October 2018

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, October 08, 2018

7:00 pm


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on October 10, 2018 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Bart Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, and Gary Gilpin.  Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn and Treasurer Shirley Badman were also in attendance.  Trustee Jim Hardway was absent.






Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes, and Scott Tague seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.



There was one change to the Treasurer’s report:  Tim Wegeng was paid $1000 out of the General Fund for the sign painting.  This changes the October expenses for the General Fund to $4283.98.

Gary Gilpin made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with the addition, and Laura Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer Shirely Badman also wanted the Board to be aware that the tax money has not yet arrived either.



Seasonal Employee:  Water Superintendent Rick Keilhorn is retiring at the end of December.  President Bart Dann would like to hire someone part-time, seasonal, as needed – as Rick would like to remain part-time and continue the water portion of his job.  Bart suggested the new employee be hired in at $15 per hour at 20 hours per week.  This would be seasonal as needed.  He would prefer an ad be placed in the paper as soon as possible.  The Board could hire someone in November (possibly) and Rick and Doug could train in December.  And formally, after Rick retires, the Board will have to re-hire Rick as a part-time employee.

Laura made a motion to place an ad in the paper for a part-time, seasonal, as needed employee to work approximately 20 hours a week at $15 per hour.  The ad is to begin immediately and run through November.  Scott Tague seconded the motion, and the Board passed the motion unanimously.


Water Deposit Refunds:  Rick suggested to the Board that he thought it would be nice if the Village refunded water deposits after a particular period of time.  As a new service, a meter deposit is, and you don’t get that return unless you move.  Some towns require a deposit and after being in good standing, you get that deposit back.  These customers MUST own their home and not be renters.  The basic water deposit ranges from $50 – $150 depending on when your deposit was made and where you live.  If you are a renter outside Village limits, your deposit is $225 (the Village currently does not have any of these customers).

Bart stated that a homeowner can not pay a bill just as easily as a renter.  So this “standard” of being a homeowner doesn’t fit the request here.

Shirley stated that the Village does not have accurate and complete records dating back as far as the oldest water customer.  This is a LOT of work and man hours to dig up these old accounts and then trace back how long they have been in good standing or not.  In the new system going forward, it would not be an issue.  Because we have just begun with this system; the historical information being requested is not accounted for.  Just guessing – the Village would be cutting approximately 200 checks in various amounts (based on what the deposit was) all leaving the budget at the same time.

The Board decided they will NOT change the policy regarding the water deposits.



Melton Property:  Terry Melton is requesting the Village to sign over the property directly behind his house.  This was originally plotted at East Hill Street.  The section is 240’ x 40’.

Pam Sigler made a motion to vacate the property originally plotted as East Hill Street that is 240’ x 40’, and all vacation costs lie to the responsibility of Mr. Melton.  Scott Tague seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to pass the motion.



  • Cut dead maple tree in park
  • Fixed asphalt on circle drive at park
  • Bat-winged and bush-hogged for the last time this season
  • Edged cutters on Main Street
  • Lead and Copper sample results came back
    • 10/10
    • We don’t have to repeat the tests for another 3 years
    • This saves the Village approximately $300-$400 each time a test is performed
  • 1 shut off for non-payment
    • No longer doing shut-off notices
    • No longer turning water ON after hours
  • Picnic table destroyed at Taylor Haines Park. Report was filed with Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.  More cameras have been placed around the Village and parks.  Each table is approximately $300 each.
  • Worked Woolly Worm Festival





Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

  • Woolly Worm Recap: Thank you to everyone for their help!  We need to upgrade the power box by adding additional breakers before next year’s festival.  It was a wonderful time until the weather was uncooperative.  We are working on a contingency plan for next year.  We are also going to ask for donations to sponsor a particular event (Woolly Worm Races, kids games, tractor pulls, etc.).
  • Donated Tree: The tree that has been donated by Gage Dann can be moved to the park.  Bart would like to know where it needs to be transplanted to?  The Board stated that Rick and Doug could make a final decision – insuring that we have access to electricity for Christmas lights.
  • Raffle Tickets: The Woolly Worm Festival is selling raffle tickets – $10 each.  They are asking for the Boards assistance in getting the word out regarding the raffle.
  • Trick-or-Treat: Bart made an executive decision to schedule Trick-or-Treating in Camargo.  The Village Clerk was mailing the newsletter and wanted to include this information as well.  Both the Methodist Church and the Victory Church are hosting Trunk-or-Treat on October 31 from 5pm – 7pm.  The Village will follow those same date and times.
  • Ceiling fan: ERBA approved the purchase of a fan from $200-$300.  They would like a good fan with lights.
  • Roads: Vine Street and Main Street all need oil and rocked.  If the Village were to seal coat all of Main Street to the Bridge, we are looking at $30,000 – $35,000 – this is ONLY for oil and chip and seal coated.  Maybe we could just do Vine Street this year.  Jim Crane also suggested to Bart that we can take $5000 out of the Sidewalk Fund and keep it back in a Road Fund.  Jim informed Bart that the Village can enter into a Governmental Agreement with another township that has their own equipment to oil and chip.  Bart was going to reach out to other townships and see what their opinions are on doing our roads and if they have done that sort of work for other townships before.

Pam stated that if we are discussing the condition of our roads, then she is going to go back to her original concern: the garbage trucks.  She would like to see only one garbage company going up and down the streets.  She believes that having multiple garbage companies driving up and down the streets is causing a lot of unnecessary wear and tear.  Bart stated he would do some research and get back with her.  However, he will NOT enter into a contract with ONE company without holding a public forum and informing everyone of their options and asking them their opinions.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:55 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk