May 2023

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

Monday, May 08, 2023


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on Monday, May 08, 2023.  The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Village President Board Dann.  Roll call found the following trustees present:  Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Water Suprintendent Kyle Raymer and Village Treasurer Shirley Badman were also present.




SWEARING IN OF NEWLY ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS:  Swearing in of Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, and Nancy George completed at 6:05 pm.


CONSENT AGENDA:  Nancy George made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Jim Lansford seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.






  1. Discussion and Possible Vote for Park Property Survey:  President Dann found someone to survey the park properties.  His concern is that Tristy Hauversburk, who lives in the green house next to the park, is going to install a new septic system.  Her current septic tank is sitting on Village property.  He advised Tristy that if she purchased a new tank, she would have to move it.  The Village would not allow her to place it back on Village property.  She believes this is her property.  In order to eliminate an issue before it arrives, he feels a survey should be considered.  Jason Waggoner said he could do the survey between $1800 – $2400 – NOT to exceed the $2400.  Jim Lansford made a motion to accept the bid survey from Jason Waggoner not to exceed $2400.  Jim Hardway seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Discussion and Possible Vote for Tree Removal at Public Parking and River Rd:  Bart spoke with Charles Hardyman regarding the rose bush on his South White Oak property.  The bush is hanging out over the sidewalk and Doug and Kyle are getting cut by the thorns when they read his meter.  Bart advised Mr. Hardyman that he would need to cut it back, transplant it, or our city guys will cut it back.  Mr. Hardyman stated that he was okay with the city guys trimming it back for him.  While Bart was there, he brought up his property on Main Street.  He said he would like to fix the house and rent or sell it.  In the meantime, there are two trees that need to be removed.  One is on his property and the other is on the Village property.  The tree on the Village property is completely dead.  Bart said he would bring the matter to the Board.  Bart’s concern is that the tree will fall over onto Mr. Hardyman’s house, and the Village will be liable for the repairs. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the Village’s responsibility to the tree if it fell onto someone else’s property.  Jim Lansford felt the Village would not be held liable and Mr. Hardyman’s insurance would cover the claim as an Act of God.  Lansford feels we should establish a policy on trees / bushes prior to removing the tree at Public Parking.  Jim Hardway disagreed with Lansford, and felt the Village should remove the tree and eliminate the problem altogether.  President Dann stated that Owen Piercy can remove both this tree (at Public Parking) and a tree hanging over the road on River Road for $2100.  Jim Hardway made a motion to have both trees removed by Owen Piercy for $2100.  Jeane Breiland seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.  For future reference, Bart was asked to reach out to the attorney for clarification and liabilities.




  1. Discussion and Possible Vote for Purchase of Generator:  Doug and Kyle are still waiting for additional bids to come in.  The issue has been tabled.
  2. Village Hall Updates:  The concrete needs to be broken where the downspout is.  It is causing a back flow of water.  This is the reason for the corner joists rotting out.  Kyle will fix the joists from the inside out.  After that, drywall, flooring and paint.
  3. T-Mobile Tower Updates:  No formal zoning for a vertical bridge is needed.  Bart signed the waiver and will send it back to Insite.
  4. Elevator Updates:  The elevator is slowly coming down.  Mr. Guy Webb has made an appearance with the workers.  Bart discussed his property again with the Board.  The Board asked him to please move forward with getting his place cleaned up.  According to Tim Little, Mr. Webb is not scheduled with him for work to be completed.  Bart will reach out to Mr. Webb and see what can be done.




  1. IL American Water is digging at the big meter.  They are installing a loop so the Village will not have to shut down during a water main break.  They will have live taps and there will be no shut off for us during this construction.
  2. Water samples will be completed again next week.
  3. The Log Cabin sold, and water accounts switched over.
  4. Tim Oberg had a meter installed at his barn.  It was turned on this week.
  5. Patched some roads.
  6. We will have some bids from Jim Crane next month for Main Street and River Road.




  1. IL American Water asked that we complete a water survey. Salisa and Shirley did that and Kyle returned the report to them.
  2. Konnie Crist would like to have bands play at our stage during the months of June and July.  Bart told him if he could get the bands, we would get some food trucks.  He also told Bart that if we had a banner made for Legacy, they would spray the ball field for us.
  3. The Main Street Repair project is estimated to be $80,000 – $100,000.  He is waiting to hear back from Jim Crane.  This was the estimate he gave us last year, and oil prices have dropped some since then.  Hopefully the project will be less than originally planned.
  4. Ordinance Violation Updates:
    1. Mr. Bailey was made to plate and move all his vehicles.
    2. Southwards are fixing their house and the vehicles are gone.
    3. Loewenstein’s vehicles are moved.  1 van is still there, but is scheduled to be removed.
    4. Shelly Powell’s $1000 fine stands as it was.  The black car was still there and she hadn’t moved it.  Bart had to have a subsequent conversation with her.  Since, she has installed a portable shed and pushed the vehicle inside of it.
    5. Mr. Humphrey moved the van, trailer and boat.  He will start the demolition of the trailer this summer.
  5. Shirley Badman brought up a potential issue in her neighborhood.  She stated she had received several anonymous complaints about chickens, turkeys and ducks.  She was advised there were numerous chickens at the property and the concern was potential smell and health concerns.  She believed there was an ordinance against the animals.  Gary Gilpin thought bigger cities were now allowing these types of animals in town, however, there was a limit on how many you could have.  Bart stated he could not find a Village ordinance or a Zoning ordinance that stated chicken, turkeys or ducks were not allowed.  Nancy said she had a Zoning book at home.  She will do some research and we can discuss this topic at the next meeting.
  6. Bart also reported that he spoke with Lt. Clint Howard of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.  Lt. Howard stated the Sheriff’s Office will no longer be present for Village Ordinance violations that concern the removal of vehicles or verification of vehicle registration without a court order.  According to Deputy Howard, this could potentially make the Sheriff’s Office liable for a lawsuit.  Bart has called the attorney and is waiting on his return call regarding this matter.  We have it clearly stated in our ordinances that if the vehicles are in violation, and the owners have been given proper notification that without compliance, the vehicles will be removed at the homeowners expense.




With no further discussion or action to come before the Board, the Village President called for adjournment at 7:12 pm.