Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
7:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Jim Lansford, Jeane Brieland, and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present, Village Superintendent Doug Raymer was present, and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer was present.
Josh Drake, Loman Ray Insurance: Coming in November
Tim Wegneg: Tim was present to inform the Board that the Camargo Methodist Church was going to host church outside at Taylor Haines Park on Sunday.
Tim also reported that he had a couple building permits. Jennifer Perry is installing a tiny house on the vacant lot on Vine Street. Owen Pierce is installing a metal shed on Main Street in that vacant lot. Half of the shed will be residence, and the other half will be garage. He will NOT, however, be using this as his business. It is strictly residential and is zoned as such.
There was a discussion about manufacturing homes in Camargo. For clarification, they MUST be on a foundation. Mobile homes are not permanent fixtures – they do not get placed on a foundation. If the Village wishes to pursue further restrictions, we may have to contact the Zoning Board and rezone certain areas of the town. As of this meeting, John Street is the only street that is zoned R4 (able to house mobile homes).
Nancy George made a motion to accept the minutes, and Jim Lansford seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Nancy made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Jim Hardway seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jim Lansford asked Shirley about a follow up on the Village credit card. She stated she would have a better answer for him next month. She would look into it and get back to the Board.
- Homeschool Group – Melissa Valentine: Melissa contacted Salisa, and their group has opted to go elsewhere.
- Approval of Ordinance Modifications: Jim Hardway made a motion to approve the modifications with the corrections Nancy suggested, and Nancy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion of storage for old records: Doug and Kyle have a solution for our records. They have cleaned out the top of the maintenance shed. There is plenty of room for everything to be kept up there. It is out of the way and somewhat climate controlled. The Board approved.
- Approval of new blinds for the community building: Bart called The Blind Man for a quote for new blinds. The guy on the phone was rude, and Bart chose not to return his call. He also received a quote from Budget Blinds. They came in at $4591.40 installed. This is 14 blinds and they are fire-proof accordion. Gilles came in at $3360.00 NOT installed, but they are the same blinds. Doug and Kyle said they would be happy to install them. This would give them some indoor work over Christmas break while the students are out of the building. Jeane Breiland made a motion to purchase the blinds from Gilles and have Doug and Kyle install them. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion and possible approval of ordinance violation citations: The citations were not complete. Salisa will have them at the next board meeting.
- Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance Official: Jim Lansford stated he believed there should be two people that could serve the ordinance violations. Then there would be no he-said she-said. If there was an issue the two officials could make a decision on behalf of the Village. Jim also stated he believed Tim Wegneg would make a good official. Village President Bart Dann also stated he would assist Tim in the endeavor. Jim Lansford also stated he believed that whoever takes on this responsibility should be compensated in some way. Jeane made a motion to nominate Tim Wegneng and Bart Dann as the Ordinance Officials, and each ordinance served will be paid out to them at $25.00. Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion and possible approval for bid for tile work on White Oak: Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported that he spoke with Little’s. They told him it would be difficult to give a quote on the work needing done as they won’t know until they get the hole opened up and can see where the main is broken. It could be $1000 per day and could take 3-4 days. The Village would be responsible for all materials and most of the labor. Little’s would only cover the equipment. Little’s quote was approximately $60 per day per man. Jim Lansford made a motion for Little’s Dozing to do the work and to approve up to $5000. Any expenses after that would require Board approval. Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion and possible approval for back-up generator: This topic was tabled for next month. The commercial grade generator was $42,000. There is a 2nd bid coming in. This is a smaller generator and will possibly use propane instead of gas.
Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:
- Read meters – found 5 leaks
- Power washed community building and ramp
- Built privacy fence for community building
- Stained wheelchair ramp – until it rained and they ran out of stain
- Mowed and weed-eating
- Worked the brush pile
- Per Jim Lansford – He advised Doug to go purchase a new portable air compressor. He should not have to use his equipment for Village work.
- Per Bart Dann – Anything up to $500 / month could be used for any tool replacement / purchases
- Storm drains cleaned and dropped copper sulfate
- Sprayed weeds
- There are many trees that need removed from River Rd and Taylor Haines Park. Nancy stated there are several businesses in town that could assist. She suggested Doug and Kyle ask for quotes from them on what it would cost the Village:
- Beez Trees
- Owen’s
- Oberg’s
- Leaf It To Us
- Doug stated they have a little cold patch left for the roads.
- Corner trim was ordered for the Community Building.
- We will have samples done next month
- Flushing the 2nd week of November
- Darrin Clark reached out to him. He is looking to place two bids. One bid is for the maintenance plan that will include that water mixer for the water tower. The second bid will be for the mixer only.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- ERBA – would like to have their students nap in the basement. There were many concerns about this – mainly the fact that the basement was not DCFS approved when we wanted to place ERBA there to begin with. There were too many renovations needed in order to be compliant. That is why they were placed upstairs. The Board agreed that they can NOT use the basement for student use.
- ERBA – would like to move the shed to the outside of the fence. The Board believed that there is room inside the fence to move the shed into the grass and off the concrete. If it is placed outside the fence, then Doug and Kyle would have to mow around it, and they should not have to do that. The fence would need to be moved. The Board agreed that the shed will not be moved outside the fence.
- Verizon Tower – is up and running. The payments should start coming in, and they will be $800 per month. The entire project is done.
- A quote came in from RMA for insurance coverage for next year. It was considerably less than last year. We will have other quotes coming in next month.
- Ameren – stated that they could install the junction boxes for the Christmas lights. ½ of the cost lies with the Village and Ameren will cover the other ½.
- Glow Cart Parade will immediately follow Trick-or-Treat
- Trick-or-Treat: October 31 from 5-7
- Glow Cart Parade: October 31 beginning at 7:30
- There was some concern about the other ½ of the privacy fence that was installed at the community building. There will be a fence installed on the south side of drive towards the community building. There will NOT be a fence along Isaacher. There is a sidewalk there, and the Village is not going to enclose the sidewalk.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:51 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk