating to the yard, and for the Village to complete the seeding process.  Gary seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Water Bill Increase: No feed back
  3. ERBA Washer/Dryer: No response from ERBA



Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:

  • Painted hydrants
  • Mulched park
  • New valves on meters
  • Fixed water leak at Jim Lansford’s house
  • New tap and meter installed at Owen Piercy’s
  • Bobcat battery exploded – new battery purchased and installed
  • Hydraulics on Bobcat started leaking
  • Insulation applied to meters for winterizing
  • Grease gun (14 yrs old) quit working. Doug asked if they could replace it.  The Board said yes.  He is going to get a Dewalt.



Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:




Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Bart will be issuing ordinance violations for three residences:
    • Jackson (Vine Street)
    • Smith (John Street)
    • Powell (John Street)
  • Tornado Siren update: Rod sent an email.  Ameren hooked up power today.  They are waiting for the fire department for frequency signals.
  • Thompson’s property: Bart is going to speak with Jack Thompson. He will ask if they would be interested in selling the south west portion of their property by the tennis courts for $15,000.  He does not need a vote now – it was just food for thought.
  • Several people have complained about the smoke from leaf burning. Bart does not want to issue a burn ban.  He suggested that the concerned parties try talking to their neighbors and suggesting the compost pile at the Village dump.  He also said he would call Cassandra Gunter about borrowing Villa Grove’s leaf vacuum a couple of times.  Maybe that would help discourage the burning of green and wet yard waste.



With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:09 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk