Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Session
Monday, September 12, 2022
6:00 pm
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, September 12, 2022 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jeane Breiland, and Gary Gilpin. Village Superintendent Doug Raymer and Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer were both present. Treasurer Shirley Badman was also present.
Salisa Dann: Public Election paperwork is ready for pick up. There are three Trustee positions that are up for election: Nancy George, Jim Lansford and Jim Hardway.
Heidi McFarland: Heidi has an issue with her street light in front of the Methodist Church. She sent Bart a message for the last meeting, and at that time the Board stated we were not removing the light. It becomes a safety issue. Heidi stated the light is angled away from the road, it is super bright, and shines directly on their porch. Again, the safety issues were discussed. It was agreed that Doug would call Ameren to see if they can adjust the light away from the McFarland residence. Heidi stated there are several lights on every other pole on Main Street, except this one. This one has one in the middle of the block as well. The Board stated we would see what we could do to adjust to the light and then go from there.
Nancy George made a motion to accept the consent agenda with a small correction to the minutes. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Basement windows of the Community Building: The basement windows along the south side and west side need replaced. Some of them are broken, and you can’t open many of them. Pricing estimates are coming from Gilles for replacement windows.
- Front Door on Community Building: Bart Dann will call Tim Wegeng for repair / replacement or see if he can refer someone to fix the doors. The panels are cracking and there are gaps in the door.
- Signed copy of ERBA lease: Lease was signed and faxed back to Dennis at ERBA.
- Discussion and possible vote to purchase property: Asking price for the Jack and Mary Thompson property located adjacent to the park is $30,000 for 4 lots + closing costs.
Nancy George made a motion to purchase the 4 lots from Jack and Mary Thompson to be paid out of the General Fund in full + closing costs for a price of $30,000. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion and possible vote to purchase bank property AND
- Discussion of T-Mobile Tower: A tentative and in good faith lease was received from T-Mobile to be tentatively placed on the bank property IF the Village purchases it. The bank is asking $40,000 and it appraises for $62,000.
President Bart Dann stated the offer from T-Mobile is $500 / month with a 50 year lease and a 1 ½% increase each year. Then property could at some point be leased to a business.
Time table: T-Mobile will have the tower up in less than 1 year.
Jim Lansford asked if we could negotiate to make a lower offer on the bank.
Jim Lansford then made a motion to give Bart Dann the authority to negotiate the bank property for $20,000 and not to exceed $25,000. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Bart will also call T-Mobile and see if he can negotiate the prices for the lease.
- Community Building Checklist: The checklist was reviewed by the Board. The would like to see the list become one monthly checklist that she (Ginger) can work on at her own pace. If there are NO rentals scheduled for the month, she needs to come and clean at least once over the course of the month. If there are multiple rentals in one weekend, she will need to prep-clean for the first rental and then check back for the second rental. Salisa will modify the sheet, and then Bart can all Ginger and discuss the new terms with her.
- Graduating Class checklist: The only modification to the list, is that the Board would like see a list of adult chaperones that will be responsible for the graduates during the course of the rental. Salisa said she would modify the list and then have a conversation with Mrs. Sara Jones, the principal of the high school.
Village Superintendent Doug Raymer reported the following:
- Read meters
- 1 was bad / replaced it
- Tiling work on Orchard Drive is complete
- They seeded it and grass is growing.
- The big pit meter belongs to the Village of Camargo
- Sidewalks at Jobe’s residence was broken.
- Fixed it
- Chuck Dorsett fixed the rain gutter at Dean Sigler’s residence.
- Bush hogged the creeks and bridge banks
- Brad Drew delivered playground mulch
- Repaired the gate for ERBA
- Fixed a leaky sink at the Community Building
- The fish guy threw away a bunch of old fish parts in the dumpster. However, it wasn’t in a bag and dropped to the bottom of the dumpster. They power washed the dumpster out. Next year – all trash goes in trash bags!
- Sprayed for weeds
- Taylor Haines Park mowed and trees trimmed
- Cut 7 trees down on River Rd
Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:
- Samples back – passed both
- No reduced monitoring
Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- Elevator property has been mowed. The gentleman that owns it would like to sell it if anyone is interested.
- Bought a new vacuum at Gilles for the community building. Also purchased an extension rod to clean the ceiling fans.
- EPA meeting was attended in Charleston by Bart, Doug, and Kyle. It was very informative.
- Jim Lansford will take on Ordinance Violations.
- John Humphries wanted the water turned back on at his property. Bart told him no! he had six months of water and was allowed to live in the camper while he fixed the house. He made no improvements, and in fact the property looks worse now that it did before.
- Terry Southard Jr. is going to clean up his dad’s property (Terry Southard Sr.)
- Gary Gilpin said there are new laws changing coming January 1, 2023. If someone “camps” at Taylor Haines park, it could be an issue getting them to move if they try to live there. Bart said we can cross that bridge if/when we get there. We have always allowed campers to stay at Taylor Haines, but we have never had an issue with squatters.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:42 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk