Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 11, 2023
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Monday, December 11, 2023 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6pm. Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland and Gary Gilpin. Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer was also present.
Public Comment: N/A
Consent Agenda: Nancy George would like to amend the minutes from November to explain in greater detail what she was suggesting regarding the workload from our Village Employees. She would like the following changes to be made: Nancy made a suggestion to approach the township about taking over the responsibility of downed trees and roadwork. Another suggestion would be to have a tree service on retainer. If we have a need for tree work we would be their priority client.
Nancy George then made a motion to accept the minutes after the modifications. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Property Tax Levy: Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the Property Tax Levy that was prepared by Treasurer Shirley Badman. Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Discussion of Honorary Road Sign: Angie Vandeventer was present. Her family has donated a swing to be placed at the park. After discussion it was decided to place the swing where the old pavilion sat. This way someone could see both the playground and the ball field. President Bart Dann stated that he would like to place an honorary road sign on River Road. This will not replace the street name. This would just be an addition. There are options between green, brown, or blue for the road sign. Again, it was suggested that we use blue. With the foliage on River Road, it would be easily missed if the sign were green or brown. Angie stated that she discussed this with her family and they would love for the sign to say Vandeventer Lane. The Board approved all the above.
Set Board Holiday Party Date: February 03 – Potluck style. President Dann will bring chili and all the toppings. Each guest is asked to bring a white elephant gift and three (3) quarters. Village Clerk Salisa Dann stated she would send out a digital reminder / invite to each Board member.
Old Business:
Revisit Discussion on How to Obtain Monetary Donations from Douglas County Board: Nancy George reported that she reached out to the Douglas County Board. The article in the newspaper was misleading in stating that the Board donated money to the city of Villa Grove. She was guided to speak with Brian Moody, who will attend our January meeting. The funds are donations given to the Tuscola Economic Development group – who in turn divvy up the money to assist in funding several projects throughout the county.
Water Superintendent Report: Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:
- Read meters
- The village had high water usage this month and several water leaks:
- C Broeker had a water leak and adjustment
- C Jones had a water leak and adjustment
- D Smith has a large water leak. He has been advised and prefers to just pay the bill. He already had one leak and adjustment this year. Nancy asked if there was anything we could do about him using so much water. Kyle stated there wasn’t – as long as he continues to pay the bill; which he does.
- There was a very large leak just off the highway north of Camargo. The metal corroded and rusted off. They fixed it. However, they found that the “T” in the piping was supported by 2x4s. What should have been used was concrete. Over the years, the wood has rotted away giving the piping room to move. The water, over time, rusted out the “T” creating the leak. They have fixed several of these over the past couple of years, and they suspect there will be more to come.
- The village had high water usage this month and several water leaks:
- The Village Hall is now painted except for a little trim work that needs to be touched up. They will begin flooring installation this month.
- Snow plow and salt truck prepped for winter.
- We have a water customer on White Oak that is receiving dirty water. Their water line is on a loop, but no one past them is experiencing these issues. Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer and President Bart Dann have both been out to the residence a couple of times. Kyle flushed the line, and the dirt / clay returns in about 6 days. The issue in fixing the problem is that replacing the line requires going through the woods and around the pond (tree roots now and in the future causing damage to the water lines) or down White Oak and under the railroad tracks. The meter has been pulled until this issue is resolved. This resident will only pay for the base cost of providing water. They will not be charged for usage. Kyle is working on a plan to get this issue resolved. We believe there is a small hole somewhere in their line. This is causing low pressure and allowing sediments to suck back through the line.
Village President’s Report: President Bart Dann reported the following:
- He and Kyle were called out to a large amount of smoke covering the town at approximately 8:30 pm. They went to the burn pile and someone had dumped a commercial amount of leaves onto the burn pile. The leaves were not burning, but smoldering and the smoke was filling the town. It was difficult for some to breathe out doors. Kyle brought the tractor down and moved several leaves over to the compost pile and started a fire with the remaining leaves. Once the fire actually started it was better. Bart made a social media post stating that anyone that dumps yard waste – needs to put those items in the compost pile and not in the burn pile. That area is for sticks and limbs.
- Per Mr. Lamb (regarding the billboard), “Show me a contract or leave me alone.” This message was delivered to Tim Wegeng. After some digging and some discussion, President Dann reported that he can’t find any ordinances that are being violated by having the billboard on his property. This issue is done as far as he concerned.
- Treasurer Shirley Badman left Bart a profit / loss report for the Woolly Worm Festival fund. Their revenue for the 2023 festival was $3449, their expenses were $5995.41. This leaves them with a loss of $2546.41. Nancy reported that this was the cost of the inflatables this year; an expense they weren’t expecting. They are also planning on sponsorships for the 2024 festival.
- Bart followed with Kyle’s report stating that the flooring is in for the Village Hall. They will be moving some boxes this week to get to room temperature before installation.
- No updates on the new pavilion.
- No updates on the elevator property.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:13 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk