Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, October 11, 2022
6:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, October 11, 2022 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, and Gary Gilpin. Village Superintendent Doug Raymer and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer were both present. Treasurer Shirley Badman was also present.
Randy Benefield: Mr. Benefield was present regarding the shed he placed on his property. The shed is sitting on a water main, and he wants to put water and sewage in the shed, but can’t due to IDPH standards and guidelines.
A 4” main runs directly under the shed. Mr. Benefield would like to know if the Village would like for him to move his shed. The shed is 16’ x 32’ and is 2 story.
Mr. Lansford asked if there are any other buildings sitting over the main?
Kyle Raymer stated he wasn’t sure.
Mr. Benefield stated he would like to run water to the shed and then bury a 50 gallon drum to use as a septic tank. The Board stated he could not do that, because it is illegal.
President Bart Dann stated he would call the EPA next week to see about the “septic drum.”
Nancy George asked how much it would cost to move the shed.
Randy thought it would be $400 – $500 minimum.
Jim Lansford suggested to move it, and then he can set it up the way he wants: including the water and sewage.
Randy stated he didn’t want to place the shed on a block foundation, because he wanted to avoid the property taxes. He then stated he was okay with the Village having to do whatever means is necessary if ever there was a water main break under the shed.
Mr. Benefield also stated that his step-son, Aaron Hubbard, will move his vehicles off the property this weekend. There was a discussion about what vehicles were and were not part of the violation. Bart Dann had to pull the original the citations and prove to Mr. Benefield, in the middle of the meeting, that in fact, the RV, the Coupe, and the Semi were all cited. Technically, ordinances could be issued at the end of the meeting. The Board tried to accommodate Randy in giving him more time to get the vehicles moved. However, he could not agree on a reasonable timeline. Nance George gave him until October 25th. If the vehicles were not moved, registered and running, or placed in the shed, citations would be issued at that time.
Nancy George made a motion to accept the consent agenda with a small correction to the special minutes. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Shirley Badman stated that with the bank closing, Salisa Dann’s workload has and will double. The bank used to collect almost ½ of the water bills, and now they aren’t.
Nancy asked what percentage of the roll will be increased. Jim Hardway asked how many hours will be increased?
Salisa stated it will be approximately 4 more hours per month.
Jim Hardway made a motion to give Salisa Dann an extra $125 per month to take care of the extra water billing duties. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approval of Woolly Worm Festival Pageant Checking Account: Bart spoke with Pageant Chair Samantha Stevens and Vice-Chair Haley Sappenfield. Due to the number of checks coming in and the number of reimbursements going out, they feel it would be an easier transition if they had their own account. Samantha, Haley, and Bart would all be on the account, and it would still take 2 signatures. Jeane Breiland made a motion to open a new account for the Woolly Worm Festival Pageant. Nancy seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
- Purchase New Equipment for Water System: Per the EPA, the Village will need a new analyzer. This will be radar instead of a scale. The EPA will send a demo unit to test prior to purchasing. We don’t have prices yet.
Also, ARPA money can be used for storm drains (gutters).
- Basement Windows: This project is on hold. The guys have been busy.
- Front Door: Tim Wegeng will look at the door and see if he can fix it.
Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:
- Prepping for the Woolly Worm Festival
- 2 water leaks
- 60K gallons of water at one leak
- Both were galvanized pipes.
- Removed 1 tree by horseshoe pits.
- Levelled the dirt by the basketball courts.
- EPA audits for sample sites.
Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:
- Nothing other than what was said above.
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- Woolly Worm Festival Recap: It was an amazing day and a beautiful day. 2 of the 3 food vendors ran out of food. Financially, we did okay – we don’t have solid numbers yet.
- Update on Bank Property: Jim Chandler from the bank stated we have to pass an ordinance in order to purchase the bank property. Our attorney, Andrew Bequette, will do the paperwork. We should be able to close in November.
- Update on Thompson Property: Andrew Bequette is also taking care of all the paperwork. We should be able to close on this in November as well.
- Update on Annexation: Per Mr. Bequette:
- Step 1: Send a letter to residents informing them of our plan.
- Step 2: Host a town hall meeting for those with concerns.
- If there are ½ that push against you, leave it alone and don’t annex. If there is no push back, move forward.
- Bequette stated he would take care of all the paperwork and construct a letter for residents. He will post bullet points. The Village can put into the annexation that we are not maintaining the roads that the township would continue to take care of those.
- Set Trick or Treat Hours: UMC is hosting Truck or Treat from 5-7, Victory is hosting Truck or Treat from 5-6:30. The Village will have Trick or Treating from 5-7 on Halloween.
- Someone brought up the campers at Taylor Haines Park. Bart stated they have been cleared by the police. Bart said he would talk to them again and see what their plans are for the immediate future. Lansford asked what the issue is with letting them stay. Mr. Hardway replied that the park wasn’t created for this purpose. Bart also stated that they both had jobs where the dog was left unattended. So, they quit their jobs. Again, they need to prioritize. Nancy stated that maybe we should put together a list for support. Bart added that they have been in contact with ERBA and other departments in Tuscola. Mr. Lansford stated there needs to be Rules and Regulations for staying “long term.” He stated he would be willing to work on a committee to develop some rules.
- Park and Rec Committee:
- Jim Lansford
- Bart Dann
- Gary Gilpin
- Park and Rec Committee:
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:25 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk