October 2023

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Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, October 11, 2023


The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 11, 2023 at the Camargo Community Building.  The meeting was called to order by President Bart Dann at 6:00 pm.  Roll Call found the following trustees present:  Nancy George, Jim Lansford, Jim Hardway, Jeane Breiland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin.  Village Superintendent Doug Raymer, Water Superintendent Kyle Raymer, and Treasurer Shirley Badman were all present.


Public Comment: N/A


Consent Agenda:  Nancy George made a motion to accept the consent agenda, and Jim Lansford seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


New Business:


Set Trash Days 2024:  May 17, 2024 from 8a-4p and May 18 from 8a-Noon.  City wide yard sales will be May 3 and May 4.


Set Trick or Treat Hours:  Halloween (Oct 31) from 5p – 7p. Glow cart parade to follow.  Anyone with a cart can meet at the Community Building at 6:30 – Parade begins at 7pm.


Recap of Woolly Worm Festival:  Huge Success!  Sizzlin Tizzler ran out of food.  110 wristbands were sold = $1100 profits.


Old Business:


Discussion of Camargo Sign:  Salisa Dann brought a sample design of what President Dann was thinking.  The sign will be red, white and blue with stars and stripes, and we will repurpose the Camargo and Villa Grove portions of the old sign.  No other ideas were brought to the table, and the Board decided to go with this design.  The sample had one white post and one stained post.  The Board opted to go with the stained version.  President Dann said he would get the sample to Tim Wegeng.


Village Superintendent’s Report:  Doug Raymer reported the following:


  • Pageant set up / tear down
  • Meters fixed
    • 4 meters were bad on Orchard Drive
      • 3 were fixed with no issues
      • 1 broke and needed to be replaced
    • JULIE locates
    • Work at the new village hall
    • Woolly Worm Festival set up / tear down
    • Mowed
    • Water main break on Nightingale
      • 6” pipe
      • 5’ crack
      • The pipe was resting on large rock. It should have been installed on sand
    • Valerie Griffin reported that her water smells. They can’t find the source, since no one else on their line is having issues.
    • Boil Order had to be issued for Plum Grove to the main break
    • Generators were borrowed during the use of the festival for the inflatables
    • Bought a new cordless Milwaukee pump
    • November 3 will have back surgery
    • Kyle is on VAC next week


Water Superintendent’s Report:  Kyle Raymer reported the following:


  • DBP samples will be due in November
  • See water issues above


Village President’s Report:  President Bart Dann reported the following:


  • Bart will check and see if the building is on a commercial or a municipal rate for Ameren. And to see why the bill was so high.
  • The bill has not yet been received for the Main Street Project
  • Rodney Farris is driving over the edge of the new sidewalk with his trucks. Bart will call and talk to him.
  • Cambridge Technology is the company that runs our water billing program. She programmed the bills to begin billing after the base rate, and for the base rate to include the first 1000 gallons of water.  Therefore, everyone received 1000 gallons of water at no charge.  It has been fixed and the $9 increase will be reflected on the next water bill.  Bart will also make a social media post to inform those that follow.


With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 7:02 pm.


Salisa Dann

Village Clerk