Village of Camargo
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 13, 2023
The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 11, 2023 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:01 pm. Roll Call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer and Treasurer Shirley Badman were both present.
Public Comment: N/A
Consent Agenda: Nancy George asked that a spelling correction be made on page two of last month’s minutes. The second line under the President’s Report: word Amerindian should be Ameren.
With the corrections made Nancy made a motion to accept the consent agenda. Laura Miller seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Discussion and Possible Vote of Raise for Treasurer: President Dann pointed out that the treasurer position is an appointed position just like the rest of the village employees. However, she hasn’t been receiving the raises that have been given to them. She (Shirley Badman) does work that saves the money from having to hire an attorney, like the appropriations as an example. Laura made a motion to raise the treasurer’s pay by $500 per month. Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Discussion of Donated Speed Bumps: President Dann received a call from Ted Wegeng regarding some temporary speed bumps. Ted has some speed bumps that he will donate to the Village for use, but he requests that they are placed on his street (Mill Street). In the past, the Board has decided to NOT use speed bumps as they will tear up the roads over time. Nancy stated that she believes we should stay consistent with our decision. Her opinion would be that the Board should vote no. Laura agreed with Nancy. Jim Hardway stated that over time, the temporary speed bumps will start to crack the pavement and water will freeze causing cracking and breaking up of the streets. He also stated that he was against them. Board decision was no temporary speed bumps.
Set Date for Christmas Tree Lighting: The Queens will plan the tree lighting. From 5pm to 6pm they will have Santa read a Christmas story with hot cocoa and Christmas carols. The tree lighting will immediately follow at 6pm.
Discussion of 2 Full-time Village Employees: Doug and Cathy both would like to remain on staff after Doug retires. They would like to work part-time with no more than 20 hours per week for each of them. That would total up to the 40 hours for a full time employee. Shirley Badman reminded the Board that Doug cannot go over 1000 hours without it affecting his retirement. Jim Lansford stated that if the Board decides to expand her (Cathy’s) position, he believes we should publish it and accept applications. Nancy stated that this would be a good time to evaluate the job descriptions and the time being spent on doing specific jobs. She had a suggestion that the Village “hired” out the down trees and the road work to the Township. For example, the Village would give our Motor Fuel Tax to the Camargo Township, and they would oversee the downed trees and/or roadwork. Another suggestion would be to have a tree company on retainer. Then whenever we see that we need something done, we would be their priority client. Gary Gilpin stated that when the time comes for Doug to retire, he may not have the physical capabilities to continue working part time. His suggestion was to wait and see how Doug feels in March, and then make a decision. President Dann asked Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer if he would please create a job description for both positions. Jim Hardway stated he likes the idea of having Doug and Cathy. He also likes the idea of the Village having control over our own road maintenance / snow removal. He also stated these decisions all depend on Doug’s recovery. Shirley stated that the Village would save money by not hiring a full time employee and having to pay for insurance, phone allowance, and no paid time off. Gary stated that he was in favor of hiring a full time employee and using Doug as a back up….IF Doug can’t do it or has limits. Nancy clarified that she would like to create the job descriptions and re-evaluate the one position / two position job status by utilizing Doug and Kyle’s input. For example: Do we need to mow as often? Are there ways to alleviate some work off of our employees? This is just the time to evaluate and make necessary changes. Jim Lansford stated that we should set up an interim plan and continue status quo until Doug returns and gives everyone an opportunity to think about and process what everyone has mentioned in this meeting. Shirley stated that if we drop to one full time position, our taxes and retirement plan fees would all drop as well. This topic is tabled until March.
Discussion on How to Apply for Monetary Donations from Douglas County Board for Signage: A donation from the Douglas County Board was given to Villa Grove for a new sign at their new community center. Nancy will get information on how to apply for such donations.
Old Business: N/A
Village Superintendent’s Report: N/A
Water Superintendent’s Report: Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer reported the following:
- Kyle took some vacation time
- Kyle then took some sick time
- Doug is out prior to surgery
- They checked meters
- Samples are due Wednesday
- He has to look for a new UPS shipper – Gilles True Value is no longer a pick up spot
- No bank work this month – too busy. However, they are ready for paint.
Village President’s Report: Village President Bart Dann reported the following:
- The billboard has been replaced behind the bank. Someone contacted Bard and said that once the billboard came down, it was not to be replaced – per the contract. The Lamb family was informed of that information when the original billboard was constructed, and once it came down, it had to remain down. However, it does not violate any Village ordinances. Jim Hardway does remember something about this, but nothing specific. President Dann stated he would get in contact with Lamar and Tim Wegeng about this contract.
- The pavilion is supposed to be installed as soon as it all comes in. Everything has been ordered. We will rent the auger to boar the holes for the posts.
- President Dann learned to read the water. Doug was down, and Kyle was in FL.
- Owen Piercy has someone doing asphalt at his place of business. There was a gentleman spinning on the new road way in a skid steer. It worked out okay, but we had Jim Crane come out and take a look at the new road. They left asphalt next to the road as well.
With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:13 pm.
Salisa Dann
Village Clerk