January 2019

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, January 14, 2019

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on January 14, 2019 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Nancy George, Jim Hardway, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn and Treasurer Shirley Badman were also in attendance.



Chuch Ayers – Chuck was present on behalf of Harvest Ridge (previously known as Broadland Windfarm).  He was sharing some facts that many people are getting confused:

  • $340 million in tax revenue will be made
  • $200 million in property taxes
  • $1 million to property owners where the wind turbines will sit

Spring 2019 – ground breaking (zoning permits to be approved this month)

There is enough power for 70,000 homes.

Currently, the turbines will be in Murdock and Newman townships

VG Schools should get $90,000 per year.

Shiloh should get $800,000 per year.

These dollars will NOT affect the State tax dollars that the schools receive.

  • Power generated does not necessarily stay in IL. It goes into the grid.



Pam asked that a correction be made to December’s minutes regarding the wording of Kyle’s education and training.  With the correction made, Pam made a motion to accept the minutes.  Jim seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.



Shirley stated there would be two additional checks cut.   The first made payable to Salisa Dann for the purchase of a gift card for Santa (Terry Warner) in the amount of $50.  This check is coming out of the General Fund.  The second check for the registration fee for the annual water department conference in the amount of $175.  This check is coming out of the Water Fund.

Jim made a motion to accept the new checks and the Treasurer’s Report.  Laura seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.




Generator & Equipment for Water Department

The Village had a water main break on Vine Street.  While Rick and Doug were there, they had to borrow electricity from a neighbor.  Bart feels the Village should be prepared with our own electricity and lights.  Jim would like to see what equipment Rick and Doug feel they need is necessary and would like to hear their recommendation.  Rick stated that any generator with a 220 outlet and 6000 watt lights would be most helpful.

Nancy made a motion to allow Rick and Doug pick out a generator, lights, and cords and not to exceed $1000.  Gary seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to pass the motion.


Heating In Basement

Bart received a few options from All Pro.

  • Option 1 was a wall mounted heat pump totaling $8895.
  • Option 2 was a window mounted heat pump totaling $5755.
  • Option 3 (not on his bid sheet) was to have new duct work installed. In a verbal conversation with Bart, he stated it would cost about the same as the wall mounted unit.

Bart looked online and found the window mounted units considerably cheaper than what All Pro is offering.

This issue was tabled until further heating options could be researched and possibly other bids sought.



Raffle License Ordinance

Laura made a motion to accept the Raffle License Ordinance with the few corrections made.  Jeane seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn reported the following:

  • Water main break on Vine St
  • Boil order and samples taken to Charleston
  • Maintenance completed at the shed
  • Work continued on the concession stand
  • Tile break on Neal St. Work will continue as weather permits
  • Holidays
  • Rick had a heart attack and had several days off work
  • Snow event last weekend and one coming this weekend
  • Kyle has been coming in with Doug for one hour each morning to learn the morning routine.
  • Upon retirement – HPR (Health Patient Representative) will go to Shirley.
  • Upon retirement – RMC (Risk Management Coordinator) will go to Doug.


Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Thank you Rick for all your service!
  • City Wide yard sales: Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 01
  • Trash days: Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16
  • Woolly Worm Festival: Friday, October 04 and Saturday, October 05
  • City Wide yard sales: Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12
  • Plowing Maple Lane: This is a private drive.  Therefore, if the property owners would like this made into a public drive, they will need to do all necessary leg work at the courthouse.
  • Woolley’s drive: Bart asked that Rick and Doug plow it once and then they will be responsible for it in the future.  They were led to believe that the Village plowed it for them.
  • Fire Department: Bart would like to see the Fire Department plowed first, and then the streets to follow.
  • Bart’s goals for 2019:
    • Vine St and Isaacher both need rock and chip
    • New playground equipment installed at the park for little ones
    • More outdoor decorations for Christmas in Camargo
      • Pam added she would like to see the Camargo sign completed
    • ERBA Key and new Thermostat
      • Before the Board makes any decisions regarding a key for the thermostat and installing a new thermostat, they would like for Denise and Linda Lacey to come to the next board meeting.
    • January 31 is the last day for Advanced Disposal to pick up at the Community Building. Bart is having Chris’s Service bring in a new dumpster at the lower price point.
    • Nancy mentioned the boil order and if we could get a RED ALERT from the Sheriff’s Office. Salisa stated she would call the Sheriff’s Office and see what needed to be done for this to happen.  Do we have the capabilities to just alert Camargo, do we have the capabilities to alert certain parts of Camargo, or can this be done at all?

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 9:12 pm.


Salisa Dann

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